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Arizona Teacher Residency Program Orientation

The supervising Teachers of the Residency Program will learn about the Arizona Teacher Residency, their roles, the tools they will use in their work, and the supports provided to them.

Inaugural Celebration of the Arizona Teacher Residency Program

Join us for a reception and dinner to celebrate the start of the Arizona Teacher Residency Program's inaugural class. The event will feature remarks by Arizona's State Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman and a keynote by Daniela Robles.

Arizona New Teacher Induction Network: Program Lead Meeting

In addition to our Arizona New Teacher Induction Network meeting, we also have an additional day just for program leads. This training will support program leads in thinking strategically about current structures, data collection, and the best ways to communicate expectations for all involved. Join ...

Arizona Teacher Residency Supervising Teacher Forums

This conference series entails four training days that will provide professional development for the Supervising Teachers as they mentor AZTR Residents in their classrooms throughout the school year. Topics covered will include, but will not be limited to, the vision, mission, and values of AZTR, cu...

GEAR UP Intro Meeting: Expectations and Paperwork

The Arizona K12 Center is proud to partner with NAU’s GEAR UP program and provide high quality professional development to math educators at participating GEAR UP schools. Through this grant, we are able to provide a limited number of stipends. Teachers who are interested in receiving this stipend m...

Arizona New Teacher Induction Network - New Program Meeting

In addition to our Arizona New Teacher Induction Network meetings, we provide a day just for new programs. This training will introduce new programs, or new program leaders that have joined an existing program, to the Arizona New Teacher Support Program expectations.  In this meeting, we will think ...

National Board Pre-Candidacy Class

The National Board Pre-Candidacy Class is the first step in pursuing National Board Certification. As a pre-candidate, you’ll gain a firm understanding of the process and be prepared to begin the candidate process toward becoming a National Board Certified Teacher. In this class, you will explore th...

National Board Pre-Candidacy Class

The National Board Pre-Candidacy Class is the first step in pursuing National Board Certification. As a pre-candidate, you’ll gain a firm understanding of the process and be prepared to begin the candidate process toward becoming a National Board Certified Teacher. In this class, you will explore th...

National Board Pre-Candidacy Class

The National Board Pre-Candidacy Class is the first step in pursuing National Board Certification. As a pre-candidate, you’ll gain a firm understanding of the process and be prepared to begin the candidate process toward becoming a National Board Certified Teacher. In this class, you will explore th...

NBCTs, Network, and Nosh - April

Come join other educators in your area who are committed to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards! We welcome all NBCTs, NBCT candidates, and any educators interested in networking with like minded people. The more, the merrier, so be sure to let your colleagues know you're going, a...

Cognitive Coaching Foundations - Fall

Cognitive Coaching Foundations is a research-based model that capitalizes upon and enhances teachers’ cognitive processes. The ultimate goal of Cognitive Coaching is to support teachers in their ability to self-monitor, self-analyze, and self-evaluate. In this workshop, you will learn ways to expand...

Cognitive Coaching Foundations - Spring

Cognitive Coaching Foundations is a research-based model that capitalizes upon and enhances teachers’ cognitive processes. The ultimate goal of Cognitive Coaching is to support teachers in their ability to self-monitor, self-analyze, and self-evaluate. In this workshop, you will learn ways to expand...

20th Annual Teacher Leadership Institute: Inspiring Excellence

Join us for the 20th Annual Teacher Leadership Institute — this year with a new location and a refreshed format to best support your learning!We’re celebrating two decades of empowering educators to lead with purpose, passion, and a commitment to driving educational success. This year’s theme, Inspi...

16th Annual Celebration of Accomplished Teaching

Click HERE for the EventBrite link to register!  The Arizona K12 Center presents the 16th Annual Celebration of Accomplished Teaching. Please join us in recognizing Arizona's new and maintained National Board Certified Teachers at an event held in their honor.National Board Certification is the high...

Beginning Teacher Series: Rigor Redefined with Michael McDowell

Join other educators new to the profession for a day of learning. The Beginning Teacher Series is specifically designed to support you in your first few years in the classroom with hands-on, easily applicable strategies.In this session, Michael McDowell will explore the tenets of his book Rigor Rede...

5th Annual ATA Beginning Teacher Institute: Cultivating Learners

At the 5th Annual ATA Beginning Teacher Institute, Arizona's beginning teachers and mentors will explore the theme of cultivating learners, guided by teacher leaders from across Arizona and the country.The ATA Beginning Teacher Institute is a professional learning opportunity for all Arizona teacher...

Advanced Mentor Institute

This learning opportunity is our next level of mentor and coaching training designed for mentors and coaches supporting beginning teachers. Utilizing the New Teacher Center philosophy and model, Advanced Mentor Institute will focus on creating conditions for equitable instruction, mentoring every le...

Arizona New Teacher Induction Network

The Arizona New Teacher Induction Network invites teams that support induction and mentoring in their district to enhance their work by engaging in professional learning and collaboration.District teams attend a two-day fall session, a one-day winter session, and a one-day spring session focused on ...

Mentoring with Impact: Leveraging Kiano Tools

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES BELOW: Mentoring with Impact: Leveraging Kiano Tools Tuesday, August 27, 2024 9:00-12:00pm Venue: Virtual Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 384 034 1028 Meeting Passcode: mZ8JLdJoin us for this insightful event designed to enhan...

Mentor Forum

Mentors play a crucial role in sustaining and supporting teachers’ professional growth with the focus on increasing students' learning and well being.  Mentor Forums support mentors by providing an opportunity to learn from national and local experts, engage in peer-to-peer reflection, and establish...

National Board Coaching Saturday - Phoenix

This one-day working retreat allows you to focus on your National Board work in the way that best supports you! Meet with an assigned coach to talk through your questions and concerns. Work alongside other candidates pursuing National Board Certification. Or, reduce distractions by writing in a ‘qui...

National Board Coaching Saturday - Virtual

Set aside time to find the guidance you need in your National Board Certification process with a virtual Coaching Saturday. Coaching Saturdays include informational sessions and time for coaching and focused work time. National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) specifically trained to support you can...

National Board New and Continuing Candidate Kickoff

Jumpstart your National Board Certification work at the National Board New and Continuing Candidate Kickoff. This event provides direction and motivation for National Board candidates. You’ll engage in conversations about the components of the National Board Certification process and be inspired to ...

National Board: Coaching for Candidate Success

Are you a National Board Certified Teacher looking for ways to support others pursuing Board certification? This four-day training will help you learn the skills to coach candidates through the National Board Certification process. After completing Coaching for Candidate Success, you will be eligibl...

GEAR UP for Math

Every child deserves access to a quality education and the opportunity to earn a college degree. Arizona’s economic prosperity depends on increasing the number of residents who have a degree or a workforce credential. This two-day series is focused on math instruction for middle and high school stud...

National Board Coaching Saturday - Tucson

This one-day working retreat allows you to focus on your National Board work in the way that best supports you! Meet with an assigned coach to talk through your questions and concerns. Work alongside other candidates pursuing National Board Certification. Or, reduce distractions by writing in a ‘qui...

National Board Maintenance of Certification Informational Webinar

National Board Maintenance of Certification (MOC) is the process NBCTs undergo to keep their National Board Certification active. During this one-hour webinar, NBCTs will learn about what the process looks like and explore timelines to gather evidence and complete the work. Participants will also le...

GEAR UP Intro Meeting: Expectations and Paperwork

The Arizona K12 Center is proud to partner with NAU’s GEAR UP program and provide high quality professional development to math educators at participating GEAR UP schools. Through this grant, we are able to provide a limited number of stipends. Teachers who are interested in receiving this stipend m...

Fueled for Success

The Fueled for Success series is a great opportunity intended only for Northern Arizona University pre-service teachers.Click here for the Google Form link to register!October 16th - VIRTUAL From Prompts to Pictures: Creative Illustrations with A.I. Let’s create stunning visuals with free online too...

Breakfast and Best Practices: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism

Chronic absenteeism has become a nation-wide issue with rippling effects on student achievement and our ability to best support students. According to the Arizona Department of Education, chronic absenteeism rates are more than double pre-Covid numbers.We're partnering with the attendance experts at...

National Board Pre-Candidacy Facilitator Training

National Board Certified Teachers across the United States report that going through the process was the best professional development they have ever experienced. As a result, many pay it forward and support other candidates pursuing National Board Certification in their context and community. In th...

Network and Nosh

Join other educators in your area who are committed to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. We welcome all NBCTs, NB candidates, and all educators interested in networking with likeminded people.Network and Nosh will serve as a time to grow and connect with other educators who bel...

AI in Education: A Series for Arizona Educators - Evening Reception Only

Join Dr. Chad Gestson, Ken Shelton, and educators from across Arizona interested in responsibly integrating AI into their schools and districts. Dr. Chad Gestson will provide school leaders with an understanding of best practices for generative AI implementation in our state, while Ken Shelton will ...

AI in Education: A Series for Arizona Educators

Artificial intelligence (AI) in education experts Ken Shelton and Dr. Chad Gestson will guide educators on integrating generative AI into their teaching and learning. This series will: Equip administrators with understanding of how to approach AI, Build teachers’ understanding and confidence in usi...

Camp Plug and Play 19.5: Delightfully Digital

Kick off your summer with a creative boost during Camp Plug and Play 19.5! This fully online professional learning experience invites teachers to explore the latest digital tools and innovative strategies for creative teaching and learning. Join Tony Vincent this June for up to six live, interactive...


Leading with Inquiry Part 1: Getting Curious about Inquiry

What does it mean to lead with inquiry? And what does that actually look like in a classroom or w...

Welcoming New Teachers to National Board Certification

Today we welcome Danielle Brown, NBCT, a former host of 3Ps in a Pod, and now the senior manager ...

Arizona’s Educational Progress with Education Forward Arizona

3Ps in a Pod is back, and we’re kicking off our 13th season by exploring the Arizona Education Pr...

Teaching While Always Learning with Author Tom Rademacher, S12 Episode 16

Today, we welcome author and Minnesota’s 2014 Teacher of the Year Tom Rademacher to the podcast. ...

Revisiting Service and Leadership with Dr. Nancy Pratt, S12 Episode 14

This week of Veterans Day, we’re revisiting an episode from November 11, 2020, when hosts Angelia...

Preparing New Teachers through the Arizona Teacher Residency, S12 Episode 13

One year ago, the Arizona Department of Education and Northern Arizona University came together t...

Connecting with the 2023 Arizona Teacher of the Year Ty White, S12 Episode 12

Just three days after being named the 2023 Arizona Teacher of the Year, chemistry teacher Ty Whit...

The State of the Teacher Shortage with Dr. Richard Ingersoll, S12 Episode 11

Arizona has been in a teacher shortage for years, and today we explore this issue with Dr. Richar...

Whole Student Learning Through Art, Music, and Physical Education, S12 Episode 10

Today, we’re focusing in on special area teachers and classes by welcoming an art teacher, music ...

Hearing from the Arizona Teacher of the Year Semifinalists, S12 Episode 9

Be inspired by the five teacher leaders on today’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod. The five semifinalist...

Giving Students Their Learning Back Through Restorative Practices with Dr. Dominique Smith, S12 Episode 8

How do we turn behavior into a teachable moment? That’s a primary question that Dominique Smith, ...

Looking Ahead with Aspiring Teachers, S12 Episode 7

What is drawing Arizona’s future teachers to education, and what are these aspiring teachers’ hop...

Stepping Back in the Closet? Reflecting on the LGBTQ+ Educator Experience, S12 Episode 6

As educators, we strive to build a safe and supportive environment for all our students as well a...

Paws in Schools, S12 Episode 5

If you miss having a four-legged friend with you at school every day, you may love this episode...

Away from Home: American Indian Boarding Schools, S12 Episode 4

In recognition of National Day of Remembrance for U.S. Indian Boarding Schools on September 30, w...

Mentorship: Building Relationships with Teachers, S12 Episode 3

You know how important it is to build strong relationships with students, and it’s just as import...

How Skateboarding Can Transform the School Experience, S12 Episode 2

You may not know a “kickflip” from an “ollie,” but today’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod may make you w...

Creating Classroom Community One Student at a Time, S12 Episode 1

The 22-23 school year has kicked off, so we’re back with another great season of 3Ps in a Pod! To...

S11 Episode 9: A Data Story of Hope and Possibility with Shane Safir and Dr. Jamila Dugan

When you hear about using data in your teaching practice, you may think about test scores, but Sh...

S11 Episode 8: The Power of Relationships in Teacher Leadership with Biju Padmanabhan

Welcome a new school principal and a new co-host of 3Ps in a Pod to today’s episode! New co-host ...

S11 Episode 7: Community, Collaboration, and Charm: The Camp Plug and Play Experience

Tony Vincent is a familiar face at Arizona K12 Center’s technology events and will again be “the ...

S11 Episode 6: Cultivating Curiosity with Trevor MacKenzie

Trevor MacKenzie is back on 3Ps on a Pod to talk with hosts Kathleen and Marlys about inquiry-bas...

S11 Episode 5: Powerful Moments in Math Class with Dr. Mike Flynn

Inspired by Chip Heath and Dan Heath’s book The Power of Moments, Dr. Mike Flynn has focused his ...

S11 Episode 4: Arizona Education Legislative Update with Chris Kotterman

Note: This episode of 3Ps in a Pod was recorded before the February 21, 2022, vote by the Arizon...

S11 Episode 3: How Schools and Teachers Can Support Refugee Students with Julie Kasper

For more than 20 years, Julie Kasper, NBCT, has been teaching and supporting refugee students and...

S11 Episode 2: Literacy is a Civil Right: Unpacking the K-5 Literacy Endorsement with Sean Ross

Sean Ross from the Arizona Department of Education joins co-hosts Danielle and Kathleen to talk a...

S11 Episode 1: The Year Ahead with Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT

We are kicking off the new year and our 11th season of 3Ps in a Pod by welcoming Arizona K12 Cent...

S10 Episode 16: Introducing the Arizona Teacher Residency with Dr. Victoria Theisen-Homer

If you haven’t heard already, the Arizona K12 Center is the home of the brand new Arizona Teacher...

S10 Episode 15: Revisiting Courageous Conversations with Glenn Singleton

This week, we're replaying one of our favorite episodes of 3Ps in a Pod: Courageous Conversations...

S10 Episode 14: The Power of Teachers and Community with John Carlo Tulinao

Prepare to be reminded of the power of education and joy of learning in this week’s episode of 3P...

S10 Episode 13: Elevating Teacher Voices through the Engagement Toolkit

Have you wanted to become more engaged in the decision-making in your school, your district, or a...

S10 Episode 12: Connecting with the 2022 Arizona Educational Foundation Teacher of the Year Nancy Parra-Quinlan

Get to know Arizona Teacher of the Year Nancy Parra-Quinlan, NBCT, in this week’s 3Ps in a Pod! H...

S10 Episode 11: The Potential for an Arizona Teacher Residency Program with Dr. Victoria Theisen-Homer

What do you know about teacher residency programs? These newer teacher training programs are grow...

S10 Episode 10: Learning and Reflecting with First-Year Teacher Katee Hurst

Think back on your first years in the classroom and how we can all support those newest to the pr...

S10 Episode 9: Pathways to Involvement through the Million Dollar Teacher Project with Lloyd Hopkins

Lloyd Hopkins is all about creating pathways of involvement for supporters of teachers. In today’...

S10 Episode 8: Great Teaching By Design With Vince Bustamante

Vince Bustamante, an author and educator who currently works for Edmonton Catholic Schools, joins...

S10 Episode 7: LGBTQ Inclusion and Support in the Classroom with Nat Duran

What does it look like for teachers to create inclusive and supportive spaces for the LGBTQ stude...

S10 Episode 6: Inclusive Literacy Practices with JoEllen McCarthy

The books we chose to read to students and have in our classroom hold power. In this episode, 3Ps...

S10 Episode 5: Inclusive Literacy Practices with Dr. Tracey Flores

Does your English language arts teaching center your students’ voices? In today’s episode of 3Ps ...

S10 Episode 4: Supporting Latinx Students, Families, and Teachers

Longtime-education advocate Stephanie Parra joins 3Ps in a Pod hosts Danielle and Angelia to disc...

S10 Episode 3: Revisiting the Supportive Classroom with Laura Anderson and Jon Bowen

Join 3Ps in a Pod hosts Danielle and Kathleen in hearing from school psychologists and married co...

S10 Episode 2: The Success Criteria Playbook with Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey

How do you use success criteria in your classroom, and how could understanding success criteria a...

S10 Episode 1: Supporting Arizona’s New Teachers with Michelle Doherty

It’s a new school year and a new season of 3Ps in a Pod! We’re kicking off this 10th season of th...

Welcome to Season 10!

Join us in kicking off our 10th season of 3Ps in a Pod! Today, we're sharing some exciting things...

S9 Episode 18: New Opportunities for Arizona Students with Jaime Casap

For our season finale, we welcome Jaime Casap, former Google Education Evangelist, to 3Ps in a Po...

S9 Episode 17: Reflections on My First Year of Teaching with Brianna Winiesdorffer

Brianna Winiesdorffer returns to 3Ps in a Pod to talk with hosts Danielle and Kathleen about her ...

S9 Episode 16: Advancing Literacy in Arizona with Sophie Allen-Etchart

Sophie Allen-Etchart’s passion for literacy led her to create an Arizona organization to help dev...

S9 Episode 15: Teacher Leadership with National Teacher of the Year Tabatha Rosproy

Join 3Ps hosts Kathleen and Donnie for a conversation with the 2020 National Teacher of the Year,...

S9 Episode 14: Maintaining Your National Board Certification

The National Board Certified Teacher journey doesn’t end with certification. In today’s episode, ...

S9 Episode 13: Historical and Cultural Relevance in Our Teaching With Dr. Gholnecsar “Gholdy” Muhammad

In what ways are we serving all students in all schools? What does social justice look like in pe...

S9 Episode 12: EdTech for Social Good With Dr. Jennifer Williams

Today, 3Ps in a Pod hosts Danielle and Angelia welcome global educator Dr. Jennifer Williams to t...

S9 Episode 11: Advocate with Love: An Arizona Policy Update

In today’s policy-focused episode of 3Ps in a Pod, we explore the history and future of Arizona’s...

S9 Episode 10: PD in 30: Unpacking the New Arizona Science Standards

Explore the new Arizona Science Standards in this PD in 30 segment of 3Ps in a Pod with Rebecca G...

S9 Episode 9: The Role of Struggle with John SanGiovanni

Today, 3Ps in a Pod hosts Donnie and Kathleen welcome math specialist John SanGiovanni to the pod...

S9 Episode 8: Inclusive Classrooms for All Learners with Dr. Becki Cohn-Vargas

Are you familiar with identity safety and what that looks like in your classroom? Dr. Becki Cohn-...

S9 Episode 7: Social-Emotional Learning from a Distance and in Person with John and Jessica Hannigan

We hear time and time again how important relationships are and how social-emotional learning nee...

S9 Episode 6: Arizona Early Language Development Programs and Why They Matter to Every Educator

Last week, 3Ps in a Pod featured Dr. Dana Suskind and the research she has done at the TMW Center...

S9 Episode 5: The Role of Thirty Million Words with Dr. Dana Suskind

While classroom teachers are significant in every student’s learning journey, that journey begins...

S9 Episode 4: Culturally Responsive Teaching with The Urban Connection Project

In today’s episode, we’re exploring culturally responsive teaching with Kristen and Justin Campbe...

S9 Episode 3: Creating a Culture of Inquiry with Kass Minor and Trevor MacKenzie

What is teacher-led inquiry? What is student-led inquiry? How do they interact? We’re digging int...

S9 Episode 2: Inclusion in Schools: A Look Inside Tempe Union, Part 2

In this episode, we’re continuing our conversation from last week about inclusion in Tempe Union ...

S9 Episode 1: Inclusion in School: A Look Inside Tempe Union, Part 1

We’re starting off our ninth season of 3Ps in a Pod with two episodes focused on discussions of r...

S8 Episode 18: Hearts Full of Gratitude for Arizona Teachers

No one predicted just how challenging this year would be, especially for teachers. In this holida...

S8 Episode 17: 'Moving' and Social Mobility with Andy Hargreaves

You may know Andy Hargreaves for his educational research, but in his newest book, he pairs his p...

S8 Episode 16: From Student Teaching to First-Year Teaching with Brianna Winiesdorffer

You may remember hearing from Brianna Winiesdorffer in a 3Ps in a Pod episode last March. After ...

S8 Episode 15: PD in 30: Creating Inviting Slides

Hang out with tech experts Tony Vincent and Paul West in this PD in 30 segment of 3Ps in a Pod. P...

S8 Episode 14: Service and Leadership with Dr. Nancy Pratt

It’s the week of Veterans Day, and 3Ps in a Pod hosts Angelia and Danielle are talking with Dr. N...

S8 Episode 13: Meet Arizona Teacher of the Year Sara Wyffels

Hear from Arizona Educational Foundation’s recently named 2021 Arizona Teacher of the Year Sara W...

S8 Episode 12: Realities and Vision for Arizona Education with the Rodel Foundation

If you’ve only heard the name of the Rodel Foundation of Arizona in passing, today’s episode will...

S8 Episode 11: PD in 30: Understanding the Standards with Suzi Mast

It’s time for another PD in 30! This time, Suzi Mast, owner of Dynamic Teaching Partners and prev...

S8 Episode 10: Breathe for Change with Dr. Ilana Nankin

Today’s podcast will have you breathing deeper and maybe moving on with your day a little bit mor...

S8 Episode 9: Growing Together: A Mentor and Mentee Conversation

As you’ll hear in this episode, great mentoring is based on relationships. Today, you’ll join 3Ps...

S8 Episode 8: English Learner Support for Arizona Teachers

Learn about how Arizona’s Language Development Approach can help you better support all students,...

S8 Episode 7: Distance Learning with Dr. Doug Fisher

Today’s episode features several outstanding educators, including Dr. Doug Fisher and the five fi...

S8 Episode 6, part B: Talking Secondary Civics Instruction with Nate Rios and Liz Schley Evans

3Ps hosts Angelia and Donnie are back with another civics-focused episode, this time focused espe...

S8 Episode 6, part A: Talking Elementary Civics Instruction with Beth Maloney

It’s an election year and the U.S. is experiencing a seemingly more contentious political climate...

S8 Episode 5: How the Arizona Teachers Academy is Advancing the Teaching Profession in Our State

If you’re currently preparing to become a teacher or are in your first several years of teaching ...

S8 Episode 4: Building, Flying, and Remodeling the Plane

Now that the 2020-2021 school year is back in session, 3Ps in a Pod hosts Angelia, Mary, and Kath...

S8 Episode 3: PD in 30: Optimize Your Live and Recorded Videos

Hang out with tech experts Tony Vincent and Sara Mora in this PD in 30 segment of 3Ps in a Pod. P...

S8 Episode 2: Returning to School

We are continuing our conversations and reflections about the return to the school in this episod...

S8 Episode 1: New Normal for a New Year?

Teachers and students alike are returning to the classroom carrying a variety of emotions. In thi...

S7 Episode 18: Teacher Leadership at the Arizona 12 Center

This season’s finale episode is packed with information about the Arizona K12 Center’s two bigges...

S7 Episode 17: Will We Emerge in a Community Mindset? with Dr. Eddie Moore Jr.

Dr. Eddie Moore Jr., an educator, speaker, and founder of The Privilege Institute, joins hosts An...

S7 Episode 16: Our Social and Emotional Health with Dawn Baumgartner

Today’s episode is about you and how you’re doing these days. Dawn Baumgartner, a licensed clinic...

S7 Episode 15: Transforming Trauma into Hope and Action for Mixed Status Families with Reyna Montoya

How can teachers support students who have experienced immigration-related trauma? In today’s epi...

S7 Episode 14: Mental Health First Aid

Just as there are often signals that a person may need physical first aid, students’ behavior can...

S7 Episode 13: Stepping Back from the Waterfall: The Impact of Mindfulness

Teachers are dealing with incredible amounts of stress and uncertainty as they navigate work and ...

S7 Episode 12: Dear Me: A Letter to My Beginner Teacher Self

Inspired by Jamie Festa-Daigle’s blog post last September on Stories from Schools AZ, this episod...

S7 Episode 11: PD in 30 Creating an Inclusive Classroom Community

How do you build classroom community, even while teaching remotely? In this PD in 30 segment, Ha...

S7 Episode 10: Celebrating Aspiring Teachers

We’re celebrating Arizona’s aspiring teachers this week on 3Ps in a Pod! Hosts Danielle and Angel...

S7 Episode 9: Social Emotional Learning for Staff and Students with Dr. Dominique Smith

You may know Dr. Dominique Smith as one of the authors of Better than Sticks or Carrots: Restora...

S7 Episode 8: 2020 Legislative Update with Chris Kotterman

The Arizona Legislature again has several education-related bills on the docket this session, and...

S7 Episode 7: Teacher Leadership as Inquiry with Kass Minor

Meet one of our three keynotes who will be speaking at the Fifteenth Annual Teacher Leadership In...

S7 Episode 6: Upgrade Your Notes with Sketchnoting with Sylvia Duckworth

Do you know about sketchnoting? In this episode of 3Ps in a Pod, hosts Danielle and Donnie discus...

S7 Episode 5: Fifteenth Annual Teacher Leadership Institute Preview with Cornelius Minor and Cinnamon Kills First

Get a window into what you will experience at the Fifteenth Annual Teacher Leadership Institute: ...

S7 Episode 4: PD in 30: Creating Engaging Learning Spaces

This week’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod puts conversations about classroom engagement into action wit...

S7 Episode 3: Celebrating 20 Years of Supporting Arizona’s Teachers with Dr. Kathy Wiebke

Did you know that this school year is the 20th year of the Arizona K12 Center? In this episode, 3...

S7 Episode 2: Electrify Any Lesson with Tony Vincent

Get a preview of Camp Plug and Play 15.0 with tech-in-education extraordinare Tony Vincent! Hosts...

S7 Episode 1: The Year Past and the Year Ahead with State Superintendent Kathy Hoffman

Hosts Mary and Angelia start off this new season of 3Ps in a Pod by catching up with Arizona Stat...

S6 Episode 18: Highlights from Six Seasons of 3Ps in a Pod

In this final episode of the season, all four hosts are in the studio to discuss their favorite e...

S6 Episode 17: Exploring Equity by Design with Wade Antonio Colwell

Wade Antonio Colwell is an advocate for equity, inclusion, and excellence and often uses his love...

S6 Episode 16: The Impact of Grading with Dr. Douglas Reeves

Dr. Douglas Reeves is an expert in leadership and teaching, with a particular interest and expert...

S6 Episode 15: 2020 Arizona Teacher of the Year Lynette Stant

Lynette Stant is the Arizona Education Foundation’s 2020 Teacher of the Year! In this episode, sh...

S6 Episode 14: Impacting Change through New Teacher Support with Dr. Emily Davis

Intentional support for beginning teachers impacts students, other teachers, and the entire schoo...

S6 Episode 13 Digital Leadership to Future-Proof Your Classroom with Eric Sheninger

Do you get nervous when integrating new technology into your classroom? Award-winning principal a...

S6 Episode 12: Learning and Growing through Work with Refugee Students and Families

As a mentor to first and second-year teachers in Balsz School District, Kathleen Paulsen’s work i...

S6 Episode 11: Making the Most of Your Standards with Dr. Donyall Dickey

Dr. Donyall Dickey will inspire you to help your students “climb the ladder of cognitive demand.”...

S6 Episode 10: Building Resilient People

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can negatively impact a young person’s brain development, co...

S6 Episode 9: Arizona Dyslexia Screening Policy Updates and their Impact with Sean Ross

Teachers are talking about what Arizona’s new dyslexia law means for them. In this episode, Sean ...

S6 Episode 8: Arizona English Learner Policy Updates with Kate Wright

With the signing of SB 1014 earlier this year, this school year brings some major changes for Eng...

S6 Episode 7: Arizona Teachers Academy at NAU with President Rita Cheng

How is Arizona approaching the teacher shortage? Hear from Northern Arizona University President ...

S6 Episode 6: The Vital Role of Effective Instructional Leadership in Schools with Peter DeWitt

Today we explore instructional leadership with Dr. Peter DeWitt. DeWitt focuses heavily on the id...

S6 Episode 5: Inside the Teacher Clarity Playbook with Olivia Amador

We are so excited to share one of our first mobile podcasts with our listeners this week! We invi...

S6 Episode 4: Visible Learning in Math with Connie Hamilton

After several years as an elementary classroom teacher, Connie Hamilton wanted to expand her infl...

S6 Episode 3: Learning, Engaging, and Evolving with Geoff Esposito

This week we have a chance to learn more about Geoff Esposito. We discuss his advocacy work in th...

S6 Episode 2: Project Based Learning for Authentic Learning with Dr. Jenny Pieratt

Dr. Jenny Pieratt joins us to chat about Project Based Learning (PBL). Angelia and Danielle bring...

S6 Episode 1: 3Ps in a Pod Top 10 Tips for Back to School

We are back and ready to rock! Join us for a new semester of voices, perspectives, learning, and ...

S5 Episode 16: The Fearless and Fabulous Hosts of 3Ps In A Pod

Join the fabulous and fearless 3Ps in a Pod hosts as they reflect on their past two years at the ...

S5 Episode 15: Identifying the Greatness and Potential of Every School with Ted Dintersmith

On this week’s podcast, we have the privilege to speak to Ted Dintersmith and learn how our schoo...

S5 Episode 14: Unpacking Equity Work with Stephen Chang and the National Equity Project

On this week’s podcast we are thrilled to host Stephen Chang from The National Equity Project and...

S5 Episode 13: The How, What, and Why of the New Arizona Science Standards

Are you curious about the new Arizona Science Standards, how they came to be, and how they will i...

S5 Episode 12: Courageous Conversations with Glenn Singleton

On this week’s podcast, Danielle and Angelia explore the work of Glenn Singleton and how Courageo...

S5 Episode 11: Updates from the Arizona Legislature and AZ NBCT Network with Chris Kotterman and Dr. Beth Maloney

Join us this week as we talk to Chris Kotterman and Dr. Beth Maloney about what has been happenin...

S5 Episode 10: Instructional Leadership with Jennifer Truitt-Lewis

If you were asked to think of an instructional leader who has had a positive impact on your caree...

S5 Episode 9: Diving Into Inquiry with Trevor Mackenzie

This week we have the opportunity to hear from a 2019 Camp Plug and Play 14.0 keynote speaker, Tr...

S5 Episode 8: Ben’s Bells and Reminders of Intentional Kindness

How familiar are you with the kindness movement known as Ben’s Bells? In this week’s episode you ...

S5 Episode 7: Advocating for Education with Stephanie Parra

Stephanie Parra, a first-generation American citizen,  who was born and raised in Yuma, AZ has cu...

S5 Episode 6: Be Kind to Yourself, Self Care Matters

As our task lists lengthen and personal time seems less available than ever before, we often forg...

S5 Episode 5: Arizona Legislature is Back in Session

This week’s episode is not only informative, but you will have an opportunity to get to know Chri...

S5 Episode 4: The New Digital Citizenship 3.0 with LeeAnn Lindsey

Did you know that the concept of digital citizenship is evolving? LeeAnn Lindsey, from EdVolve, j...

S5 Episode 3: Where School Safety Policy and Practice Collide (Part 2)

Elama Dzanic joins Angelia and Mary to continue the conversation around school safety. Elma champ...

S5 Episode 2: Where School Safety Policy and Practice Collide (Part 1)

Mary Field and guest host, Elma Dzanic, discuss the topic of school safety with Dr. Carl Hermanns...

S5 Episode 1: The Impact of a Coach Mentality in Education with Jaime Casap

Welcome back to our Spring Semester! Today, we highlight a previous interview we had with Jaime C...

S4 Episode 15: Teacher Leadership and Equity with Cornelius Minor

Season four concludes with an invigorating conversation featuring Columbia University lead staff ...

S4 Episode 14: 2019 Arizona Teacher of the Year

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s our privilege to reintroduce to you the 2019 Arizona Teacher of the Ye...

S4 Episode 13: Innovative Classroom Flexible Seating

Do you have trouble sitting still for a two-hour training? Imagine how your students feel during ...

S4 Episode 12: Math Changes Things

Math changes things! Today, Dr. Virginia Bastable, the former associate director of the Mathemati...

S4 Episode 11: Standing Up and Speaking Out with Nancy Flanagan

In education, what calls us to step up and speak out? As a teacher, how can you show up for the p...

S4 Episode 10: Culturally Responsive Teaching with Zaretta Hammond

Zaretta Hammond’s book, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, is shifting the way we thi...

S4 Bonus Episode: Meet the Candidates

You’re listening to a bonus episode of #3PsinaPod. Today, we’re interviewing the Republican and D...

S4 Episode 9: Visible Learning in Science

The scientific process can be daunting. How do you balance fun and content-based instruction? As ...

S4 Episode 8: Supporting Students with Special Needs Across Environments

Special education is a pivotal arm of our learning communities. As educators, are we truly aware ...

S4 Episode 7: Partners Who Champion Education

Although allies in education might seem few and far between, there are notable groups who rally f...

S4 Episode 6: Experienced Teachers’ Passion

If you’re in need of a professional pep talk, we’ve got a dose for you. This week, Donnie and Ang...

S4 Episode 5: Civics, Discourse, and Engagement

With elections around the corner, today’s #3PsinaPod guests share the importance of civic engagem...

S4 Episode 4: Keeping Teachers in the Profession

Two words: teacher retention. If there was a fairy godmother or magic genie in the world of Arizo...

S4 Episode 3: John Hattie and 10 Mindframes for Learning

Settle in because we have a very special guest on #3PsinaPod today. Angelia and Mary chat with pr...

S4 Episode 2: Beginning the Year Successfully

We’re settling into the school year, which means our classroom management skills must be sharper ...

S4 Episode 1: New Teachers

School is back in session and so is “3Psin a Pod.” We kickstart our latest season with a show all...

S3 Episode 8: How Education Disrupts Poverty and Teachers Impact Lives

What better time to talk about the power of teachers than during Teacher Appreciation Week 2018? ...

S3 Episode 7: Testing, Evaluations, and Budgets (Oh My!)

In education, the words “testing, evaluations, and budgets” might cause you to shudder. Fortunate...

S3 Episode 6: Beth Lewis on Save Our Schools Arizona

Arizona educators are organizing and mobilizing. The Grand Canyon state is now known for having t...

S3 Episode 5: Taking Math Beyond the Answers

Are your students giving high fives and fist pumping after solving a word problem? They should be...

S3 Episode 4: Equity in Montessori

School choice is hot topic, especially in Arizona. Today, Mary and Donnie talk about students’ di...

S3 Episode 3: Making Math Playful

Playful and dirty probably aren’t adjectives that come to mind when you say math out loud. Howeve...

S3 Episode 2: Equity Through Inclusion

The effort put forth by teachers to make educational equity a reality for students can be seen in...

S3 Episode 1: Truth Behind Teacher Salary

Welcome to season three of “3Ps in a Pod!” Today’s hosts, Donnie and Mary, discuss a fiery topic—...

S2 Episode 8: Leading from the Classroom Through FIT Teaching

You’ve been there, right? You’re sitting, fully engaged, in an extraordinary professional learnin...

S2 Episode 7: To Be Informed Is To Be Empowered

Do you feel like staying up-to-date on policy in the profession is similar to drinking from a fir...

S2 Episode 6: Relationships, Relationships, Relationships: The Power of New Teacher Support

The term “master teacher” can mean a multitude of things to a variety of people. Today, Danielle ...

S2 Episode 5: No Such Thing as a Math Gene

Have you ever encountered a person with an aversion toward mathematics? Get ready to rewrite your...

S2 Episode 4: Online Learning Environments with Tony Vincent

If technology gets you in a tizzy, you’ll come to admire (and maybe envy) our guest. Tony Vincent...

S2 Episode 3: How English Learner Policy and Practice Collide with Kate Wright

Today, we dive into the policy behind English learners in the state. The Arizona Department of Ed...

S2 Episode 2: To Learn is to Struggle

Although you’re only a few weeks into the semester, you might feel like you’ve been at it again f...

S2 Episode 1: National Board Certification for Today’s Educators

“3Ps in a Pod” is back in session! Thanks for joining us for the start season two. Today, Angelia...

S1 Episode 7: Power of Educator Self-Care

Thanks for joining us for the season finale of “3Ps in a Pod.” While we’re guessing you’re in nee...

S1 Episode 6: Restorative Justice Transforming our Schools

Thanks for joining us for the bonus episode of our first season. We’re thrilled to have Elma Dzan...

S1 Episode 5: Holidays in the Classroom

Holidays in the classroom can look and feel different for everyone. What might be a jolly season ...

S1 Episode 4: Arizona's School Letter Grades

Students aren’t the only ones anxiously awaiting their grades — schools are too. State law requir...

S1 Episode 3: Restorative Practice

Let’s talk about the importance of building strong relationships in education. First, Mary and An...

S1 Episode 2: Teacher Voice

Welcome back to “3Ps in a Pod,” a podcast by the Arizona K12 Center. As we chat about Practice, P...

S1 Episode 1: Teacher Leadership

And we’re live! Welcome to “3Ps in a Pod,” a podcast by the Arizona K12 Center. Together, we’ll t...

Meet Mary

Meet National Board Certified Teacher, Mary Field, one of the voices behind our new podcast. As a...

Meet Donnie

Let us introduce you to National Board Certified Teacher, Donnie Dicus. As one of the Professiona...

Meet Danielle

Meet National Board Certified Teacher Danielle Brown, one of our “3Ps in a Pod” hosts. As a Profe...

Meet Angelia

Meet one of our “3Ps in a Pod” hosts, Angelia Ebner. As a National Board Certified Teacher and th...

Leading with Inquiry Part 2: Provocations

We’re continuing our series with Jessica Vance on leading with inquiry, this time focused on prov...

Leading with Inquiry Part 3: A Coaching Conversation

We’re taking the learning we’ve done with Jessica Vance in the last two episodes on Leading with ...

Leading with Inquiry Part 4: Questions

In this final episode of our series on Leading with Inquiry, Jessica Vance and host Paula Watkins...

Introducing Executive Director Daniela Robles

Meet the Arizona K12 Center’s new executive director, Daniela Robles, in today’s episode of 3Ps i...

Humanizing Pedagogy Part 1: Removing Labels with Dr. Dominique Smith

What does it mean to humanize pedagogy? Why is it crucial to our work as educators? And how do be...

Humanizing Pedagogy Part 2: Engagement with Kristin Speck

We are back with part of our series on Humanizing Pedagogy. Today, we’ll be talking with Kristin ...

Humanizing Pedagogy Part 3: Whole Student Learning with Jonathon Walker

In this third installment in our series on Humanizing Pedagogy, we welcome Johnathon Walker to 3P...

Humanizing Pedagogy Part 4: Classroom Management with Oscar Corrigan

On this fourth and final episode of our series on Humanizing Pedagogy, Oscar Corrigan joins us to...

Supporting Students Beyond the Classroom with Jason Catanese

The school year is back in session, so 3Ps is back too! Today, hosts Kathleen and Donnie chat wit...

Transforming STEM Education ASAP! with Mike Vargas and Amanda Whitehurst

STEM education can look very different across Arizona, which is why the Arizona STEM Acceleration...

The Learning Scientists Part 1: Useful Information You Learned in Ed Psych (but Might Have Forgotten)

We’re starting off a five-part series with The Learning Scientists, a group of cognitive psycholo...

The Learning Scientists Part 2: The Curse of Knowledge (or Thinking Like Your Students)

We’re back with part two of our series with The Learning Scientists! Today, cognitive psychologis...

The Learning Scientists Part 3: Breaking the Curse of Knowledge with Metacognitive Modeling

We continue our series with The Learning Scientists on this episode of 3Ps in a Pod. Today, hosts...

The Learning Scientists Part 4: Effective Strategies to Support Teaching and Learning

In the last three episodes, we’ve explored some different aspects of the cognitive psychology beh...

The Learning Scientists Part 5: More Effective Strategies to Support Teaching and Learning

In this final episode of our series with The Learning Scientists, Dr. Megan Sumeracki dives into ...

Revisiting "Away From Home: American Indian Boarding Schools"

This is a replay of an episode from September 2022. In recognition of National Day of Remembrance...

Meet Dr. Dani Portillo of Roosevelt School District

In January of 2023, Dr. Dani Portillo became the superintendent of Roosevelt School District, the...

Have a Great Fall Break!

3Ps in a Pod is taking a break this week, but we’ll be back in your podcast feed next Thursday. W...

Poetry and Play with Janet Wong

Janet Wong left a law career and dove into writing poetry and helping others see the power of poe...

Legislative Update with Chris Kotterman

Today, we welcome back Chris Kotterman, the Director of Government Relations for the Arizona Scho...

Burn-in Mindset with Julia King Pool

You know how challenging teaching can be and how many teachers today encounter burnout. That’s wh...

Knowing Our Past to Know Our Future with Dawn Quamahongnewa

If you attended our 2023 Teacher Leadership Institute, you heard a bit from Dawn Quamahongnewa, h...

What’s All the Hype about Cognitive Coaching?

Explore the world of Cognitive Coaching — a transformative approach unlocking minds and elevating...

Building a Culture of Music in Tolleson with Efrain Casillas, the 2024 Arizona Teacher of the Year

Efrain Casillas, the 2024 Arizona Teacher of the Year, has been teaching at Tolleson Elementary S...

Understanding Reflective Practice with Dr. Kevin Roessger

Here at the Arizona K12 Center, we’re big proponents of reflecting on your practice. But what doe...

A Deep Love for Public Education with Kim Graham

You may know the Arizona Educational Foundation or AEF as the home of the Arizona Teacher of the ...

Spreading the Word on Brain-Based Learning with Dr. Marcia Tate

If you’re a teacher, you’re a dendrite grower, according to today’s guest Dr. Marcia Tate. Growin...

National Board Support: How Litchfield Elementary Has Grown This Work

National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in educat...

Don’t Burn Out, Burn In with Julia King Pool

Julia King Pool joined us last season to talk about the psychology behind the concept of burning...

Professional Learning Together with Dr. Jennifer Robinson

When Dr. Jennifer Robinson first attended the Arizona K12 Center’s annual Teacher Leadership Inst...

National Board Pulse on Education with NBPTS CEO Peggy Brookins

It’s been an exciting last few months for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards....

AI in Education, Part 1: AI and Workforce Development

As artificial intelligence tools have become far more accessible in the past year, “AI” has becom...

AI in Education, Part 2: But Is It Cheating?

In this second part of our four-part series on AI in Education, guest host Dr. Chad Gestson asks ...

AI in Education, Part 3: Best Practices for Teaching and Learning

Ready to see how AI can improve your work and impact student learning? In this third part of our ...

AI in Education, Part 4: Ready, Set, Go

In the final episode of this podcast series on AI in Education, Dr. Chad Gestson and Dr. LeeAnn L...

Talking Civic Engagement in the Classroom with Gina Roberts

It’s another election year, and we’re talking with Gina Roberts of the Arizona Citizens Clean Ele...

Reflecting on the First Year of Teaching with Rachel Martinez

Rachel Martinez is in her first year of teaching third-grade in Tolleson Elementary School Distri...

Cognitive Moves for Success (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 1)

Welcome back to a new season of 3Ps in a Pod! This season we will deeply explore a focus on healt...

Humanity and Deep Engagement for Strong Connections (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 2)

Author and teacher Patrick Harris will remind you to channel the magic of teaching in this episod...

Emotional Regulation at School and at Home (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 3)

Understanding emotional regulation and dysregulation is foundational to well being, no matter our...

Fostering Environments to Strengthen School Experiences for All (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 6)

Liberatory Design is an approach to changing what is and creating a whole ecosystem that best sup...

Fostering Environments to Strengthen School Experiences for All (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 6)

Liberatory Design is an approach to changing what is and creating a whole ecosystem that best sup...

Fostering Environments to Strengthen School Experiences for All (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 6)

Liberatory Design is an approach to changing what is and creating a whole ecosystem that best sup...

Fostering Environments to Strengthen School Experiences for All (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 6)

Liberatory Design is an approach to changing what is and creating a whole ecosystem that best sup...

Lifting Experiences and Opportunities Through Strong Partnerships (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 7)

Have you been wondering about how we can more deeply connect students to their local communities?...

Removing Barriers to Post Secondary Opportunities: Students and Staff (Healthy and Thriving Environments for Strong Connections and Strong Schools, Part 8)

While we focus on K-12 education at the Arizona K12 Center, today on 3Ps in a Pod, we’re talking ...


2023 Teacher Leadership Report

The stories of teacher leadership illuminated here are byproducts of educators seeking to be agents of change within their spheres of influence. Teacher leadership initiatives are multidimensional – they require time, thoughtfulness, strategy, and resilience. Teacher leaders recognize that the agile transformative phases are the true merit of hard work. The impact of teacher leadership throughout Arizona is shared in our annual Teacher Leadership Report. Order a hard copy of the 2023 Report!

National Board Promotion Kit

Thank you for your interest in sharing the opportunities National Board Certification can bring to educators in your school or district! We hope this kit will help you spread the message of how transformative National Board Certification can be. Use the flyers and giveaway items in this bag to set up a table at a district or school event or to pass out at a National Board promotional meeting.

2024 Teacher Leadership Report

Your voice matters. Your impact is woven into the past, present, and future of Arizona. Amplifying excellence isn’t only done in one’s individual practice, but in building a community and network of educators from across the state. It is not always easy to meet new people or learn new strategies, but approaching these new situations wondering, “What’s the best that can happen?” can lead you down a path of leadership that the education world desperately needs. We are excited to see what possibilities will unfold when you amplify your excellence. Order a hard copy of the 2024 Report!

National Board Five Core Propositions T-shirt

Show your support of accomplished teaching with this new Arizona K12 Center t-shirt featuring the Five Core Propositions as outlined in the National Board For Professional Teaching Standards' What Book. Suitable for NBCTs, candidates, and supporters alike!

This unisex jersey blend t-shirt features a blend of cotton and polyester for a soft, breathable feel (60/40 ringspun cotton/polyester jersey blend).


Teacher Leader Spotlight: Jennifer Sumida, NBCT

Jennifer Sumida, NBCT, teaches third-grade at ASU Preparatory-Poly STEM Academy in Mesa. Sumida embraces possibilities through connections and experiences by reflecting the inquiry and growth mindsets she encourages in her students in her own learning and leading. She greatly values each student’s individuality and the different kinds of leadership each student brings to the classroom. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Aminah Abdelhaq, NBCT

Aminah Abdelhaq, NBCT, teaches eighth-grade science at Franklin Junior High School in Mesa Public Schools. Abdelhaq embraces possibilities through connections and experiences by creating a classroom community where students are seen, valued, and heard, which allows them to thrive as individuals and in their learning of science. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Ashley Crose, NBCT

Ashley Crose, NBCT, teaches social studies at Saguaro High School in Scottsdale Unified School District. Crose embraces possibilities through connections and experiences by humanizing history in a classroom driven by inquiry and where students feel comfortable and cared for while discussing difficult material. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Tania Gray, NBCT

Tania Gray, NBCT, teaches high school English at Lake Havasu High School. Gray embraces possibilities through connections and experiences by welcoming students to a comfortable and caring classroom where her calm approach guides students as they learn English content and make real life connections. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Danielle Swartz, NBCT

Danielle Swartz, NBCT, is a first-grade STEM teacher in a project-based classroom at Innovation Academy in Amphitheater Public Schools. Swartz embraces possibilities through connections and experiences by making social-emotional learning the foundation of the routines and procedures in her classroom, allowing students to all practice problem solving and goal setting effectively and with compassion. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Adrian Alvarez

Adrian Alvarez teaches middle and high school science at Grand Canyon School in the Grand Canyon Unified School District. Alvarez embraces curiosity and leadership by joining her students in asking questions about how curriculum connects directly to their lives and environment. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Kimberly May

Kimberly May is preparing for her 25th year in education. After working as an assistant principal, principal, and then district director of federal and state programs, she returned to her first love, the classroom, in 2018. No matter her role, May embraces curiosity and leadership by continually reflecting on how she, her school, or district can improve. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Jillian Hernández

Jillian Hernández teaches fifth-grade at Puente de Hózhó Elementary School, an International Baccalaureate candidate school and trilingual school (with a Navajo Immersion Language Program and a Spanish-English Bilingual Program) in Flagstaff Unified School District. Inquiry has been a crucial part of her learning and leading journey. She has especially embraced inquiry in how she approaches equity work. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Sarah Garcia, NBCT

Sarah Garcia, NBCT, has taught English for the past 11 years at Ganado High School in the Ganado Unified School District on the Navajo Reservation. She has embraced curiosity and leadership by always asking how her practice can better support her students and how to grow that kind of curiosity in her coworkers and students. ...

Arizona Teachers Academy

The Arizona Teachers Academy (ATA) Induction Program welcomes you to the family of Arizona educators. If you are a graduate of Northern Arizona University and a member of the ATA, you have one year of induction support provided to you at no charge by the Arizona K12 Center. This program aims to build the capacity of the newest members of the teaching profession. Taking advantage of our Beginning Teacher Series events, and through the support of an instructional mentor, you will be ready to impact your students and navigate your first year.

Welcome to the teaching profession ATA graduates!


Teacher Leader Spotlight: Ben Collinsworth

Ben Collinsworth is an inclusion preschool teacher at Emily Meschter Learning Center in Flowing Wells Unified School District in Tucson. He empowers students' voices through storytelling, dramatic performance, song, and dance. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Miyone Roanhorse

Miyone Roanhorse is an English teacher at Salt River High School in the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. She elevates student voice by developing changemakers through her teaching and coaching. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Joseph Fuentes

Joseph Fuentes is an expanded impact teacher at Garfield Elementary School in Phoenix Elementary School District. He empowers his students’ voices through social-emotional learning and trauma-informed practice. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Elizabeth Schley Evans

Elizabeth Schley Evans, NBCT, is an Advanced Placement Government and Politics teacher at Basha High School in Chandler Unified School District. She empowers students to use their voices as active citizens. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Kathleen Paulsen

Kathleen Paulsen, NBCT, works with new teachers as a district mentor for Balsz School District. She supports other teachers in embracing their identities to elevate their students’ voices. ...

Eye on the Future

With an eye on the future, the Arizona Teacher Program builds capacity for teacher leadership, while providing support to the newest members of the teaching profession. By supporting teachers across the continuum of practice, the Arizona K12 Center's Arizona Teacher Program offers long-term, sustainable solutions to the challenges facing Arizona's schools. ...

Celebrating 20 Years: Going Places

The Arizona K12 Center improves teaching and learning in Arizona's schools through high quality professional development and teacher leadership. The Center is honored to celebrate 20 years in Arizona! You might recognize this Arizona student. Let's watch as Michaela shares how she is going places because of great teaching.


Celebrating 15 Years: Simply The Best

The Arizona K12 Center at Northern Arizona University provides professional development in the areas of learning, leadership, and technology. The Center was founded in 1999 by Governor Jane Hull. She wanted a place dedicated to professional development for teachers. The children in our classrooms today and the ones to come tomorrow are the reason the Arizona K12 Center exists. Our goal is to provide quality professional learning opportunities for Arizona's K-12 teachers. Bottom line...when we support teachers, we are supporting Arizona's students and their families. The Arizona K12 Center has been supporting Arizona’s teachers for the past 15 years. We know that it is the teacher in the classroom that has the potential to make the greatest difference in the lives of Arizona’s students. It is our mission to support the teaching and learning in Arizona’s classroom because our students are “not getting any younger.”


Celebrating 10 Years: Looking Forward

The Arizona K12 Center supports Arizona’s teachers to new and improved practice. When we help teachers be their best, we are helping our students to do the same. Watch this video to learn more about our work.


National Board Certification: Component 1

Tackling Content Knowledge. ...

National Board Certification: Component 2

This classroom-based portfolio entry requires that candidates gather and analyze information about individual students' strengths and needs and use that information to design and implement instruction to advance student learning and achievement. You will submit selected work samples that demonstrate the students’ growth over time and a written commentary that analyzes your instructional choices. ...

National Board Certification: Component 3

This is a classroom-based portfolio entry that requires video recordings of interactions between you and your students. You will also submit a written commentary in which you describe, analyze and reflect on your teaching and interactions with students. Both the video and the written commentary should demonstrate how you engage students and impact their learning. ...

National Board Certification: Component 4

This portfolio entry requires you to demonstrate evidence of your abilities as an effective and reflective practitioner in developing and applying knowledge of your students; your use of assessments to effectively plan for and positively impact your students’ learning and your collaboration to advance students’ learning and growth. ...

National Board Certification: Lights, Camera, Now What?

National Board Certification- Lights! Camera! Now What? provides you with 5 tips for videotaping. We've been there and we know tech can be overwhelming. Learn from our mistakes and best practices as you embark on yours!


National Board Certification: Evidence

National Board Certification: Evidence ...

National Board Certification: Don't Stop

National Board is a journey. Don't stop believing, the Arizona K12 Center is here to support you. ...

The Reasons I Teach

This video of new and aspiring teachers is sure to inspire all who watch it. These beginning teachers remind us all why we chose this great profession. ...

Why Mentors Matter

Listen to the voices of some of Arizona's newest and brightest teachers as they speak about the important role their mentors play in building a quality teaching practice! All of these teachers are participants in Arizona's Master Teacher Program at the Arizona K12 Center. The Arizona Teacher Program, in partnership with the New Teacher Center, works with partner districts to help identify and train Master Teachers who mentor beginning teachers in their district. Mentors matter! ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Anthony Perez

Anthony Perez is a second-grade teacher to English-language learners at Sunset Elementary School in the Cartwright School District. Anthony works with students to establish worthwhile goals, while also addressing potential barriers and patterns for success. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Audra Damron

Audra Damron from the Tolleson Elementary School District bridges the gap between parents and teachers through monthly trainings that augment skills, provide resources, and increase participation. In turn, she strengthens relationships within the community. With funding from an ASCD Teacher Impact Grant, once a month for the past year, the preschool teacher has provided purposeful home school connections to empower parents to actively participate in their student’s learning to increase school readiness. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Beth Lewis

Beth Lewis is a fifth-grade teacher in the Tempe Elementary School District. She chairs Save Our Schools (SOS) Arizona, which opposes the education savings account (ESA) voucher expansion, also known as SB1431. SOS Arizona reveals that the general population overwhelmingly supports public education and wants public money to fund schools in an adequate, appropriate, and equitable fashion. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Christie Olsen

When National Board Certified Teacher Christie Olsen saw her district in a turnover crisis, she refused to rest in the reality. Through her project, Invest, Influence, Inspire = Ignite, she provides specific time for first-, second-year, and mentor teachers to collaborate and engage in professional learning communities that are impacting practice and teacher retention. Olsen facilitates and advocates for district teachers in a way that nurtures student learning, while cultivating a sense of visionary, long-term teacher leadership. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Danielle Brown

National Board Certified Teacher Danielle Brown was one of 18 teachers selected from a nationwide pool that was named a 2015–2017 Hope Street Group (HSG) National Teacher Fellow. Feeling called to advance the profession on a broader scale, along with her cohort, Brown set out to cultivate national awareness and propose feasible recommendations for stakeholders around teacher preparation programs. As a Professional Learning Director at the Arizona K12 Center, she will work to strengthen the current mentor and induction efforts in the state through the Arizona Master Teacher Program, which was a notable outcome of the nationwide survey conducted by the HSG fellows. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Eve Rifkin

National Board Certified Teacher Eve Rifkin spent a decade teaching in a large, district high school. Simultaneously, she felt called to educate students in a more meaningful manner that seemed improbable in her school. Thirteen years ago, she and two colleagues acted on their intuition to create a nurturing environment to cultivate student learning. Currently, she serves is a staff member and co-founder of City High School where she creates positive change while focusing on the school’s mission to foster and nurture a caring and rigorous academic environment. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: James King

James King is an English Language Arts teacher at Sunnyslope High School in the Glendale Union High School District. James sponsors an after-school club, which promotes independent reading, while providing a strong model of best practices for high school freshmen. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Jesse Delgado

Jesse Delgado is a special education mentor in the Tolleson Union High School District. He promotes inclusion through the Best Buddies club, which aims to build lifelong friendships among students with disabilities and their general-education peers. The Arizona native models inclusivity and connectedness by fostering positive, collegial interactions with other adults on campus. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Josh Meibos

National Board Certified Teacher Josh Meibos teaches physical education in the Balsz School District. He sponsors Skate After School, which provides extracurricular instruction to underserved youth at the David Crockett Elementary School. With donated equipment and enthusiastic volunteers, the group engages students in a challenging, new, equitable, and fun activity. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Julie Kasper

National Board Certified Teacher Julie Kasper exercises international teacher leadership as the K12 School Coordinator for Refugee Education and the Director of Collaborative Engagement to Nurture Talent and Educate Responsively (CENTER). As an employee of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and an advocate for refugees in Tucson, Kasper uses her passion for teaching to aid a heavily underserved population. Alongside dedicated part-time staff members and volunteers, she tends to the needs of refugee families by providing a space dedicated to education that supports students, parents, and teachers in a variety of ways. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Kareem Neal

Kareem Neal is a high school self-contained special education teacher at Maryvale High School in the Phoenix Union High School District. Kareem focuses on creating a community by minimizing implicit bias through his work both in the classroom, on his campus, and across his district. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Mike Vargas

As a passionate physics teacher in the Paradise Valley Unified School District, Mike Vargas took the scientific approach to solving one of Arizona’s problems in education: There are only 159 physics teachers in the state. Vargas was the driving force behind Senate Bill 1038: High-Quality Teacher Professional Development Pilot Program, which was signed into law on May 8. The mini-grant program will allow current teachers in the field to get new certifications in hard-to-fill STEM subjects. His willingness to step up as a teacher leader in the state showcases the tangible impact educators can have on local policy and legislation. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Molly Reed

National Board Certified Teacher Molly Reed creates lasting, equitable relationships with the diverse environment of the Sonoran Desert. She engages students in unique and meaningful experiences that enable learners to succeed in exceptional ways. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Sara Mora

Sara Mora is a second-grade teacher at Anza Trail School in the Sahuarita Unified School District. Sara uses digital citizenship and educational technology to springboard students toward limitless opportunities. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Sara Wyffels

Sara Wyffels is an Advanced Placement® and International Baccalaureate® Spanish teacher at Chandler High School in the Chandler Unified School District. Sara challenges the current system and makes learning available to all students. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Yolanda Everett

Yolanda Everett is a fourth-grade teacher at Village Meadows Elementary School in the Sierra Vista Unified School District. Yolanda focuses on creating flexible seating and personal relationships to impact student learning, which dissolves physical barriers and heightens opportunities for success. ...

Teacher Leader Spotlight: Yolanda Wheelington

Yolanda Wheelington teaches in the Phoenix Elementary School District where she supports and encourages the Montessori Method in the public arena by cultivating a voice for educators. The former social worker showcases quality instruction to enhance learning for underserved students. ...

My Equity Story: Annie Diaz, NBCT

Ensuring all educators have access to job-embedded, high-quality professional development is vital for schools and systems to thrive. Through the equity lens, National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Annie Diaz, works daily as an instructional coach on her campus. Through the use of the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle she shares that teachers are reaching out to her as a resource and collaboratively working in teams more than ever before. ...

My Equity Story: Beth Maloney, NBCT

National Board Certification has shown to have an increased impact on student learning. Ensuring all students have access to educators who are highly effective is a continued goal of National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Beth Maloney. As the president of Arizona’s National Board Certified Teacher Network, she shares the success of building membership and her aim to strengthen opportunities for individuals to connect and grow together. Maloney utilizes the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle to share her work around this goal over the past year. ...

My Equity Story: Christie Olsen, NBCT

Providing an effective mentoring and induction program allows for teacher leaders to bring the equity lens to the forefront of educators minds early in their careers. In this video you will meet National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Christie Olsen, as she shares her journey of learning over the past year. Through the use of the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, learn how Olsen utilizes tools and strategies to support new teachers in cultivating learning environments that are inclusive and culturally responsive. ...

My Equity Story: Dayna Burke, NBCT

With an equity lens at the forefront of her mind, National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Dana Burke aims to reexamine her involvement in an existing project, called the Arizona Teacher Partnership, which supports new-to-the-profession teachers from across Arizona. Using the equity lens, she shares the changes she has made in her work, as a result of this new perspective. Utilizing the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, Burke reflects on her journey in making changes that positively impact teacher practice and the students they serve. ...

My Equity Story: Jaime Festa-Daigle, NBCT

The theme of building relationships has been key in Jamie Festa-Daigle’s work this year. Festa-Daigle, a National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, has been supporting her colleagues in utilizing specific strategies to develop relationships in her school, in an attempt to decrease suspensions and increase learning. Listen to hear Festa-Daigle’s journey, as she reflects on the impact of her work through the use of the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle. ...

My Equity Story: Jen Robinson, NBCT

Building relationships with children is at the forefront of National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Jen Robinson’s work this year. Through the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, Robinson shares her journey of engaging educators by providing them concrete tools leading to stronger relationships and elevated trust across her learning community. ...

My Equity Story: Josh Meibos, NBCT

Creating equitable and healthy environments in our school communities is an imperative part of our teacher leadership work. In this video, you will meet National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Josh Meibos, as he shares his experience in impacting change in his school and community by advocating for Arizona Senate Bill 1083. Through the use of the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, Meibos explains the importance of advocating for the The Recess Bill, which aims to allocate more time for unstructured play to enhance students’ physical and mental health. ...

My Equity Story: Kareem Neal

Today’s teacher leaders play an important role in analyzing data revealing inequities in systems and practices. Learn how Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Kareem Neal, responds to data showing that black students are disciplined harsher compared to other subgroups in his school community. Listen to further understand how Neal acts to bring awareness to this finding which he hopes will enact change within the broader system. ...

My Equity Story: Karl Ochsner

Today, teacher leaders know the power of project-based learning and its impact on deepening student understanding and skills relating to real-world experiences. They also know the importance of mastery-based grading and the challenge of developing fair and equitable assessments. Karl Oschner, TeacherSolutions® Team member, utilizes self-created rubrics in his quest to create dynamic learning opportunities where all students can find success. Through the use of the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, Oschner reflects on the work he’s done this year to develop rubrics leading to an increase in equitable learning outcomes for students. ...

My Equity Story: Mike Vargas

Systems and structures have the ability to perpetuate inequities for our students. Mike Vargas, Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, shares his efforts to reverse the harmful effects of unqualified high-school physics teachers and poor teacher retention, examining the impact it can have on students’ potential, not only to go to college, but also to pursue careers focused in math and science. Through the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, Vargas explains, the impact of pushing legislative change, which opened doors for learning to an increased number of qualified educators physics classrooms across the state. ...

My Equity Story: Misha Freeman, NBCT

By analyzing and interpreting a variety of data, National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Misha Freeman has been able to understand why her district’s discipline data demonstrates an inequity by race. Listen to hear why personnel must look beyond the numbers and spreadsheets. Rather, they must seek to understand why their is a misalignment, thereby strategically bringing in awareness of it through conversations with stakeholders across her district.


My Equity Story: Sandy Merz, NBCT

Sandy Merz, National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, knows the power of advocating on topics that directly impact the students served in our own learning communities. Utilizing the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, Merz shares the significance of his work on education and training around students’ mental health. He aims to increase professional development, which he hopes will reduce the mental health professional development deficit. As a published writer, Merz strives to bring awareness to this vital area of student need.


My Equity Story: Sara Wyffels, NBCT

As a National Board Certified Teacher and Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, Sarah Wyffels’ focus this year has been around taking the temperature of her classroom and school community with a new thermometer measuring equity in her school and system. Listen to hear how she used this new information to inform her next steps, in order to make a more equitable learning environment in her context through the use of the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle. ...

My Equity Story: Yolanda Wheelington, NBCT

According to Yolanda Wheelington, Arizona K12 Center TeacherSolutions® Team member, one of the most imperative aspects of teacher leadership is noticing each child’s unique potential for greatness. Through the use of the Professional Learning Plan inquiry cycle, she affirms her belief in the power of observing students, thereby incorporating what she knows about each child into their learning. As a result, her method of teaching has provided each individual’s character development to amplify, revealing students are more prepared and ready to make positive contributions to our society. ...

I Teach

Today, more than ever, teachers must lift their voices and take control of their professional aspirations. When lifelong learning becomes a priority, the impact is infinite. Enhance your practice with a tool whose framework is deeply rooted in reflection and a continuous cycle of inquiry.


The Calling

“The Calling” showcases the raw, real, and often indescribable reality of the 21st-century educator. “I cannot stand in the shadows of time watching the decay of our profession, watching the decay of our schools... The quality of my teaching is power.” Today, more than ever, teachers must lift their voices and take control of their professional aspirations. When lifelong learning becomes a priority, the impact is infinite. Enhance your practice with a tool whose framework is deeply rooted in reflection and a continuous cycle of inquiry. To learn more about the Professional Learning Plan Toolkit, contact ...

Ambition of America

“Ambition of America” showcases the raw, real, and often indescribable reality of the 21st-century educator. “Ambition makes the cerebral celebrated, the enlightened legendary, the productive prosperous, and the wise wealthy.” Today, more than ever, teachers must lift their voices and take control of their professional aspirations. When lifelong learning becomes a priority, the impact is infinite. Enhance your practice with a tool whose framework is deeply rooted in reflection and a continuous cycle of inquiry. To learn more about the Professional Learning Plan Toolkit, contact ...

All of Them

“All of Them” showcases the raw, real, and often indescribable reality of the 21st-century educator. “We know their value is not in their past, it’s in their future, and we own that.” Today, more than ever, teachers must lift their voices and take control of their professional aspirations. When lifelong learning becomes a priority, the impact is infinite. Enhance your practice with a tool whose framework is deeply rooted in reflection and a continuous cycle of inquiry. To learn more about the Professional Learning Plan Toolkit, contact ...

Under Siege

“Under Siege” showcases the raw, real, and often indescribable reality of the 21st-century educator. “A better future for all is built in the transfer of knowledge from one teacher to one child.” Today, more than ever, teachers must lift their voices and take control of their professional aspirations. When lifelong learning becomes a priority, the impact is infinite. Enhance your practice with a tool whose framework is deeply rooted in reflection and a continuous cycle of inquiry. To learn more about the Professional Learning Plan Toolkit, contact ...

Building Teacher Leaders: Master Teacher and National Board Certification

Teacher leaders are making the difference. The Arizona K12 Center is home to Arizona's Teacher Program. We help identify Master Teachers to work with the newest members of the teaching profession as well as support teachers seeking National Board Certification.


Arizona's Teacher Leaders: Setting the Example of Excellence

The Arizona K12 Center is home to Arizona's Master Teacher Program. This program provides support to teachers seeking to work with the newest members of our profession by becoming a Master Teacher as well as those who wish to seek National Board Certification. Learn more about both programs by watching this video.


Standards Continuum Guide for Reflective Teaching Practice

The InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards (CCSSO, 2012) provide a common language, setting the bar high for educator excellence. The Arizona K12 Center believes that when standards guide the growth and development of teachers, learners in classrooms benefit. The Standards Continuum Guide for Reflective Teaching Practice is an invaluable resource intended to foster the growth and development of teaching professionals. ...

Journey to 2030

As we navigate the future of teaching and learning in Arizona, we will face many challenges. We believe that together, we can become part of the solution. Get involved. Join the Arizona TeacherSolutions® Team and the Arizona K12 Center on our Journey to 2030. ...

Teacher Leadership in Action

Leading in the Profession. Leading in Practice. Leading in Advocacy. Teacher leadership matters as we work to improve student learning opportunities. In this video you will see National Board Certified Teachers, Daniela Robles, Molly Reed and Beth Maloney as they continues to help their colleagues find their own path to leadership, collaborate on bringing the community together to build a garden and chicken coop, and advocate for the profession and Arizona’s students at the school, district, state, and national levels.


Teacher Leadership in Action: Leading in Advocacy

Teacher leadership matters as we improve learning opportunities for our students. In this video you will see National Board Certified Teacher, Beth Maloney. Using her voice to advocate for the profession and students, Beth knows that strong working conditions create strong learning conditions. Learn more about how Beth advocates for the profession and Arizona’s students at the school, district, state, and national levels. ...

Teacher Leadership in Action: Leading in Practice

Teacher leadership matters as we improve learning opportunities for our students. In this video you will meet National Board Certified Teacher, Molly Reed. Molly is a teacher at Borton Magnet School in the Tucson Unified School District. Several years ago students questioned her about the carrots she brought to school. The carrots, covered in dirt, had the roots and greens still attached. Their only experience with carrots had been with those purchased at the store or in the lunch line. Realizing that her students had no idea where their vegetables came from Molly set out to work with her colleagues and community to build a garden and chicken coop. Learn more about Molly and her work at Borton. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. ...

Teacher Leadership in Action: Leading in the Profession

Teacher leadership matters as we work to improve student learning opportunities. In this video you will meet National Board Certified Teacher, Daniela Robles, as she shares her story and path to teacher leadership. When Daniela achieved National Board Certification she wanted the same experience for her colleagues. Her story became the inspiration for the feature-length documentary, The Mitchell 20. Working in the Balsz Elementary School District, Daniela continues to lead help her colleagues find their own path to leadership. ...

Becoming Board Certified: The Journey of National Board Certification

National Board Certification is the most rigorous credential a teacher can earn. Like board-certified doctors and accountants, teachers who achieve National Board Certification have met rigorous criteria through intensive study, expert evaluation, self-assessment, and peer review. Studies repeatedly demonstrate that National Board Certification impacts student performance and school culture. The Arizona K12 Center has a long history of supporting teachers seeking this advanced credential. Visit to learn more. Start your journey towards National Board Certification today. ...

NBPTS: Getting Board Certified

Learn how to become a National Board Certified Teacher at and how the Arizona K12 Center can support you at ...

NBPTS: Transitioning into Leadership Roles

Teachers consistently lead their teams and grade levels, but now more than ever they are being called upon to transition into leadership roles that advance the teaching profession. In this video, hear from National Board Certified teachers from across the country as they share how NBCTs can work together to build collaborative school cultures, transform instruction and policy, and improve teaching and learning to impact students. ...


Kindness in Action: It’s a Team Effort

Kindness in Action: It’s a Team Effort ...

10 Click-Worthy Links for Every Teacher

We share our favorite teacher-friendly links from the past week. Happy November! Fall in Arizona sets our teacher-hearts ablaze with the first hints of cooler weather and the promise of Thanksgiving. Here’s a quick list of links to start your month off on the right foot. Looking for fresh craft in ...

10 Ideas for a Festive Fall Season

Welcome cooler temps, fall flavors and more with these fun ways to celebrate the season — in and out of the classroom. Is pumpkin spice your favorite seasoning? Do you love all things red, orange, and yellow? If so, you’ll love these fall-themed links. Think fall leaves are a plane ride away? Thin ...

10 Links to Get You in the Holiday Spirit

The holidays are near, Arizona educators! Keep calm and get your teaching on. ...

10 Links for Lazy Laptop Lounging

Oh, the sounds of summer bliss: water splashing, slushie slurping, and alarm clock silence. We’re in love. Here’s our latest collection of clickworthy educator links — perfect for staying in the loop with lazy laptop lounging or poolside tablet surfing. Prep for your most upbeat year yet by steer ...

10 Links for Your First Day Back

The Arizona K12 Center curates the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. The students are coming! The students are coming! Ready or not, here they come. These 10 links are here to help get you in prime first-day form. Teaching all of those procedu ...

10 Links for Your Spring Break

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Oh, March. Bringer of shamrocks and spring break. The halfway mark of second semester. And, for many of us Arizonans, inevitable rising temperatures. Got a moment? Grab a seat as we click our way i ...

10 Links to Help You Spread Your Wings This Spring

Tech, tool and teacher resources you can't miss. If you’re like us, the hints of spring are kick starting your teaching mojo. Something about the season’s promise of new things to come has us itching to branch out ourselves and try new things. This week’s resource roundup embraces that inspiration ...

10 Links We Love This Week

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists or perfect printables. Welcome to second semester — a season for spring flings, rising temperatures and squirrely students. Got time for a quick (much deserved!) break? We’ve got you covered with fun, practical, interest- ...

10 Resources to Say Thanks

From no-stress tech tools to Arizona’s CTE programs, see what we’re clicking this month. Cooler breezes, fuller bellies, and long weekends — these are just a few of the things we are thankful for this time of year. Take a moment to savor this happy season and catch up with our most recent roundup o ...

10 Summer Learning Highlights from the Arizona K12 Center

Arizona K12 Center’s Professional Learning Directors reflect on a busy summer filled with learning. We learned… ...providing educators time, space, and support in collaborating, proves to be powerful when finding solutions to problems. …Instagram! Talk about a seriously great hub for sharing classr ...

10 Timesavers for Arizona Teachers This Fall

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. November, we know you’re busy. But in lots of ways, you’re the best kind of full calendar there is: cooler weather, fall feasting, and constant reminders to count our blessings. In between the hust ...

10 Traits of a Group-worthy Task

They’re accountable. Relevant. Complex. And they won’t just help math teachers. There isn’t a part of life that isn’t affected by mathematical understanding. Whether we are drawing connections, solving problems, or making new discoveries, deep comprehension is a necessity for success. In anticipati ...

10 Truths About the Teacher Leadership Institute

We all know the feeling that stems from missing a coveted event. But, shed not a tear and worry no more because Dr. Karl Ochsner doles out what he learned at the 2016 Teacher Leadership Institute. Although the three-day event has passed, its impact on my teaching and leadership echoes on like a gon ...

10 Ways to Make the Most of May

Arizona K12 Center curates the week’s best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Summer is coming. You have just a few weeks left, and then you can rewatch the entire Game of Thrones series before season seven hits in July. Struggling to make the most of your ...

10 Ways to Safeguard Your Sanity This School Year

Arizona K12 Center curates the week’s best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. August isn’t even here, and if you’re already dreading the thought of giving up every ounce of your personal time — knock it off! We totally know how busy (and hectic and demanding ...

11 Links That Are Just Too Hot for the Winter Blues

FlipGrid, kindness, and freebies — February’s round up of curated links are a breath of fresh air. Hello, amazing Arizona educators! We hear you — while February may be short on calendar days, it’s a month that tends to move in slow-mo. Cozy up with your device and a warm mug of something delicious ...

11 Sites to Help You Recharge Your Batteries

Winter break is almost here! Kick it off with some of the best. Colorful lights are bedecking the neighborhoods, holiday music is nonstop on the radio, and we’re looking forward to a little much-needed P&Q over the break. Here’s a few last-of-the-year click-worthy links to explore while you kic ...

11 Ways Arizona Teachers Can Save Money

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. ‘Tis the season … to save a buck where you can! In this week’s roundup, we’re taking a look at savvy shopping and frugal teaching. You’re welcome! 11 teacher discounts for every occasion… …and he ...

12 Links All Secondary Teachers Need

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists or perfect printables. Welcome back, friends! This week’s crop of links caters to the more sophisticated crowd — or at least they like to think so! We’ve collected some gems for our secondary students and the educators th ...

13 Brain-Based Teacher Activities for Winter Break

Yes, winter break should bring joy and rejuvenation, but don’t be afraid to exercise your brain with these mentally stimulating tasks. Rest and relaxation are imperative during the holidays, but when napping (and indulging in sweet treats) gets old, we’ve got you covered. National Board Certified T ...

13 Reasons to Use Google Classroom

The free app is taking K-12 classrooms by storm. Here’s why you’ll want to hop on board. Google. Classroom. Is. Everywhere. On this Google for Education platform, kids can upload their work and collaborate with peers while you provide feedback and grading online. Google Classroom combines with thei ...

15 Links to Help Our Littlest Learners

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Oh, sweet September. Perhaps it’s the still-eager and summer-energized students. Maybe it’s the much needed promise of cooler weather. Wherever September’s magic comes from, something about this mo ...

2016 Teacher of the Year Continues to Rise to Find her Stride

Arizona's newest teacher voice commits to running the race. Often, teaching is a lot like running. There isn’t a day in the classroom, or a run, that is the identical. Both, though, begin with goal setting and dedication.Such is the case for 2016 Teacher of the Year, Christine Marsh. The Scottsdale ...

3 Cooperative Learning Structures You Can Implement Today

These effective learning structures will engage all kinds of learners in your classroom. Anytime you’re asked to implement something new as a teacher, it evokes some level of discomfort. And when it comes to releasing control, you might even feel like you’re watching your discomfort compound and mo ...

3 Cross-Curricular Ideas for Geometry

Geometry shouldn’t be confined to the four walls of a mathematics classroom. Break the barriers and make geometry more applicable for students by integrating it into different subjects and activities. We’ve all been there. You learn information for a test and forget it once you’ve gotten the grade. ...

3 Educational Grants You Need to Put on Your Radar

With funding uncertain, grants can offer an additional source of aid for educators. Funding for education is always changing, and additional resources can be hard to come by. Many teachers even use their own money to buy classroom supplies. So where can teachers get additional financial support for ...

3 Keys to Balancing Teaching Classes with Taking Classes

ASU’s Mari Koerner and David Garcia weigh in on the secrets to graduate student sanity. When the acceptance letter came, your heart soared. Here was your chance to get back in the student’s chair! You foresaw yourself reading scholarly journals by lamplight, fueled by curiosity and passion alone. ...

3 Meditation Apps That Will Save Your Life (and Keep You Sane)

Can't calm your brain? These apps can help your mind relax. In case you haven’t heard, meditation has many benefits. It can reduce stress, increase problem-solving and inspire new ideas. Recent studies have even shown that 10 minutes of daily meditation can rival medication and change the brain. So ...

More from 3Ps' "Visible Learning in Math with Connie Hamilton"

Enjoy our 3Ps episode with Connie Hamilton? We’ve got even more for you to explore here.Connie talked about her recent book release, Hacking Questions. You can find out about that and her book with Starr Sackstein, Hacking Homework, on Connie’s website here. You can find Connie’s Twitter account he ...

3Ps Hosts Play Favorites

With two, full seasons of “3Ps in a Pod” complete, the hosts of the education podcast share their favorite episodes and why. If you haven’t heard, we joined the podcast party. The widespread way to pass time has enabled us to take professional development to a whole new level. To support educators ...

3 Quick Tips for 1-to-1 Classrooms

Whether you have an army of Chromebooks or iPads, here’s how to make the most out of technology in your class. 1. Befriend the tech specialist.No one expects you to know every app, program, and browser. There are experts for that! Become BFFs with your school or district’s technologist specialists ...

3 Seating Plans for the Upcoming School Year (and Why They Work)

Having trouble engaging students? Maybe it’s time to change your classroom’s layout. One student is looking out the door into the hallway, a few are in the back talking, and one student is in the front trying to take notes. We get it: Engaging students can be difficult, even with the best lesson pl ...

3 Teaching Practices We're Giving the Boot

Stop using these old go-tos; we share our favorites instead. No matter how enlightened we become in our teacher training, it’s easy to fall into the rut of teaching the way we were taught. The problem is, not all of yesterday’s teaching tactics can be relied upon, and some are downright ineffective ...

3 Time-Saving Tips for the New School Year

Get off on the right foot to ensure you don’t get behind. It’s the final countdown. Most of us are in our last week of sweet summer freedom. If you’re a lucky one with a more traditional start date, you’re definitely feeling the back-to-school butterflies right about now. 1. Make daily, weekly, and ...

3 Ways to Fight Test Stress

Giving AzMERIT for the first time? Here’s help! Your students, your principal, and your fellow teachers have talked about AzMERIT: Arizona's Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching annual assessment all year. Now the big test is almost here.Take a deep breath. You will get plenty of ...

3 Ways to Incorporate Inauguration Activities in the Classroom

Tomorrow is an important day for the American society. Seize the chance to integrate current events and citizenship into your classroom, even in the smallest way. Let’s put political parties aside. The inauguration of the 45th president of the United States is upon us. If January has flown by and y ...

3 Ways Your Students Can Use Their Phones for Good

Stop swimming upstream with tech. These strategies can harness cellphones to enhance the learning experience. It’s no surprise that for many teachers, the cellphone is a constant push and pull between students, teachers, parents, and administrators. But what if there is a way to keep everyone happy ...

4 Apps to Help Below-Level Reading

We round up the top apps to help students improve their reading. In 2015, only 36 percent of fourth grade students performed at or above the proficient reading level in the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) reading test.In other words, 64 percent — or nearly two-thirds — of fourth gr ...

4 Key Questions for Your Students

Discover how these four base questions can open up a world of dialog in your classrooms. Ben Johnson wants to know: How many times have you asked your class "Does everybody understand?" Probably a lot, without even thinking about it. Here's what the Texas educator says that question really means:"W ...

4 Must-Know Tips for Success at the National Board Institute

Don’t miss these four imperatives for those attending the Arizona K12 Center’s National Board Institute. There’s nothing worse than showing up to an event and realizing you “missed the memo.” The Arizona K12 Center’s National Board Coordinator, Michelle Pyde, provides us with four imperatives to en ...

4 Podcasts To Enjoy This School Year

Curious about what Arizona K12 Professional Learning Directors are listening to this month? Their tastes are just as diverse as their vibrant personalities. Make the most out of your drives with some of our favorite podcasts. Podcasts are an excellent way to keep entertained during commutes to and ...

4 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Getting a Master’s Degree

Is it the right time for you to go back to school? You spend all day at school, so why are you thinking of going back? Well, there are many reasons! A pay bump, new professional opportunities, and improved performance.That said, a master’s degree isn’t right for everyone. We’ve put together a quick ...

4 Quick Steps for AzMERIT Student Success

Here's how your students can be in tip-top shape for testing this month. You've prepped and prepped; now it's time for the big day. (Well, days.)AzMERIT testing is here! Students in third grade through high school take English language arts and mathematics tests at their grade level, while high sch ...

4 Reasons to Love Teaching in Arizona

The phrase, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone,” has never been more true for one former Arizona teacher. Read why you should count your teacher blessings if you teach in the Grand Canyon state. Erin Eppler is a National Board Certified Teacher who relocated to Gorham, Maine in 2015. The ...

4 Things Every Arizona Student Should Know … and More!

The Arizona K12 Center curates the week’s best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Got a second for a quick clickfest? Kick off your flip-flops, grab something to sip (preferably one with a tiny umbrella), and soak up this week’s fresh internet inspiration. ...

4 Things You’ll Gain from CREATE

Don’t just learn with the Arizona K12 Center, CREATE! Join us as we experience the newest innovation space at the Arizona Science Center. Register, and you’ll gain these four items, along with much more. If you’re like us, you can’t wait to attend the Art of Making: CREATE, Play, and Engineer in th ...

4 Tips for the Overwhelmed Teacher

You’re halfway to Christmas break, but it seems like a world away. Avoid burnout with our help. For so many teachers, stress is an overwhelming constant. The cycles of planning, differentiating, managing, grading, professional development, and meetings take their toll on our personal lives, our san ...

4 Unique Ideas for Using Social Media in the Classroom

We offer our top tips for integrating social media into your classroom. There’s no denying it: Students are just as obsessed as you are with social media. (OK, probably a little more.) According to Adweek, three out of four students in seventh through 12th grade have at least one social media profi ...

4 Ways to Honor the Classroom Champion

These easy recognition ideas and resources can be done inside the classroom starting tomorrow. Somewhere between the grading and designing lessons, it becomes easy to forget to recognize our students for small, but wonderful victories. Here are a few ideas that you can do tomorrow to authentically ...

4 Ways to Keep Your High Schoolers Interested

Are they just not that into you? Try these helpful classroom tips. Teaching teens is a seriously tricky business. Taking command of a high school classroom can easily feel like telling jokes into a dead mic. Is this thing on?But engaging our secondary students has never been so critical. In 2013, ...

5 Reasons to Befriend the School Resource Officer

Learn why you and your students should buddy up to campus police officer. We won’t make the joke about police officers, doughnuts, and coffee. In the midst of tragic campus shootings, school administrators are working to ensure schools are safe — there’s no better time to get acquainted with your s ...

5 Reasons to Join Mentor Academy

Discover how one teacher built deeper relationships and gained invaluable knowledge as a mentor. In the past few years, Master Teacher Heidi Strate has had a lot on her plate. The Balsz Elementary math teacher and instructional coach was pursuing National Board certification when her school gave he ...

5 Reasons to Take a National Board Pre-Candidacy Class

Think you're ready to take the next step? We have just the class for you. ...

5 Secrets to Great Health That We Can Learn From First Graders

Those bounce-off-the-wall kids may be onto something... What’s better than getting into better shape? Getting to act like a kid while you’re at it! We’ve known all along that our young’uns are a lot smarter than they get credit for — and when we get right down to it, they might just hold the secret ...

5 Steps to PD Success

Got a stack of professional development notes in your bottom drawer? Not anymore… There’s a reason you do professional development. Teachers who receive an average of 49 hours of PD increased their students’ achievement by approximately 21 percentage points, according to the Institute of Education ...

5 Strategies to Organize and Prepare for the End of the Year

As the end of the year approaches, it is important to remember that a clean room is a happy room … and a happy teacher! 1. Clean ahead and be ready! If you know that you are going to have to clean out your entire classroom (walls, desks, bookshelves, etc.), be prepared and carve out time as the end ...

5 Supplemental Resources for Difficult Subjects

For students who need clarification on tricky concepts, these resources come in handy. From complex math equations to delicate literary metaphors, certain classroom concepts require additional aid to help students fully grasp them. Here are five resources that can help.Reading Comprehension: Circle ...

5 Tips for a Productive Commute: Educator Twist

Ready to (safely) multitask during your commute? We took the usual recommendations and made them educator-friendly. Are you stuck behind the wheel driving for what seems like forever to and from your school site? Don’t get the commuter blues. Instead, put these tips and tricks to use. You may find ...

5 Tips for a Safe Learning Community

Learn how to give your students an open learning environment. A safe classroom is a successful one. Here are five intuitive ways you can cultivate a safe learning community for learners of all ages.1. Build a community.The beginning of the semester is the perfect time to get the ball rolling, but i ...

5 Tips for Making Your Smart Board Work Harder

The Smart Board is much more than a projector. Learn how to engage your kids with this widespread tool. Ah, the Smart Board. Arguably the biggest technology to hit many an Arizona classroom, this digital whiteboard detects and responds to touch interactions, making a mockery of yesteryear’s slidesh ...

5 Tips for National Board Certification

Whether you’re already a National Board Certified Teacher, working toward the distinction, or wondering what it is, here are five need-to-know items about the Board-certification process. Alexis LaDuca speaks from experience because she’s deep in the trenches of National Board Certification. As a c ...

5 Tips For Selecting Quality Mentor nvarchar(max)s

Looking for a surefire way to increase student connection and engagement through reading? These helpful hints that will help you find the perfect book or passage. Mentor nvarchar(max)s can move mountains — pairing literacy with new learning will drive home fresh concepts for students of all ages. L ...

5 Ways to Charm Your PLC

Teachers share their secrets for being a great meeting participant. Most new teachers feel the same pressure when it comes to meetings.There is so much to do outside the meeting: lessons to plan, parents to contact, papers to grade. And what would a new teacher have to contribute with so many exper ...

5 Ways to Create a More Inclusive Classroom Today

Discover how and why to make a more diverse and equal learning experience. "One event, session, or course should not be considered doing your duty. The work of diversity, inclusion, and equity does not end, as we all make inroads into bettering education for all students."As Arizona teachers, it’s ...

5 Ways to Create in Arizona

STEAM matters. Here’s why, and how you can incorporate it into your classroom. Whether you’re a scientist, a tech innovator, an engineer, or a mathematician, you need creativity to solve problems. And that’s why groups around the world are pushing to turn STEM (science, technology, engineering, mat ...

5 Ways to Emotionally Recharge This Summer

Prioritize and protect your emotional well-being with these practical resources. The end of the school year is an emotionally charged time. No matter how drained you feel, these tools will help you refuel your batteries and return to your classroom refreshed and ready to make a difference.1. Medita ...

5 Ways to Honor Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month deserves more than a sweeping overview of diverse cultures and contributions. Try these tips for a thoughtful celebration of Hispanic heritage. When you’ve built lessons that cover topics like identity and diversity into your year-round learning plans, themed months present ...

5 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Team Meetings

Turn your most-dreaded chore into a positive, worthwhile experience. ...

6 Make-Ahead Binders to Knock Out Before School Starts

Bind now, thank us later! You don’t have to be a type-A personality to love the idea of teacher binders. These grab-and-go sanity-savers are any teacher’s best friend. Whether you’re out sick or looking to show evidence for performance goals at your next evaluation conference, these easy binders wi ...

6 Reasons to Sign Up for Lesson2Life

Jump on your chance to participate in a unique learning opportunity called Lesson2Life with the Arizona K12 Center. Whether we realize it or not, summer is just around the corner. No need to fret over the 100-plus temperatures yet, but you will want to reserve your spot for the Arizona K12 Center’s ...

6 Resources for Test-Prep Time

From tackling test anxiety to improving the testing environment, here are the tips you need now. THE test is coming. These six ideas and resources will help your students better prepare for what can be a very stressful time for them (and you).1. Many experts agree that a student’s test-taking skill ...

6 Simple Ways to Remember Your Students’ Names

Jennifer, Jessica ... Jamie? There’s nothing worse than reaching for a student’s name six weeks into the year. Here’s how to nail roll call.  Seating ChartsYes, this is a no brainer. But the handy tool is your best bet to remember your kiddos’ names instantly. Aim to memorize the back row in the ...

6 Solutions for a Talkative Class

We have some solutions that'll help tame kiddos of all ages. Some years, classroom chemistry is magical. You and them? You click. You get one another. What could be wrong with that? A chatty room isn’t always the product of bad intentions. Sometimes, your welcoming, student-centered classroom cultu ...

6 Strategies for Surviving Back-to-School Week

School’s starting back up! Are you ready? ...

6 Ways Cognitive Coaching Can Move Your Teaching Practice

Are you wondering if the eight-day Cognitive Coaching training is worth your time and energy? Here are six reasons to commit to the professional learning endeavor. ...

6 Ways to Expand Students' Vocabulary with Technology

Enhancing vocabulary doesn’t have to be a challenge. Grab a device and get students using new words now. Ding! As educators, we love to hear and see the light bulbs turn on in our students' heads. We know that reading comprehension is supported by how well students understand the vocabulary include ...

6 Ways to Vacation on a Budget

We’ve got your Arizona daytrips, tips, and deals for a sweet summer trip. Oh, sweet summer — we’ve been looking for you! Knowing how elaborate vacations can be oh-so-pricy, we’re taking a look at some local treasures that will help you keep more of that summer check in your bank account. Whether yo ...

7 Books Every Arizona Teacher Should Read

We share our favorite education-themed reads (both nonfiction and fiction!) Stock up now for some winter break reading! With winter break on the horizon, I am beginning to go through the mountain of books that I keep neatly stacked by my bed. With so many titles waiting to be read, it’s time to dec ...

7 Books for Summer Rejuvenation

Turn these pages to inspire you to be the teacher you want to be. Sweet, sweet summer! Time to let loose and fill our calendars with fun, relaxation, and replenishment. Weeks outside the classroom call for investing in YOU. Is there a better way to inspire your creativity and nurture your teacher f ...

7 Exercises for End-of-Year Reflection

Feeling introspective? These activities for students and teachers are perfect for the final weeks of school. For Students1. Create a hashtag. Whether it’s indicative of your last unit or the school year as a whole, a hashtag can be a fun way for students to remember what matters and flex their crea ...

7 Library Resources Your Students Can Use Today

Libraries are more than just books, they offer a ton of other resources too. Hitting the library? Don’t skip the stacks! But you should know that’s not the only resource our libraries offer. Whether it’s your school or public library, you can find a multitude of resources beyond the shelves. Homew ...

7 Links to Lift Up Yourself and Your Students

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists or perfect printables. Maintaining positivity can be tough. Our local news has been crowded with anything but happy stories. Schools are under attack, facing financial strains like never before, overwhelming pressure on s ...

7 Steps for a Successful First Day of Class

Start the year off right with these A+ tips. The bell rings and students pour in on the first day of school. Excitement hangs thick in the air — along with nerves and a touch of chaos. Your lesson plans and activities are ready, but are you? Here are seven essential tips for acing the first day of ...

7 Reminders to Help Avoid Teacher Burnout

Whether you’ve been teaching two years or 20, take these steps to make sure you still love the classroom. ...

7 Teacher Resolutions for 2018

We’re ready for the new year, and these goals can help. Dear Best Year Ever,We Arizona teachers are so ready for you. In preparation of your arrival, we’ve brainstormed some resolutions that we can stick with. (And, hey, after giving it some thought, there are just some things we aren’t willing to ...

8 Groups Offering Educational Summer Camps in Arizona

Summer plans don’t have to be learning-free. Check out this list of educational camps you’ll likely want to share with students and parents. Help keep scholastic momentum going and encourage your students to keep learning this summer. Share the links below with parents in your educational community ...

8 Ideas for a Rainy Day

This downpour of activities is perfect for indoor recesses. They say April showers bring May flowers. Every teacher should have weather plans up his or her sleeves. Indoor recess won’t rain on our parade when we’ve got these ideas saved up for a rainy day. Ditch Heads Up, 7 Up with hands-on reces ...

8 Ideas for Integrating Technology into Your Classroom

Tech is here to stay, and it doesn’t have to be scary. Integrating new technologies into your classroom might just be easier (and more fun) than you think. These are some of our favorite tech tools to use in the classroom. Which ones might help you take your teaching to the next level?Touchcast Stu ...

8 Links to Welcome You Into the 2020s

Arizona K12 Center curates the best teacher resources to kick off a new year and a new decade. ...

8 Resources For Which We’re Grateful

You’re going to be extra thankful for these reflection and gratitude exercises. (And no, they’re not just for Thanksgiving!) When thinking about November, we tend to focus on Thanksgiving and Veterans Day (and if you’re curious to learn about the history of Thanksgiving over the years, you can chec ...

8 Teacher Resolutions for the New School Year

Now’s the perfect time to set your intentions for the new term. Here are a few ideas to get you started. From inspiring personal goals to lofty professional ambitions, these resolutions ensure that you’ll discover life-changing benefits in and out of the classroom — now and for years to come.1. I w ...

8 Things to Be Thankful for in the Arizona Classroom

A job that makes room for your passion? Yes, please! When the teacher blues hit, as sometimes they do, it can be easy to feel underappreciated and lost in the shuffle. The best way to fight a bout of these gnashing feelings is to remember what it is we ourselves are grateful for. Here’s a quick lis ...

8 Things You Should Know About the Noticing Tools Apps

The Arizona K12 Center Brings the New York Hall of Science to Phoenix on Dec. 8-9. Whether you are signed up for the training or are interested in Teaching STEM Through Art and Design on Dec. 8-9, here are eight things you should know about the free Noticing Tools apps. The five, free apps were de ...

8 Tips to Set the Right Tone From the Start

Pick what works best for your classroom to lay a positive groundwork on day one. Seems like everyone’s got his or her own tricks to set students up for success from the moment they step into the classroom. But, like so many strategies, you’ve got to find the ones that best fit YOU. We put together ...

9 Cool Links to Read This Winter Break

Ready, set, WINTER BREAK! As so many of us are headed into our end of the year holiday, let’s celebrate by scoping out this week’s roundup of cool clicks for educators. Topping our list with a list? Why not! Here’s one blogger’s cool collection of the “50+ Best Websites for Teachers.” Have you ...

9 Must-Read Links for the End of the School Year

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Who’s counting down the days until summer vacation? All of us! Take a break from grading finals and the end of the year chaos to join us for this week’s clickable reads. No way! Check out this rob ...

9 Links To Make You and Your Students Smile

Who says silly doesn’t have its place in the classroom? Playtime is for all ages. Get your clicking fingers ready for ways to incorporate more playfulness in the classroom — and find out why it’s important. Make science seem like magic with these Harry Potter-inspired experiments. Why so serious? ...

9 Ways to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Take a trip through the Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum or try your hand at papier-mâché masks. From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, the United States recognizes the contributions, culture, and heritage of the Hispanic and the Latino community. It’s important to celebrate these contributions and also explor ...

A Call for Year-Round Celebrations

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. The 10th Annual Celebration of Accomplished Teaching is over. The boxes of decorations have been put away, the linens returned, and the bills paid. What remains front and center are ...

ACEs 101

Here’s what you need to know about addressing adverse childhood experiences in the classroom. In their new book, Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences, authors Victoria E. Romero, M.Ed. Educational Consultant, Ricky Robertson, M.Ed. Behavior Intervention Speciali ...

A Clean Slate and 10 Links for Inspiration

Kick off 2018 with teacher perks, tech integration, diversified libraries, and more. Do you feel that? It’s the start of a new year, and it’s kindling our flames for teaching and inspiring us to make positive changes. Get your clicking fingers ready to browse with this month’s round up of just-for- ...

ADE ESSA: What Is It and What Does It Mean?

The ESSA is changing education in Arizona; learn what it means for you. There are some changes taking place in American legislation, and they affect you as a teacher. This month, the state of Arizona is submitting its documentation for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Not sure what this means ...

A Dozen Reasons to Participate in Digital Learning Day

Looking to join a national movement? Get a jump-start and start planning for Digital Learning Day 2017. For the second year in a row, Littleton Elementary School District (LESD) participated in National Digital Learning Day. The Feb. 17 event, which showcased district-wide technology integration, b ...

A Dozen Tips for an Invigorating and Engaging Classroom

Secrets from LeAnna Wolkis — the energetic National Board Certified Teacher shares her best classroom tips. Keeping all my Fireside Elementary School kindergartners engaged is a continuous goal of mine. While students participate in activities that further their understanding and develop their skil ...

A Graphic That Will Grab Your Attention

There’s no denying teachers have to push aside condescending comments about the profession (insert the cliché remark about having summers off). Thankfully, this infographic represents reality of what it means to be an Arizona educator — clearly the time commitment outweighs the extended vacation. S ...

A Long List: Things I Learned From the Beginning Teacher Institute

Never have I ever… Taken a million notes during a professional learning opportunity only to throw them aside unvisited… says no one, ever. Rid the habit, grab the noteworthy information, and review it before the school year begins. Blair Kurland is a fifth-grade teacher at Arizona Desert Elementary ...

A Look at the Parent Empowerment Project

Discover how Phoenix teacher Audra Damron utilized parents to impact school readiness. Teacher LeaderAudra DamronDesert Oasis Elementary School, Tolleson Elementary School DistrictPhoenix, Arizona Leadership ProjectParent Empowerment Project GoalProvide p ...

A Mid-Year Plan to Clear Your Classroom Clutter

Don’t wait until the end of the school year to declutter. A couple weeks before the end of last school year, my principal dropped by my classroom and announced that Spanish classes were moving different wing of the building. And, he announced, it would be my responsibility to sort and box district- ...

A More Thoughtful Approach to Black History Month (and How to Avoid a Lesson in Faux Pas)

Black History Month deserves more than a handful of cliché lesson plans. Consider these tips to improve your classroom’s understanding. ...

Analyzing Arizona’s Educational Landscape Years Later

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. In 1996, I became Arizona’s first National Board Certified Teacher. After 10 years, Board-certified teachers must decide whether or not they wish to pursue recertification. ...

Anchor Charts: The Living Learning Documents

Let’s rid the myths about visual learning — big bucks and artistic abilities not necessary. There is a misconception that visual aids used to enhance instruction, such as anchor charts, are only effective if they are purchased, prefabricated posters from a local educator supply store. Tack on the n ...

An Eternal Educator Heads East

One Isaac School District teacher is packing up his classroom belongings to chase a dream of being a lifelong learner and teacher. While his colleagues close their classrooms for summer break, Lorenzo Garza is boxing up his teacher life, at least for one year. Though the Tucson native is committed ...

A New Take on Valentine’s Day: 9 Resources that Promote Self-Love

Be your own Valentine this month. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about exchanging cards and eating chocolates. It can also be a good opportunity to recognize the importance of self-love. Here are 9 resources to help you and your students practice emotional and mental self-care. Here are three things ...

An Inside Look at SB 1038

Discover how Phoenix teacher Mike Vargas dedicated himself to doubling the number of physics and chemistry teachers in Arizona. Teacher LeaderMike VargasPinnacle High School, Paradise Valley Unified School District, Phoenix, Arizona Leadership ProjectSen ...

An Open Letter to Our State’s Educators

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Dear Arizona Education Professional,As I type this, it’s Nov. 6, Election Day across Arizona and the United States. The polls are open and if you believe the pundits and re ...

Answering a Personal Call: Kristie Martorelli

This teacher of the year has changed countless lives. Learn how she changed her own. “My life has completely changed,” Kristie Martorelli admitted, when asked if things are different since being named the 2012 Arizona Educational Foundation Teacher of the Year. More than ever, the Arizona native sa ...

Appreciate the Power of Education

Ready for another school week? We're here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

A Prep to Protect

7 tips for staying focused during your planning period. ...

A Professional Fashion Statement: National Board Certification

New National Board Certified Teacher, Dayna Burke, explains how the process changed her professional wardrobe - new accessory and outlook included. All teachers wear many metaphorical “hats.” We have ones labeled mentor, coach, advocate, parent, spouse, and friend. Sometimes, we wear them one at a ...

Are We Doing Our Best?

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. In 1996, I was Arizona’s first National Board Certified Teacher. I witnessed first-hand the impact it had on my practice, my students, and the school community. It elevated ...

Are You a Teacher Under 30? You’re Not Alone (Especially in Arizona)

Arizona’s teaching force is one of the youngest in the country. How does that impact our schools? Chances are, you’re a young teacher. Or, maybe your co-teacher is just a couple years out of college. Either way, the Arizona teaching landscape is a young one, poised to learn and grow immensely.Accor ...

Are You Mindful?

Here's your guide to practicing mindfulness with your students. A classroom of students attentive to the space around them and the moment at hand. Peers who trade judgment for insight. Students who are kinder, less stressed, and more curious. Sound like science fiction?This is mindfulness, and scho ...

Arizona AzMERIT Scores Show Mild Improvement

While there is evidence of growth, there is still much work to be done. The Arizona Department of Education has released the preliminary AzMERIT results for the 2015-2016 school year and the results are mixed. While less than half of the state’s students are proficient in English and math, there ha ...

Arizona Districts Carve Pathways to Leadership

Placing teachers in critical roles advances educational leadership. In a perfect world, shifting the culture of education and defining teacher leadership would be simple. But, the reality is there’s no Pinterest recipe or Teachers Pay Teachers lesson plan to make these things happen overnight.In an ...

Arizona Falls Behind in the Race for Quality Physical Education

When it comes to PE, Arizona has very few requirements for students. It’s no secret that America is overweight. Compared to other countries, we may very well be the most obese country on the planet. Physical activity, or lack thereof, is certainly one of the many contributing factors to obesity. As ...

Arizona Falls Behind on Preschool Enrollment (and Why That Matters)

With 50 percent of 3- and 4-year-olds around the nation attending preschool, we’re lagging — here’s why that’s a problem. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 37 percent of 3- and 4-year-olds in Arizona are enrolled in preschool. In stark contrast, the last time the national average was 37 per ...

Arizona K12 Center Brings New York Hall of Science to Phoenix

Learn face-to-face from leaders of the New York Hall of Science — no cross-country flight necessary. It’s one thing to download a suite of five iPad apps and use them in the classroom, but it’s another to master award-winning technology, while working alongside experts. If this sounds like a dream ...

Arizona K12 Center’s Year in Review

As the school year ends, the Arizona K12 Center staff reflects on the ways they’ve supported teachers during 2014–2015. The Center, which celebrated its 15th anniversary in the fall, came alongside Arizona teachers in many ways, including professional development trainings and funding assistance th ...

Arizona’s 2016 New and Renewed National Board Certified Teachers

Cream of the crop, world-class, accomplished teacher… These are just a few phrases used to describe educators who can officially call themselves Board-certified. This is our favorite time of year, as we honor the excellence of the new and renewed Board-certified teachers in Arizona. It can be a lon ...

Arizona Teacher Attends Tea for Teachers in D.C.

Cream or sugar, Audra? One Arizona preschool teacher sat down to tea with the U.S. Secretary of Education in Washington. Less than a month ago, Audra Damron found her place at a very special table. On Nov. 16, she joined her fellow Teacher Impact Grantees, awarded by the Association for Supervision ...

Arizona Teacher Retention: The Staying Power of Connectivity

What makes teachers stay?Last spring, I was asked by my school district to go to Ohio on a recruiting trip for new teachers. Our district sent two two-person teams through Ohio and Michigan for a five-day recruiting trip stopping at different universities each day. We were looking for teachers to f ...

Assessment Literacy Comes to Arizona

One expert helps state educators connect the dots between curriculum, instruction and assessment. Teachers are constantly coached in the area of instructional strategies, but how often are they aided in the creation of student assessments? In an effort to align state standards with assessment, the ...

A Summer of Service: 5 Ways to Have a Positive Impact on Your Community

From snuggling with stray animals to giving blood, here’s how you can make a difference in the lives of those around you, all summer long. ...

A Tale of Two New NBCTs

Alexis LaDuca and Lissa Borchers join the ranks of Arizona’s growing number of National Board Certified Teachers. As teachers, our passion for a lifetime of learning is matched only by our love for our students. Professional development and forever pledging to grow in our professions makes us who w ...

A Tale of Two Sisters (in the Classroom)

While some teachers find it challenging to empathize with their students, others’ personal experiences make the task much easier. Two educators from Union Elementary School District say their educational history fuels their professional poise. Ana Cazares and Leticia Barrett are teachers at Union E ...

A Teacher’s Guide to a Capsule Wardrobe

Whether it’s a small budget or the desire for simplicity, capsule wardrobes make maintaining a classic closet easy. Here is one expert’s advice for teachers looking to fashion a timeless and affordable style. Between grading student work, professional learning, standardized tests, and other mandato ...

A Teacher’s Guide to Avoiding “Fake News” in a Busy World

Here are three quick resources for accurate education news. Here are three quick resources for accurate education news.Educators know how complicated it can be to sift quality information out of the internet’s muddy world of “fake news,” “alternative facts,” and articles that are just blatantly bia ...

Attitude Impacts Aptitude

If attitude is contagious we better choose to be positive post-winter break. We all know the dreaded feeling of setting an alarm for the first workday after vacation. It almost seems cruel.Each click, press or swipe—using whatever type of clock you choose—feels a little painful. You can’t help but ...

Augmented Reality is More Than Just Snapchat

OK, so what is AR anyway? Learn more about it and how to leverage it in your classroom. Pokémon GO. Snapchat. Instagram.Snapchat filters launched in 2015. Just a couple of summers ago, Pokémon GO was one of the hottest mobile apps. In 2017, Instagram filters emerged. Augmented reality (AR) is a gro ...

Avoiding Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems: Teaching Financial Literacy

Learning how to budget money is an important skill for students to master. Here’s how you can approach the topic in your classroom. Money management isn’t always covered in the course of a typical lesson plan, but it’s a crucial subject for everyone, not just students. Nowadays, there’s the conveni ...

How to Keep Student Minds Working over Spring Break (Without Using the "H" Word)

Can we avoid student groans while still working toward student gains? If you’ve ever been brave enough to give an assignment over spring break, you’ve seen how a perfectly stable classroom can devolve into mutiny and mayhem. And the possibility that students will even touch the assignment is unlike ...

A Walk in Wolkis Wonderland

National Board Certified Teacher LeAnna Wolkis creates a multifaceted learning environment for her kindergartners at Fireside Elementary School. What comes to mind when you think of a kindergarten classroom? Some might quickly flash back to the days of finger painting, story time in a circle, or mo ...

A Whirlwind of Winter Resources

Brace Yourself for 9 Activities Because Winter is Coming… This video from Khan Academy explains why the Earth’s tilt causes seasons. Here’s a short article (four paragraphs!) from Scholastic explaining what solstices are. There are 24 different time zones across the world. This year, Winter Sol ...

AzMERIT Results: How Students Fared

We take a look at the results of the state’s new test.Last year we said goodbye to the AIMS test and hello to AzMERIT. With that change came some less-than-stellar results.Only 34 percent of students passed English language arts (30 percent male, 38 percent female). And only 35 percent of students ...

Back-to-School Basics

Sarah Simpson dishes her back-to-school tactics for when it feels like herding cats. ...

Balloon Day Countdown

Learn just how many teachers achieved National Board Certification in 2015. Will you be one of them this year? By December, teachers from around the country will discover if they’ve advanced to the next level of teaching: National Board Certification. Here, we call it Balloon Day. Why? Arizona K12 ...

Beating the Midsemester Blues

Find out how to stay cheerful in those long months before the holidays. Call it the November lull or the midsemester blues. No matter what the name, all teachers feel it around this time of year.The excitement of the new school year has faded and now reality has set in. You will be dealing with tha ...

Beating the Summer Slump

How to help kids retain what they learned in your classroom this year. You’ve taught, tested, and graded all year long. Soon the bell will ring for the last time this school year.But before you lock up your classroom for the summer, consider how you will help your students retain what they learned ...

Becker Beckons to New Teachers

You interviewed for your dream job and jumped for joy when you heard you were hired. Now, for the anxiety-filled first year. Third-grade teacher, Jenny Becker, from the Paradise Valley School District shares her tips for a successful year, be it your first or last! You’ve heard the frightening stor ...

Behind the Scenes at City High School

Discover how Tucson teacher Eve Rifkin created a new model for nurtured learning. Teacher LeaderDr. Eve RifkinNational Board Certified TeacherCity High SchoolTucson, Arizona Leadership ProjectCity High School GoalCreate, cultivate, and sustain a caring an ...

Believing in Our Students: Arizona Kids Deserve a World-Class Education

We want students to get a great education, but how do we achieve that goal? This probably won’t shock you, but the vast majority of Arizonans believe all children deserve a world-class education.But how can we make that a reality?Expect More Arizona, a partner of Arizona K12 Center, has the followi ...

Benefits of Fusing Passion, Hobbies, and Education

A Scottsdale Unified School District educator tells us why you should be selfish and how she’s allowed yoga to impact her teaching practice. If yoga poses, arm balances, and handstands were included on resumes, we know an educator who’d have qualifications aplenty. Andrea Mee is a second-grade teac ...

Best Foot Forward: 10 Questions Teachers Should Always Ask

Doing the research will help ensure your next school year is a great one. Shorter days. School supplies sales. Forlorn looks on sun-kissed kids’ faces. August means one thing: back-to-school time. Though exciting, the start of the new school year can also be nerve-wracking, with concerns about find ...

Binding Realism and Blatant Passion: One Teacher’s Story

National Board Certified Teacher Heidi Vratil gets real when she talks about her past and present decisions surrounding education. Her realist remarks and determination to create change are sure to get your teacher fire ablaze for the 2016–2017 school year. Meet Heidi Vratil, a National Board Certi ...

Bingo Chips: An Underrated Classroom Tool for Literacy

Wondering how you can revamp your early childhood classroom this year? Reach way back in your supply closet, past the iPads and crayons, and grab the bingo chips. It’s safe to say many teachers have a bucket of translucent bingo chips sitting in the back corner of a math shelf (possibly collecting ...

Book Review: Better than Carrots or Sticks

How are we building strong children? Are we being intentional rather than reactive when it comes to classroom discipline? Many educators are well into the start of the school year and diligently working to establish classroom norms and procedures. The beginning of the year sets the tone for what wi ...

Book Review: Teacher-Made Assessments

How do you ensure your assessments are valid, reliable, developmentally appropriate, AND align to the cognitive level of your instructional outcomes? Have you ever created an assessment for your students and wondered if it truly gave you an understanding of where to move next in your instruction? H ...

Bosses, We Salute You

Did you know today is a national holiday? Stumped over the occasion? Have no fear. You can make your Boss’s Day special just by taking a moment to say thank you. Flowers, candy, and gift cards are great, but sometimes the simple [and free] things mean the most. Let us help you make your boss feel v ...

Breaking Down Diane Douglas’ Budget Proposal

Where will the $680 million go? Arizona Superintendent Diane Douglas is “cautiously optimistic” about the future of Arizona’s education system in her Jan. 18 state of education speech."We stand on the cusp, the precipice, of either taking a bold step forward to restore Arizona to national prominenc ...

Breaking Down STEM Integration

Demystify and master what it means to fuse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics into other coursework. There might be two types of teachers — one who jumps at the chance to make science, technology, engineering, and mathematics a fluid part of their classroom, and one who cringes at th ...

Breaking Down the Arizona Education Budget

Gov. Doug Ducey rocked the education world in March with further cuts to schools, whether K-12, community colleges or universities. Included in these reductions is a slash of $113 million in district additional assistance funds. Combining 2015 and 2016 cuts amounts to $352.5 million total — an 83 p ...

Bulletin Boards, Seating Charts, and Love for Every Child

Show your kids you care during the first weeks of school. Nancy Uxa, principal of Laird Elementary School in the Tempe Elementary School District, oversees a K-8 campus where 100 percent of the students qualify for free breakfast and lunch.Kids come from homes where parents are unemployed — or spen ...

Burst Your Bubble

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. I have been disheartened by the news this week. Bombs. Murder. Hate. Like many, I wonder how I would react if I was the target. What would I do?I am a white woman. I grew u ...

Called to Creativity

According to Danielle Poletto, art is for everyone. Don’t miss her simple tips for incorporating creativity into all subjects. When she talks about art education, Danielle Poletto includes the words failure, mistakes, skills, empowerment, and learning. Although artwork is often described as masterf ...

Can You Guess the Number of ELL Students in Arizona?

Spoiler: It’s not the most in the country. Arizona’s ELL demographic is a sizable one, but it’s certainly not the largest in the country. In fact, Arizona falls under the national average of 9.2 percent. Seven states, including California, Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado, have more than 10 percent ...

C + C + C = Classroom + Culture + Climate

Follow these tips on how to build a positive classroom culture. Positive culture isn’t just a term for startups and businesses. It’s necessary in all organizations and groups, including classrooms. No, it doesn’t mean you need to encourage your students to play ping pong during their brain breaks o ...

Celebrate African American History Month Now

There are only a few days left in February, but you haven’t missed your chance to talk about African American History month. Before it’s over, fuse the tribute with another topic to make learning multifaceted. We’ve said it before, but diversity can be a tricky topic. Instead of avoiding the subjec ...

Celebrating 2017 With 10 Must-Clicks

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Hey hey, second semester. As you get back into the swing of things, we have your quick list of ideas and inspiration. Happy clicking! Escape the room — for the English classroom? Seriously brillia ...

Celebrating Week of the Young Child

Kids will be kids, and we can celebrate our littlest ones. A common gripe among teachers and parents alike is that “kids can’t be kids anymore.” Schools and society expect a lot from little ones and make it easy for them to grow up too fast. But, every spring, there is a blissful celebration rejoic ...

Centered: Educational Experts Wanted (Actors Need Not Apply)

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. ...

Centered: Reflections on the College Cheating Scandal

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. ...

Centered: Sparking Joy

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. ...

Centered: The End of the Year Brings New Possibilities

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. When I was a teacher, the end of every school year was bittersweet. It was always hectic with celebrations, school concerts, report cards, and other rituals that bring the year to a ...

Centered: The Heart of an Educator

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. For me, Teacher Appreciation Week is a time of year during which I instinctively reflect on the teachers I’ve learned from, and the impact they continue to have on my life.I was one ...

Centered: When Teachers Learn, Kids Learn

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. I first heard about National Board Certification in 1996 while I was attending Representative Assembly, the National Education Association’s annual conference. I remember thinking th ...

Centering Impact for Arizona’s Refugees

Tucson educator Julie Kasper brings together refugees, families and teachers in a safe and enriching space. Teacher LeaderJulie KasperNational Board Certified TeacherLutheran Social Services of the SouthwestTucson, Arizona Leadership ProjectCollaborative Engagement to Nurture Talent and Educate R ...

Champion Learning with Super Bowl Activities

The Super Bowl doesn’t have to be an American tradition reserved for the weekend. Learn how teachers can use the entire production as a teaching tool. We’re convinced the Super Bowl can prompt some fun and engaging classroom tasks. You have a little less than a week to strategize, so grab your plan ...

Changing Lives One Day at a Time

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Class Sizes Are Growing … Surprised?

Think your class size has gotten bigger in the past few years? You’re not dreaming. From 2008 to 2012, the average Arizona elementary school classroom grew by approximately one student. That’s one more smiling face, one more raised hand, one more handout (per lesson!) and one more homework packet ...

Commit to Music in the Classroom

Music has a way of opening the heart and mind. Simply put, a tune can trigger brain activity in ways others can’t. So grab your cowbell, iPod, boom box, drum sticks, or whatever you’ve got … Let’s tap into the power of the senses and bring music into the classroom. Josh Atkins is the music teacher ...

Community Leadership: Empowering Preschool Parents

Audra Damron: “Parents are their child’s first and best teacher.” On Fridays, in most work environments, employees make a swift dash to the parking lot to start the weekend. But at Desert Oasis Elementary School, there’s a dedicated preschool teacher and a couple helpers who have spent eight Frida ...

Complaining is Draining: 4 Alternatives for Handling Frustration

Be deliberate in your approach to dealing with classroom frustration — your well-being (and your students) will thank you. With all the responsibilities that the job entails, a teacher’s energy is a precious commodity. Guard your emotional well-being like it’s your most precious resource — because ...

Congratulations to Arizona’s Top 10 Teachers in 2017

Two National Board Certified Teachers round out this year’s list. Huge congratulations to Encanto Elementary School teacher Michelle Doherty, the newly announced 2017 Arizona Teacher of the Year."What we do matters," Doherty said. "Let's make our mark and be the voice for teachers and students in A ...

Constructing Classroom Community

How can you establish a classroom culture that invites students to feel confident, valued, and safe? When students feel like they’re part of a community, they’re much more likely to play a role in contributing to its success. The following resources, including activities, games, assignments, and mo ...

Coping with a Student’s Crush

Here’s how to handle student affection without embarrassment. Probably everyone who has gone to school has experienced it at one time or another: Butterflies in the belly when you enter the room of that special teacher.Normally, student crushes are rooted in admiration for a teacher’s attractive st ...

Coping With the Crazy Week Before Spring Break

Seasoned middle school teachers share five tips. Middle school students’ emotions go up, down, and all over the place during normal school weeks. So the week before spring break can be especially intense. Here are coping tips from seasoned teachers.1. Remember not all kids are happy to go on break. ...

Coping with Tragedy in the Classroom

In light of recent events, Americans are grieving. Here are three tips to create a culture that supports coping in the classroom. It’s no surprise educators do more than simply teach. While it would be easy to leave therapy and coping strategies to the psychology professionals, students in the mids ...

Could Movies Actually Make Your Students Want to Read?

Research shows students are more likely to read a book that’s been made into a movie. We share upcoming adaptations, along with our favorites from the past. This year, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children will be adapted from book to film, so should you consider assigning it to your class? R ...

Courageous Conversations

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Today is the fourth anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. This day conjures up the images of 20 innocent first-graders and the six adults who died prote ...

CREATE in the College Classroom

Find out how future teachers plan to cultivate creative thinking in their classrooms. This summer, the Arizona K12 Center offered educators a unique hands-on learning experience  at the Arizona Science Center’s Makerspace — a place where science, design, and engineering come together in “a 6,500 sq ...

Create Lasting Meaning with Metaphors

The brain learns by association; here’s how we can harness the power of metaphor across all content areas. Our brains are constantly trying to make connections because that is how we create meaning from the unfamiliar. You don’t have to look far to see examples of this. Kids, at a very young age, s ...

Creating an Achievement Roadmap with Baseline Data

It’s great to know what our instructional goals are for the school year — but it’s just as important to understand where we’re starting from. We all appreciate knowing where we’re going — in many areas of life, it helps to have an end goal in mind. However, it’s just as important to know where you ...

Creating Authentic Community in the Classroom

Discover how relationships transform learning — it’s more than you would think. Throughout the school year, it is incredibly easy to get distracted by the constant influx of to-do’s that seem to rain down at every angle. I have heard teachers describe it as a drowning feeling that comes and goes de ...

CTE in Today’s America

Ever wondered how career and technical ed compares today to past decades?The education system is evolving, and so is career and technical education (CTE). Gone are the days of vocational education hidden in the furthest reaches of a school, for the kids who decidedly weren’t going to college. CTE i ...

Cyberbullying: How to Deter and Detect it

Tell someone. Resist the urge to respond. Save evidence. 6 a.m. Woke up after getting a full eight hours of rest6:05 a.m. Brushed teeth, took a shower6:30 a.m. Picked out clothes, tried on the perfect outfit6:35 a.m. Took a selfie and posted it on social media #lookgoodfeelgood7 a.m. Checked the co ...

Despite What I Know, I Lead

Nicole Wolff, an instructional coach from the Avondale Elementary School District, shares her motives for teacher leadership. Mrs. Ulrich was my favorite teacher, and I believed I was the luckiest kid in the world because I had her for second through fourth grade. She brought out a passion for lear ...

Did My Students Learn Anything?

We share student-centric strategies for making the last 5 minutes of class count. While I cannot be the only one who cringes at the thought of allowing my students “free time,” I equally despise distributing busywork. That said, we’ve all run into unplanned time at the end of a class — delivering d ...

Did You Do Your Best?

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. “Congratulations! I am excited to tell you that you have successfully renewed your National Board Certification.”Opening that letter on a Saturday morning in October brough ...

Difference Makers: The Arizona TeacherSolutions® Team

Here's why teachers should always be at the table. The Arizona TeacherSolutions Team embodies a concept that is at the heart of the Arizona K12 Center’s work: Teachers should be at the table. Whether that table is where education policy is being designed or where new ideas about teaching and learni ...

District Leadership: Transforming Teacher Retention

Christie Olsen: “I don’t think we’re going to have the teacher turnover we had last year.” If a Fortune 500 company saw 23 percent employee turnover in a year, there would be mass chaos and turmoil among the corporation's leadership. Therefore, why is this acceptable in a rural school district, whe ...

Ditch Your Winter Break Woes

You still have a couple days left to stay up late and sleep in, but it’s not too early to get prepped for going back to school. Read on and get ready with our simple tips. Let us guess: You’re reading this on your couch while in your comfiest pajamas. Although the back-to-school grind is just a few ...

Don’t Be Spooked by MOOCs: How to Incorporate Online Courses in Your Classroom

Are your students interested in what college-level coursework might look like? Give them a preview by adapting MOOCs for your own classroom. What are MOOCs?Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are online courses for any audience, and they are often free. These courses provide opportunities for learn ...

Don't Forget These 5 Must-Do's for Back-to-School Night

They're back! These five simple projects will make your life a lot easier. Paper assembly line: No need to spend hours collating all of your paperwork (if the printer won't do it for you). Stack 'em up in the back and make a cute sign so parents know to take one of each! Movable snacks: Your car ...

Don’t Miss Your Next Opportunity to Be a Master Teacher

Here’s everything you need to know to get started (including upcoming dates!). Becoming a Master Teacher is one of the best ways to grow your teaching career. Through the Arizona Master Teacher Program, you will have the opportunity to increase your responsibilities and develop your role as an educ ...

Do Student Rewards Really Work?

We need to be careful to avoid sneaky reward landmines that can easily snare well-meaning teachers. Here are our secrets for making student rewards work for you.   Rewarding kids for positive behavior is a sticky business, and for a good reason. No teacher wants to lead a classroom that requires br ...

Duct Tape: A Temporary Solution

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. When I was a kid my family took a camping trip down the Baja Peninsula. This was long before there were roads, so the trip required four-wheel drive and much patience. Ther ...

Educating Abroad: Teacher Nightmare or Dream Come True?

One educator reflects on her time spent teaching in a faraway, foreign country. Imagine you’re nearly 6,000 miles away from home, in a country that speaks an entirely different language from your native tongue. Not to mention, you just graduated college and have been thrown into teaching students E ...

Educating the Mind and Soul

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Elections Are Not Electives

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. As I watched people turn out en masse to support Arizona’s public schools, I couldn’t help but be impressed with the sheer number of people filling the streets. The color r ...

Embracing the Maker Movement

It’s full steam ahead on this fun-fueled mode of learning. If you’re not onboard with the Maker Movement, it’s time to move your train of thought in the direction of this global community of problem solvers and innovators that’s changing the face of education. The revolution is fueling the educatio ...

Expressing All the Feels Through Words

When the two words don’t feel like enough, you write a few more. Angelia Ebner shares her feelings about Teacher Appreciation Week. “Thank you” is not a phrase that can be used to express the gratitude I have for the teachers who inspired me growing up. I remember so many of them for a variety of r ...

Fact: Teachers are (Far) More Educated Than the Average American

Public school teachers are continuing on to higher education — find out how many. In the United States, a master’s degree is the exception, not the norm. In fact, only 8 percent of Americans have completed a master’s degree or higher. Teachers, on the other hand, are seven times (!!!) more likely t ...

Feeling the Warm and Fuzzies This Fall

Before you rush into the holiday weekend, pause with your students to get your hearts right. Here’s a cute and free printable to prep your psyche for Thanksgiving. When we say “warm and fuzzies”, we’re not talking about the elastic sweatpants you’ll most likely slip into after a big turkey dinner. ...

Finding Time By Giving Time

Time management is a skill that transcends many professions, Angela Watson’s podcasts supports finding time, by giving up a little to listen. Angela Watson, a National Board Certified Teacher, has made it her work “to create resources that make teaching more effective, efficient, and enjoyable” as ...

Fine-Tune Learning by Tapping into Student Rapport

Do you ever experience teacher remorse when you think about how well you’ve gotten to know your students? Stop wishing you could turn back time. Instead, enhance your student-teacher relationships with these four ideas. The school day is approximately 31 percent of a child’s day. Translated, that i ...

Fire Up Your Students’ Passions With Genius Hour

Of all the recent buzzwords and catchphrases, we definitely have a favorite: Genius Hour. I mean, it just sounds cool. And it is. Here’s the premise. Also known as 20 Percent Time, Genius Hour is an inquiry-based practice where students work on individual projects exploring their personal passions ...

First Friday: Childsplay Binds Arts and Education

A former teacher uses her education-based skillset to shape Arizona’s students through the arts. “I chose to be a teacher to change the world,” Andrea Lombardi says. With an intention like that, one might wonder why the Minnesota-born educator left the classroom for a position with a Valley theatre ...

First Friday: Creating, Practicing, and Messing Up

How Jessica Melrose connects community and students for authentic creative experiences. When Jessica Melrose took a position teaching art at Tucson’s City High School in 2013, she was looking for a place to build authentic relationships with her students and community. She found exactly that — and ...

First Friday: Dance Dynamically Does Students Good

Tap into your artistic side on the first Friday of every month. We showcase Arizona art educators committed to making a difference. If you were gifted a strong, vivacious program might you just accept it? Would the show simply go on or would you create a new act? Don’t waste your breath asking Eliz ...

First Friday: How Heidi Hoscheidt Burns Brightly

The Tucson native reflects on 10 years of teaching art, the lives she’s changed, the lives that have changed her. Third-generation Tucson native Heidi Hoscheidt is an avid hiker and backpacker. She hand paints used cowgirl boots to sell in her online shop. Recently, she bought a teardrop trailer an ...

First Friday: Inspiring a World of Growth

Learn how Michelle Peacock teaches, reflects, adjusts, improves, and forgives herself when it’s not perfect.Art students at Scottsdale’s Saguaro High School are getting uncomfortable, and it’s all their teacher’s fault. Michelle Peacock knows a thing or two about growth. Fourth-generation Chinese, ...

First Friday: Kristine Blocker Sees More in Each Masterpiece

Tap into your artistic side on the first Friday of every month. We showcase Arizona art educators committed to making a difference. When students at Colonel Smith Middle School in Fort Huachuca, Arizona make their way to art class, they’re not forced to swing open a heavy, closed door. Instead, the ...

First Friday: Pulbratek Breaks Artistic Barriers

Tap into your artistic side on the first Friday of every month. We showcase Arizona art educators committed to making a difference. Ask National Board Certified Teacher Jen Pulbratek why she chose a career in art and it might sound too good to be true. But, then inquire whether or not art is an inn ...

First Friday: Standing on the Verge

The education community has a lot to get done. Robert Wagner II has some advice — and it’s music to our ears. Music has always been integral to Roger Wagner II’s life. Growing up near a small dairy farm in Davison, Michigan, Wagner sang in choir and praise groups from a young age and began playin ...

First Friday: stARTem Now

One Valley native puts her energy toward fusing STEM and art education. In many ways, schools aren’t what they used to be. Long gone are bake sales, peanut butter sandwiches, multiple recesses in a day, and art for everyone. Due to increased curriculum demands and decreased budgets (among other thi ...

First Friday: Why Laura Motush Slows Down the Learning Process

Tap into your artistic side on the first Friday of every month. We showcase Arizona art educators committed to making a difference. For teachers, the sound of the bell can be bittersweet. Yes, it drives students from one class to the next — which some days might be a blessing, but also it halts the ...

First Friday: Zoretic is a One-Woman Show

Tap into your artistic side on the first Friday of every month. We showcase Arizona art educators committed to making a difference. Call it juggling, a balancing act, or a risky walk across a tightrope — however you consider Ellen Zoretic’s daily routine, it’s safe to say she deserves a huge round ...

5 Tips for Teachers Who Are “All Thumbs”

Can’t letter a sign or cut in a straight line? Don’t stress. Can’t letter a sign or cut in a straight line? Don’t stress.Some teachers just seem born to fill their classroom walls with adorable posters and other hand-made décor. And then there are those who are so craft-challenged that they would r ...

Flagstaff Teacher Sees Astounding Results After Implementing Assessment Literacy

National Board Certified Teacher Angela Buzan is a proud advocate of assessment literacy training. The high school teacher shares her success story. Close your eyes and picture this sound: 30 yellow, No. 2 pencils carefully tracing bubbles. A few nervous coughs. The swoosh of jeans as a nervous tes ...

Follow That Teacher: Social Media Accounts We Love

Cooped up inside a classroom, the only adult in sight, teaching can feel a bit like you’re on an island. It doesn’t have to be that way — get clicking! Today more than ever, it’s never been easier to double-tap your way to some truly fantastic inspiration, leadership, and camaraderie through social ...

Forging Relationships With Your Principal

Follow these tips for a great year with your supervisor. ...

For the Love of Math (and Student Equity)

One rural school teacher tells us why he’s committed to the (math) game. True story: Math camp has a waitlist, and you’re not dreaming. If spending summer vacation learning about triangles, trigonometry, and algebra sounds like a high schooler’s worst nightmare, you’re mistaken.Larry Olsen has been ...

Four ELL Strategies to Use in Your Classroom

Here’s how you can help your English-language learners make the most of class time. Since the introduction of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2011, many teachers have seen their numbers of English-language learners (ELL) in mainstream classrooms skyrocket. If you find it challenging to make sure yo ...

Four Funnies: Back-to-School Edition

Friday Funnies: Comedic moments that remind us why we’re crazy about weekends, but totally keen on our profession. Maybe you’re a few weeks into the 2018–19 school year, or perhaps it’s your last weekend of summer freedom. Whatever the case, we know it might take a little laughter to keep your teac ...

4 Ways to Engage Your Unmotivated Learners

Reach even the hardest of students with these classroom strategies. There’s an unspoken conviction that seems to dwell in the best of classrooms: Some students, no matter what, are unreachable. They’re uninterested, they don’t put forth effort — and their teachers have run out of pedagogical tricks ...

Fresh Ideas to Spark Interest in Your School Library

These six tips can transform your library into a school-wide destination. ...

From Consumer to Creator: Get Students Ready for the Real World

How do we get students to interact with the real world instead of closed-circuit projects? How might we reimagine educational experiences for students so they are authentic and meaningful? There is a steady movement toward hands-on, student-driven lessons. This type of learning shifts the way stude ...

From Having to Learn to Wanting to Learn

How to help teens develop intrinsic motivation. “Can I have another sticker?” “Will you give us extra credit points for doing classwork?” Just when you are hoping the student with the raised hand will have an important insight, you get this instead. It’s the voice of a teen who has been overloaded ...

From STEM to STEAM: Why the Arts Deserve Priority

The sciences have found their rightful place as a top educational focus. Here’s why the arts belong on the same level. What is STEAM?The Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) is leading the movement to include art and design within science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) curricula — thereby ...

Funding Arizona’s Classrooms

Can you guess how much Arizona spends per class? By now, it’s no surprise that Arizona ranks low in its education investment. A December 2013 report from ASU’s Morrison Institute for Public Policy sheds further light on Arizona’s education spending and how it compares to other states.In fiscal year ...

Future Master Teacher?

Make sure you don’t forget your March 25 deadline! Applying to become a Master Teacher? March is a big month to finish up your final touches. We hope March 25 is circled on your calendars!Here’s what’s due on March 25: A copy of the National Board Certification or the score report for Component 2 o ...

Gantt Charts: Student Edition

By introducing students to a simple project management tool, you can better equip them to manage group projects. Being able to complete group projects, work collaboratively, and hit deadlines on time are necessary skills for students to be successful both inside and beyond the classroom. However, ...

Gantt Charts: Teachers’ Edition

Educators are some of the best project managers on the face of the planet. But what if there was a way to make all that planning a little easier using a simple visual tool you can make yourself? Before you roll your eyes and sigh at the thought of another resource to deal with, keep reading to find ...

Gardens and Beyond: Reed’s Students Grow a Business

If overseeing a school garden wasn’t enough, National Board Certified Teacher Molly Reed is helping students cultivate a business, all focused on seeds. “This started because of a student,” says Molly Reed, the Outdoor Learning Teacher at Borton Magnet School. In addition to dedicating time to the ...

Get Gardening Now

While the idea of growing a school garden sounds extraneous to some, others find it to be an integral part of student learning. Two Phoenix Elementary School District educators join us for a Q&A to encourage their peers to get growing. When walking on the campus of the Augustus H. Shaw Junior M ...

Get Goal-Setting!

10 resources to help you and your students ignite action toward goals. This Forbes article describes five reasons that goal-setting is important. Here are 18 inspirational quotes that you can post and share with students about setting goals. Check out this short (3:57) overview video about S.M.A ...

Get Mentally (and Physically) Prepared for Back-to-School

Rest. Refresh. Reset. Teachers savor the long days of summer for many reasons: time with family, a well-deserved break from the classroom, an opportunity for new learning to take back and implement, and a chance to recharge. As the start of the new term approaches, employ these five strategies to h ...

Get Organized Before the New Year

Looking to get a jump start on your resolutions for organization? Use this graphic to download, print, and file your Arizona K12 Center professional learning certificates. The core of the Arizona K12 Center’s work is high quality professional learning. Therefore, we know the importance of accurate ...

Get the Most Out of Your Spring Break

Fun festivals, staycations, and places to visit for Arizona teachers. If you’re anything like me, spring break sneaks right up on you, and you’re left fumbling for plans. But not this year!We’ve got you covered. Adventurous? In need of some you-time? Got a family? On a budget? No need to fear — her ...

Getting Ready for Your First Teaching Job

Our tips: Don’t spend too much or stress too much before day one! You did it! You just signed your contract for your first teaching job.It’s tempting to rush out and spend every spare penny you have on cute letters for your bulletin boards, coffee mugs with apples on then and other decorations for ...

Get Together: 5 Strategies for Group Work

We share your new go-to methods for successful teamwork. Group work.Just the thought makes me shudder. As a student, I hated group work — and I’m far from alone. To many learners, “group work” means one of two things: 1) you do all the work for everyone; share the credit or 2) you do none of the w ...

Get to the Google Summit

Avoid FOMO and catch the thrill of the Google Summit on March 22-23. Can you feel it? That little thrill and excitement you get as you browse the website for the fifth annual EdTechTeam Summit featuring Google for Education in Phoenix? If your answer is "no," it's likely because you haven't attende ...

Get Wowed by Wolkis

Here’s a workshop you won’t want to miss. In one day, LeAnna Wolkis will transform the way you use anchor charts in your classroom: fun, food, and fantastic learning included. Not familiar with National Board Certified Teacher LeAnna Wolkis? Allow us to introduce you (read this, that, and the other ...

Get Your Students Hooked on Poetry

These six ideas will help your students fall in love with language. Poetry is often hit-or-miss with students. But with intentional exposure to diverse voices and creative thinkers, your kids may change their minds about the power of the written and spoken word. Use these resources to encourage you ...

Giving Tuesday in the Classroom

Get caught giving. Create a charitable classroom by trying one of these #GivingTuesday ideas. According to the website, “#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.” The annual event falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving — this year, Nov. 27. # ...

Going for the Gold, Balloon, That Is

There are plenty of reasons individuals choose to pursue National Board Certification. One teacher shares the student-led motivation behind her candidate story. “I’m doing this for the gold balloon,” jokes Alexis LaDuca, a National Board candidate from the Deer Valley Unified School District. “The ...

Great Classrooms Are About People, Not Just Tasks and Skills

Have you ever considered how engaging, warm, and high-achieving classrooms aren’t all that different from successful businesses? What makes companies like Google, Southwest Airlines, and many others so successful? It’s not just about the tasks employees complete by the end of each day or the skills ...

Great Teaching by Design

How to create impactful learning scenarios with Dr. Douglas Fisher. Fifteen years of research. Millions of students studied. That’s the scope of John Hattie’s, Ph.D., research on instructional routines impacting student learning.In Visible Learning for Literacy, Hattie, Nancy Frey, and Doug Fisher, ...

Happy Fall! 10 Click-Worthy Links for Every Teacher

Is it just me, or does it actually, really, truly feel like fall has decided to stick this week? In Phoenix, I’m loving the sound of rain on my windowpanes and reveling in ordering coffee without ice cubes. Pull on your warmest socks and cozy up to this week’s teacher clickables. Gobble gobble! Ch ...

Have We Hit Rock Bottom?

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. A recent news report shares that Arizona is “rock bottom when it comes to average teacher salaries.” Frankly, this does not surprise me. Sadly, the proposed salary increase ...

Four Tips for Approaching Difficult Conversations With Parents

Are you having more hard conversations with parents and guardians than in past years? Here are some tips on how you can build long-lasting, successful relationships with parents. ...

Having Difficult Conversations With Students

We all know it’s best to address misbehavior early on. Learn how the CPR framework can help your classroom. Now that we’re officially settled into the school year, students are more comfortable, and we’ve established classroom norms. Now is also the time students start to break a few of those rules ...

Hey, Coach! You’re More Important Than You Know

Strategies that work in the classroom and on the field. Last school year, 122,185 Arizonan students participated in high school athletics, according to a survey conducted by the National Federation of State High School Associations. Nationally, this marked the 26th consecutive year where total stud ...

Hidden in Plain Sight: Our Homeless Students

Learn the truths about student homelessness and what Arizona teachers can do. In the 2013-14 school year, more than 1.3 million American students were homeless. This number is a staggering 100-percent increase from the 2006-07 year, according to the report Hidden in Plain Sight: Homeless Students i ...

Holiday Gifts Arizona Teachers Really Want

From practical gift cards to splurges, we list teachers' top picks for holiday gifts.How often do you see hand sanitizer and lottery tickets on the same list? When it’s a Christmas list for teachers, of course! The range of what we need and want, in terms of practicality for our classrooms, juxtapo ...

Holiday Gifts Teachers Really Want, Part 2

Tis the season for gift giving. Here’s our fool-proof  guide to gifts for teachers, written by a teacher. This may make me a terrible person, but I’ll admit it. There are only so many batches of questionable homemade cookies and #1 Teacher mugs that an educator should have to take. And while, yes, ...

Homework: How Much is Too Much?

One study puts homework times to the test. We all know homework is about quality, not quantity. But it may take teachers some time to figure out their homework-giving sweet spot. Just how many worksheets can you fit in that weekly homework packet so kids truly reap the benefits (and before parents ...

How Are Our New Teachers Doing?

Check out a Q&A to understand the perspective of a new teacher just two months into her career. Walking into Angelina Cook's classroom at Eagle Ridge Elementary in Paradise Valley School District, you will notice community agreements posted on the wall, bright bulletin boards filled with studen ...

Pop Quiz: How Can Teachers Get Parents Involved More?

Arizona teachers share their best strategies for getting more parents in the classroom. Beth Maloney, NBCTFifth Grade English/Language Arts and Social Studies, Dysart Unified School DistrictCommunicate regularly. Give helpful tips on how to get more involved with the classroom community. I like to ...

How Does STEM Bring Real World Experiences to the Classroom?

With an ever-changing society, we need to prepare our learners for STEM-focused futures. See how one educator aims to make STEM a bigger part of classroom culture. In education, a gap remains between what students are learning, and what business and industry leaders need their employees to know and ...

How Instructional Rounds Can Make You a Better Teacher

Lean on your colleagues to improve your practice. In 2016, the Arizona K12 Center launched its first ever instructional rounds professional development session with Harvard-educated Dr. Sarah Fiarman, co-author of Instructional Rounds in Education. Instructional rounds — a practice of protocols and ...

How Many Arizona Teachers Are Certified NBCTs?

See how our state’s numbers compares across the country. In 2014, 80 percent of Americans polled agreed that teachers should achieve board certification in addition to being licensed to practice, similar to to professions like law and medicine.Forty-eight more Arizona teachers received their Nation ...

Taking Classroom Community Projects Even Further

Follow these eight steps to build investment and impact in your classroom’s community projects. Often, students have little say in which projects they get to work on — whether it’s project-based learning or a community service project. We get it; it’s out of convenience.Maybe we have a free, sad, a ...

How Practical Publications Enhance Teacher Learning

Did you think your reading days were over? The Arizona K12 Center provides professional learning opportunities for educators statewide. What one might not know is the Center also strives to provide practical resources to enhance educational professionalism.In an attempt to strengthen learning comm ...

How Social Media Has Changed the Classroom for the Better

Social media gets an easy bad rap as a distraction. But there are some seriously empowering upsides to living in the interconnected global village. As dominating as it is in our daily lives (and our students’!), it’s hard to believe that social media only started taking off about a decade ago. And ...

How Teacher-Mentors Are Changing Education

Heidi Strate and Danny Salaz team up to grow together. Excellent teacher-mentors have a secret in common: They remember what it’s like to be new to a campus community or new to the profession altogether. They remember the chaos, the nerves, and the spinning wheels; they remember the passion, excite ...

How to Clean Up the Chaos

Tips to organizing your classroom over the summer. I blame my need for a well-organized classroom on my mother.As a kid, my mom convinced me that if I fell asleep with a dirty room, I’d have bad dreams. I was gullible; she was brilliant. My room stayed clean.The thing about an unkempt classroom, th ...

How to Conference Like a Pro

Parent teacher conferences can be an anxiety-ridden process for both parents and teachers (not to mention students). Here are some guiding tips to make the experience a positive one. Before school-wide conference time, be proactive: If a student is struggling, don’t wait! The sooner you open the li ...

How to Extend Your Learning Opportunities to Others

After attending professional learning events, educators often want to spread their newly acquired knowledge. Vanessa Zurita tells us how she gets the most out of her conference experiences. As an English language development technology coach for the Cartwright School District, I often have opportun ...

How to Flip Your Classroom

Why we love this unconventional classroom tool, and the simple steps you can take to implement it. When teachers “flip” their classrooms, they’re not rearranging the furniture or prepping it for resale at a higher price. They’re reversing the conventional order of instruction, essentially taking th ...

How to Get Helpful Feedback: 4 Guidelines to Follow

Are your teaching methods being well-received? Do your students trust you? Here’s how to find out. Asking our “clients” — our students and their families — for their honest feedback can be a daunting task, but it’s one that can give some immensely powerful information. Whether you discover just how ...

How to Help Your Students with Homework

Make sure your students are on-track with these homework tips. We’re elbow deep in the first semester, and it didn’t take long for the excuses to start rolling in. Need an action plan when it comes to after-hours work? Here’s the how-to on getting a handle on homework.Break it downOne of the best ...

How to Nurture Creativity in a STEM-Based World

These five tips can help fuel creativity to improve students’ communication, collaboration, and innovation. If you’ve ever thought that STEM should be amended to “STEAM” — with an “A” for art — you’re far from alone. While STEM’s emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math curriculum is ...

Spend Less Time Working!

Adding more play and less work to your schedule is crucial to your students’ success. Here’s why. Show me a teacher who believes the amount of work they do is reasonable for a normal, non-superhuman, and I’ll show you someone who is probably fudging the truth.There seems to be no limit to the time ...

How to Stay Sane During Standardized Testing

AzMERIT is upon us. Here’s how to survive … and thrive! Testing season is here. And no matter how you truly feel about them (let’s go ahead and save that for another article), we’re all in this together. The good news? We’re here to help you keep more than just your cool — we’re here to help you pa ...

How to Survive Group Projects

Tips for bringing out your students’ best work (without losing your mind). Most teachers recognize the value of group work, but it takes a lot of preparation and management to pull off without going insane. What’s the best way to make projects effective and meaningful for everyone involved?Ultimate ...

How to Use Summer Activities to Spark Student Reflection

You can help students learn to recognize both their personal strengths as well as where they have room for growth — and channel that knowledge into fuel for their futures. As a ninth grade teacher, I was always so shocked to see how many of my freshmen babies returned from summer break three or fou ...

How Wintry Weather Can Affect Students’ Scores

Desks empty on days with snow? Their math scores may take a hit. Some think snow days can hurt a child’s education. As it turns out, days with snow but no cancellation may be more harmful.According to the Washington Post, research found that the number of canceled school days because of snow had no ...

Hypotheticals: Comparing Two Life-Giving Professions

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. My mom is in the hospital. As a result, I have spent a fair amount of time visiting her. As I sit in her room, I am amazed at three things.The amount of technology used in ...

Igniting Arizona’s Economy

Learn why career and technical education are crucial in Arizona for the 21st century. A high school diploma isn’t what it used to be.In years long past, graduating from high school could just about guarantee you a slot in the American middle class. That sheet of paper represented a sufficient skill ...

Igniting What Matters Most

Lake Havasu Educator Christie Olsen gives new teachers what they need: mentors and professional learning communities to improve their practice. Teacher LeaderChristie OlsenNational Board Certified TeacherNautilus Elementary SchoolLake Havasu Unified School DistrictLake Havasu, Arizona Leadership Pr ...

I’m A National Board Certified Teacher – Now What?

You reached the highest pinnacle of the teaching profession by achieving National Board Certification. So, now what? National Board Certified Teachers don’t have to hang up their hats once they’ve achieved what’s often regarded as the highest honor in the profession. Instead, individuals have the o ...

Impact Where It Matters

Change requires work and knowing where to start can be confusing. Read on to learn how you can impact change! “Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.”- Robert KiyosakiChange. A six-letter word that may be short in nvarchar(max), but when implemented, sometimes seems larger than ...

Impress Your Students with STEM in Sports

STEM principles are an important part of the football playbook. Football season is in full swing! We came across this great website that introduces middle-school students to the physics of football among other stem topics.Time Warner Cable's STEM in Sports website gives you the tools to inspire yo ...

Incorporating Service Learning into the Classroom

Students have two hands: one to hold a pencil, the second to help others. Service learning is a mashup between elements of community service and classroom instruction. The goal is to connect students with the school and community. We need to take our kiddos out of the classroom and place them in en ...

Infographics in Education: Simplifying Complicated Subjects for Students (and Teachers!)

Did you know that graphics improve the brain’s ability to understand key information at a glance? These days, infographics are everywhere. From showing you the best way to store vegetables to explaining how to change a tire, infographics present information in a visually appealing format. They’re a ...

Instructional Rounds Help Transform Teachers

Ever heard of grand rounds for medical doctors? After seeing the impact of a similar exercise for teachers, the Arizona K12 Center sought the help of a Harvard-educated practitioner who makes this sort of activity possible for educators. It’s one thing to open your classroom to your principal or me ...

Instructional Rounds: Opening Up Your Classroom and Your Practice

What happens when teachers view their classrooms like medical operating rooms inside teaching hospitals, opening their doors for their peers to observe? Powerful change — and contagious results. Last year, we filled you in on the Arizona K12 Center’s first instructional rounds professional develop ...

Integrate Technology in Your Classroom with Some Help from the TIM

Where does your classroom fall on the Technology Integration Matrix? Technology is a vital component of the modern day classroom — obviously.It isn’t simply that technology helps your students learn content better (although it does). By using technology in your classroom, students can be exposed to ...

International Leadership: Supporting Refugee Students

Julie Kasper: “Rather than follow scripted curriculum, we respond to the students’ immediate needs.” It’s dinnertime on a school night and the main room of CENTER is buzzing with middle and high school students from miles and miles away. The energy is so contagious and fluid that it’s challenging ...

Interview Tips for Teachers

Learn our do’s and don’ts for landing the classroom of your dreams. Welcome to interview season, the time of year that Arizona school districts begin to post next year’s vacancies and advertise job fairs.Maybe you just graduated with your teaching credentials. Maybe you’re new to town and looking f ...

Is a Post-Secondary Teaching Gig Right for You?

If you’ve never considered a post-secondary teaching opportunity, this summer might be the time to start. Did you know PK-12 educators can be excellent candidates for adjunct or associate faculty positions? If you’re looking to keep your teaching skills sharp this summer, consider the benefits of t ...

Is National Board Certification Worth It?

Just as students excel in a variety of ways, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards knows teachers succeed in varying forms, too. Here’s why two individuals renewed their Board certification. Motivations, learning styles, habits, and goals vary along the education continuum. As teac ...

Is Taking a Sick Day More Work than Coming to Class?

Prepare for your worst with these surefire sub plan tips. Oh, we’ve all been there. It’s 3:30 in the morning. You wake up with a scratchy throat, a burning fever. There’s a small tornado where your stomach used to be. Despite pledging your allegiance to disinfectant wipes and excessive amounts of h ...

Is Teacher Retention an American Crisis?

New teacher attrition is at an all-time high — here are the facts. Around the country, teachers are leaving in droves. And the situation’s dire in Arizona too.One Arizona School Administrators (ASA) Association study found 62 percent of school districts had open teaching jobs in 2014. More than 900 ...

Is Your Passport Ready?

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

It’s All in the Prep: Set Your Students Up for a Summer of Learning

Learning doesn’t stop when the school year ends. Introduce these activities now to help keep students’ momentum going all summer long. Summer is almost here, and your students are more than ready for it. But before that last bell rings, set them up for a successful break by introducing them to thes ...

It’s Our Duty: Getting Students Civically Engaged

Recently, adults aren’t the only ones participating in marches and demonstrations. As educators, we should celebrate and encourage participation. To help our students become informed adults, they must have the opportunity to learn about community affairs and the steps they can take to become more c ...

It's Time to Incorporate Art into the Classroom

So, you can barely draw a stick figure. Here are eight reasons to embrace art in the classroom. For some, art is a driving force. For others, it’s absolutely dreaded. Whether it’s a love or hate relationship, encouraging students to articulate their thoughts and feelings in creative ways proves ben ...

It's Up to Us to Nurture Our Students' Gifts

by Kathy Wiebke A few months back, I found myself watching 60 Minutes. This is a show I do not necessarily watch with great frequency, but for some reason I found myself intrigued by an Anderson Cooper interview about a child prodigy, Joey Alexander.I am not a huge jazz fan, but I do enjoy good mus ...

It’s What You Know and Who You Know: Teaching Human vs. Social Capital

Understanding the idea of human and social capital can make a big difference to high school students about to embark on the college and job-seeking paths. If you’re teaching teenagers who are increasingly interested in the “real world,” here’s a concept that will help them for years to come: the id ...

It Takes A Village: Engage Your Community in Student Learning

By calling on a wider community for backup, you’ll ease your own workload and provide better support for your students. Teachers wear many hats throughout the day, but not every role needs to fall solely on your shoulders. Enlist the support of other adults around you to expose your students to val ...

JFK: Education Drives Our Nation's Hopes and Dreams

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Josh Meibos Chosen as 2018 Arizona Teacher of the Year

Help us congratulate the newest Teacher of the Year and Ambassadors for Excellence. We’re sure the honoree’s acceptance speech will help you re-energize and refuel as the year comes to a close.Today, in front of colleagues and friends, Josh Meibos was named the 2018 Arizona Teacher of the Year. Hon ...

Kathy Wiebke Furthers Quality and Equity in Arizona's Schools

Passion drives Arizona K12 Center’s executive director.It’s unmistakable—Kathy Wiebke, Ph.D., NBCT, Executive Director of the Arizona K12 Center, is an educational visionary. Once called the Harriet Tubman of the profession by a peer, Dr. Wiebke continues to inspire educators and friends in the fie ...

Keep it Positive: 3 Ways You Can End the School Year with a Smile

If you’re feeling exhausted, that’s understandable. The school year can be long and demanding. These three strategies will help you stay positive as you and your students head into summer. By the end of a long school year, anything can set you on edge — gum underneath a desk, that one student who s ...

Keep Your Eye on the End Goal

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Kick Off 2017 With These Great Resources

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Welcome, 2017!  Winter break is always fun, and we’re not quite sure we’re ready to be back yet, but we are looking forward to seeing all that a fresh year has in store. Here’s a smorgasbord of fre ...

Kindness in Action: It's a Team Effort

Nothing screams, “Make 2018 your best year yet,” better than stories of kindness in and around the classroom. Cheryl Martin, an Arizona Hope Street Fellow, shares her experience to encourage peer educators. As I reflect on the past year, I am awestruck with the kindness and generosity that my colle ...

Kindling Kindness: Teaching the Four-Letter Word

Nothing screams, “Make 2018 your best year yet,” better than stories of kindness in and around the classroom. Louise Durant, an Arizona Hope Street Fellow, shares her experience to encourage peer educators. Be kind: A classroom rule that’s been on my list for as long as I can remember. It wasn't un ...

Kindness at the Core: A List of Books to Read Aloud

As we work with students, kindness must be the kernel of our classroom environments. Browse our list of read-aloud books to keep caring at the core of your community. As educators, we work to foster accepting and inclusive communities where differences are honored and seen as important. Inevitably, ...

Landing Your Dream Teaching Job

Here’s how to find a job that brings you joy. On paper, my first teaching job sounded perfect. The school had high test scores, plenty of parent support, and was only a six-minute drive from my house.What more could I have asked for? Plenty, it turned out.I had made a midlife career change because ...

Learning From Teachers You Like

Secondary teachers: You need this how-to on balancing authority and friendship in the classroom. When I began teaching, I was 22 and fresh out of college. One of the pieces of advice I often received was that my students didn’t need to like me; they just needed to respect me. In theory, this is sou ...

Legislator School Visits Impact All Involved

Take your legislator to school helps make policy tangible.“All across the country, people are talking about teachers more than they’re talking with them. We seem to want everyone involved in the business of education design except educators,” said Andrew Morrill, President of the Arizona Education ...

Lessons on Freedom

Make the adage ‘you don’t know what you have until it's gone’ resonate by requiring students to reflect on their freedoms. Another holiday is among us—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is Monday, Jan. 21. Although schools will be closed, teachers may be looking to integrate the holiday into lesson plans. ...

Let's Learn from Malala

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Level Up: Get Ready to Magnify Your 3Ps Experience

This season, we’re kicking the Arizona K12 Center podcast experience up a notch. Check out these documents that will supplement your professional learning and that of those around you. Call them printables, graphic organizers , or worksheets. Whatever you choose, we created resources to enhance the ...

Leveraging PR and Marketing in the Classroom

Learn how to tell the story of your classroom and message it to the public. Who are you? Who are your students? It’s through stories that parents, other educators, and community members can learn about our classrooms. As educators, we often end up in a vacuum situation where we’re not getting encou ...

Links We're Loving This Summer

The Arizona K12 Center curates the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Happy June! Hope yours has been amazing and jam-packed with sunny vibes, cool treats, and plenty of rest and relaxation! While you’re kicking back, here are some links — enjoy! ...

Looking for a Teaching Job? You’ve Come to the Right State!

With bigger classrooms and more kids to teach, find out how employment will keep up. Nationally, the employment of kindergarten and elementary school teachers is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations: 12 percent from 2012 to 2022. The increase is projected due to enrollm ...

Lost Touch or Life Lesson?

No matter how long we’ve been teaching, there are lessons that are harder to learn than others. Read to remember why the unforeseen results of our actions can often make the greatest impact. "I don’t think I can do this book review," said one of the most curious and eager-to-please students in Sept ...

Make Centers Work for You

Centers don’t have to be chaotic or stress-inducing for teachers. When used correctly, and in tandem with technology, educators can use rotational strategies to lighten their load. Increased productivity, heightened student learning, and meaningful work — sounds like a teacher’s dream. You can make ...

Make Read Across America Amazingly Memorable

Enhance students’ love for reading by documenting the nationwide literacy movement in a special way. Read Across America is an annual initiative sponsored by the National Education Association. Although March 2, Dr. Seuss’s birthday, is the traditional day of celebration, some communities choose to ...

Make the Most of Cyber Monday

Here’s a digital deal you won’t want to miss! Black Friday and Cyber Monday have become deal hunters’ holidays in the United States. So if you’re looking to knock out some classroom errands with just a few clicks (think about all the time you’ll save: fewer trips to the dollar store, grocery store, ...

Make the Most of Your Commute: 8 Tips for Teachers

These fun suggestions will help you (safely) multitask during your commute. Are you stuck behind the wheel as you make the trek to and from your school site? Don’t get the commuter blues. Instead, put these tricks to use, and you may find yourself feeling more invigorated and productive when you st ...

Make the Most Out of Your Class Website in 4 Steps

Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s how you can streamline your communication and reduce stress with a simple (but effective!) site. Newsflash: It’s 2017. Extending and representing your classroom on the web is more of a must than an option, at this point. Learners, colleagues, administration, parents, you ...

Make Trendy Classroom Friendly

Meaningful learning assignments become memorable for students. Here’s how one teacher used a popular trend to cultivate greater understanding. Staying hip in an ever-changing society is hard to do, especially with the prominence of social media. But if you’re able to incorporate a fixation within y ...

Make Up Work: 7 Conversations to Start Your New Year Strong

Maybe you missed an episode or two, or maybe you’re just late to the game entirely. Whatever your story, it’s time to catch up on “3Ps in a Pod” before season two goes live. ...

Make Your Goals Mean Something

Setting goals doesn’t have to be overwhelming if you use these five words to guide your objective. Whether you chose to make a New Years resolution or not, goal setting is an important exercise that keeps you on your toes, striving for a new level of excellence. Maybe you’re looking to improve your ...

Make Your Students Money-Smart Citizens

Discover four ways to incorporate money into your lesson plans, even if you're not a math teacher. Celebrate Money Smart Week! Money doesn’t grow on trees, but as teachers, we can make it more prevalent in our lesson plans. April 23-30 has been named 2016 “Money Smart Week.” Reward students with “b ...

Making a Lifelong Difference

Teacher Appreciation Week encourages individuals to thank those that make the world of education a better place. Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on special teachers who’ve impacted her for the long haul. This week, we honor and celebrate teachers. Every year around this time I think about those who made ...

Making Each Day Possible: Thank You, Support Staff

Do you ever stop to think about the professionals that make any given school day possible? Well, take that number and multiply it by the total amount of schools in the city, county, and state. While tribute is paid to teachers for making the education world go around, it’s time to recognize the out ...

Management Tips: Cellphones in the Classroom

The evolution of technology has its pros, but it certainly has its cons. Deter distractions with these tips to manage cell phones in the classroom. Oh, technology — the love-hate relationship persists. The recent release of new Apple and Android products might mean students are attempting to use cl ...

March is for Makeovers: 10 Clicks to Freshen Up Your Teaching

Revitalized PD, a how-to video series for Google Classroom, thoughtful digital lessons with HyperDocs — we’re just getting started! Missing spring break? We have just what you’ll need to shake the dust off and make every day count. OMG Becky. PD is Getting So Much Better!! Cult of Pedagogy takes o ...

Master Teacher Applications are Due Soon – Don’t Miss the Date!

Starting a Master Teacher program will improve your district, but you have to submit the materials on time. Having a Master Teacher program in your district creates professional growth opportunities for teachers and advanced student learning. The benefits? More effective teaching, increased teacher ...

Math Autobiography: Dicus Tells All

Math doesn’t have to be everyone’s favorite, but it’s important for learners to grasp the concepts (without loathing every second of the process). Donnie Dicus, a former teacher, shares his math journey in hope of inspiring teachers and students alike. Many people wonder what makes some people good ...

Math Standards: It's About Both the Journey and the Destination

Are you showing you work? Why critical thinking skills are at the forefront. Since June 2010, Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards (AZCCRS) in mathematics demand students show their work while solving a given problem, explaining the steps required to arrive at the solution.The Common Core S ...

May the Fourth Be With You

Make the last month of school count; we have some far-out suggestions. Not so long ago in a galaxy not-so far, far away, high-stakes testing ended, and your students crushed it. You’ve covered all of the standards for the year and even snuck in a few from the next grade level. Now what? There’s sti ...

McCourt’s Creative Spark Catches Aflame

Some inklings come and go, but others you just can’t shake. One Tucson-born teacher is running wild with an idea of her own. Between long school days, teaching classes at a local dance studio, doing yoga, and planning a wedding, one might think Grace McCourt couldn’t find a spare minute. But, the s ...

Meaningful Mentorship Makes a Difference

In some districts, having a teacher dedicated to coaching others 100 percent of the time is uncommon. This mentor would have it no other way. Imagine trading in equations, formulas, and unknown values for cognitive coaching and teachable moments. Liza Lawson Risoldi, a full-time mentor in the Tolle ...

Meaningful Work Means the Most

National Board Certified Teacher Daniela Robles works in the Balsz School District. The teaching veteran shares a recent experience that rekindled her teaching fire. The last few days I have been fortunate to welcome the newest teachers to my district through new teacher orientation. Thus far, we h ...

Media Literacy: Implementation Across All Subjects

This is your step-by-step guide to help students access, think critically about, and create media of their own. In a time of alternative facts, fake news, conspiracy theories, and hoaxes, how can we know what to believe when it comes from seemingly legitimate news sources? How might we best prepare ...

Meditation for Teachers in 3 Steps

Learn how this mindfulness technique can help you in and out of the classroom. We’ve all been there: overwhelmed with a stack of grading taller than your head, or just trying to keep it together after an especially trying class period. When emotions or anxiety are getting the best of you, try medit ...

Meet 3Ps in a Pod: The Arizona K12 Centered Podcast

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Last year, when I seemingly spent an inordinate amount of time in my car traveling throughout the state, I discovered CNN on my XM radio. It was a great way to pass the tim ...

Meet a Speech Pathologist From PVSchools

Ever wonder how a speech pathologist impacts student learning? We got answers straight from the source. Meet Taylor Foley, a speech-language pathologist from the Paradise Valley Unified School District. Teachers wear numerous hats throughout the day, so when it comes to specific speech and language ...

Meet Ms. Library: Kristina Santiago

Let us introduce you to the librarian from Alta E. Butler Elementary School. With a little more than one year of experience, Kristina Santiago embraces her student-given nickname and cultivates enhanced learning opportunities through reading. Kristina Santiago says she never had a clear plan for po ...

Meet the 2016 Counselor of the Year

Flagstaff High School Guidance Counselor Katherine Pastor earned the top nod from the White House. Nearly 300,000 guidance counselors work at schools across the United States, helping students grow and connecting them with their future.This year, Flagstaff High School Guidance Counselor Katherine P ...

Meet the Teacher: Nancy Pratt

The Camp Plug & Play leader knows how to turn it on. “It makes sense—we learn better from people we like,” explains Tony Vincent, nationally renowned technology expert, when asked about Cave Creek Unified School District’s Director of Instructional Technology. “One of the reasons educators love ...

Mentees Make Their Mark

Fresh to the profession, beginning or new-to-district teachers aren’t always tapped for guidance and encouragement. We’re turning the tables to hear from mentors what they’ve learned from their mentees. We’ve said it before: Mentors matter. Veteran teachers can play an integral role in novice teach ...

Mentor Programs Should Reduce Teacher Shortage

Today, the words “teacher shortage” are far from foreign. Consequently, the Arizona K12 Center commits to working alongside the New Teacher Center to enhance mentor and induction programs in the state. Last month, the New Teacher Center (NTC) published the graphic below, which showcases data about ...

Mentor Relationships Prove Broadly Beneficial

Allowing experience to be a two-way street can benefit mentor and mentee. Many job responsibilities are innate, while others are clearly and strategically learned. Treva Jenkins, a second-year Arizona Master Teacher in the Maricopa Unified School District, manages to find an even-keeled balance as ...

Mentors Mold Teacher Leaders

Arizona K12 Center Master Teachers mentees to seek new challenges and opportunities for growth. For some, the impact of mentorship extends beyond the first few years in the classroom. If lucky enough, educators may be encouraged to accomplish a task they never would have dreamed of doing—such is th ...

Misha Freeman’s 3 Motivations

Intentionality, motivation, and purpose are key components in making life’s work meaningful. Misha Freeman, from Avondale Elementary School District, shares what drives her work in education here. National Board Certified Teacher Misha Freeman has three drivers that intensely fuel her professional ...

Mix it up: Blended Learning Environments and How We Can Leverage Online Courses

Here’s why every teacher should mix it up with a face-to-face and digital education combo. I remember sitting in front of a Macintosh 128K, originally released in 1984. And because I went to public school, it was 1993. Although we didn’t have the most up-to-date technology, my teacher made sure we ...

Mobile Learning Matters

Learn how learning through technology brings students to life in one Arizona school. In the words of Tara Smith, a first-grade teacher at Holiday Park Elementary School in the Cartwright School District, “learning through technology brings students to life!”What was once left to the technological p ...

More from "Arizona Dyslexia Screening Policy Updates and their Impact with Sean Ross"

In this week’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod, Arizona Department of Education’s Director of English Language Arts and Humanities Sean Ross explained what Arizona’s new dyslexia law means for elementary school teachers. If you haven’t listened to it yet, you can find it here.Sean mentioned several resourc ...

More from "Arizona English Learner Policy Updates with Kate Wright"

We hope you were as excited to hear about Kate Wright’s passion for English learning opportunities as our hosts were in this week’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod.As you heard in the episode, Kate Wright is the Deputy Associate Superintendent of the Office of English Language Acquisition Services (OELAS) ...

More from "How to Build Resilient People"

3Ps in a Pod host Angelia Ebner was so excited to introduce you to this week’s podcast guests and the work they do around Adverse Childhood Experiences and building resiliency. She first heard Amber Warner, Ricky Robertson, and Victoria Romero at the Corwin Visible Learning Conference and couldn’t ...

More from "Inside the Teacher Clarity Playbook with Dr. Olivia Amador"

This week’s 3Ps in a Pod episode kicked off with hosts Angelia and Donnie sharing about what they’ve been experiencing at the 2019 Annual Visible Learning Conference before talking with this week’s guest, Dr. Olivia Amador. There they are above, headsets and all!A “recovering principal,” Dr. Amador ...

More from "Making the Most of Your Standards with Dr. Donyall Dickey"

This week’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod introduced you to Dr. Donyall Dickey, a nationally recognized educator, author, and a leading professional development consultant. Learn more about Dr. Dickey’s background and find some of his recent blog posts here. You can find information about his education o ...

More from "The Vital Role of Effective Instructional Leadership in Schools with Peter Dewitt"

Hosts Mary and Donnie covered a lot of ground with Peter DeWitt in this week’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod. Didn’t catch it all? We’ve got you covered with additional information and links!Find out more about Dr. Peter DeWitt and the books he has published through his website or through his Twitter acc ...

More from "The Arizona Teachers Academy at NAU with Dr. Rita Cheng"

In this week’s episode of the 3Ps in a Pod, Dr. Rita Hartung Cheng shared both about her background and work as President of Northern Arizona University and some of the details of the Arizona Teachers Academy. Learn more about Dr. Cheng’s background here. Find out more about the Arizona Teachers Ac ...

More Than a Bystander: Bullying in Our Schools

Learn how many kids are bullied, and how educators can help. Everyone plays a role in bullying — students, bystanders, parents and teachers. Arizona schools, by law, are required to have policies on harassment, bullying and intimidation. But what does that mean for you as an Arizona educator?The U. ...

More than a Dollop of Diversity

One education veteran pleads the case for making diversity awareness an eternal commitment. According to Dr. Clifford Moon, diversity education should be a full-time, lifelong learning opportunity. Originally from Great Bend, Kansas, the Coordinator of Diversity and Inclusion for the Tempe Union Hi ...

More Than Free: Register for PD with the Arizona K12 Center and

The four-letter word that makes you think, “Could it be true?” Learn how you can get interactive professional development for (yes, you’re reading this right) free! Don’t let the words “coding” or “computer science” scare you away from this incredible opportunity. In partnership with, the ...

Most Americans Want to See Teachers Achieve Board Certification

Board certification improves learning and advances your teaching career. No matter their political leanings or social background, there is one thing that most Americans can agree on: Teachers should be National Board Certified.Teachers who earn Board Certification from the National Board of Profess ...

Motivation from Maya Angelou

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Multicultural Education Isn't Just a Potluck Activity

Our students need to learn about and respect differences, and so do we. It’s 2018. Many public schools across the country are made up of students of color. In Arizona, students of color make up the majority of students enrolled in PK-12 — this comes as no surprise to our teachers. According to the ...

National Teacher Day 2017

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. I remember my first teaching job. It was a cross-categorical, special education classroom. I minored in special education never thinking I would be teaching it. Yet, there ...

NBCTs: An Elite Bunch

Learn just how many National Board Certified Teachers there are in the United States. We know Board certification sets you apart. After all, there are more than 3 million teachers in the United States, and just 112,00 National Board Certified Teachers.Research shows National Board Certified Teacher ...

NBCTs by the Numbers

Have you ever wondered how Arizona stacks up to the rest of the country? Every year, teachers in Arizona and the rest of the country pursue National Board Certification. In fact, currently 20,000 educators are in the process of committing to the highest standards in teaching.In 2016, Arizona welcom ...

Never. Stop. Learning.

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ... Brings Informational nvarchar(max) to Readers' Level

Level the reading playing field for your students using informational nvarchar(max) from Requiring students to read complex, informational nvarchar(max) just got a little easier. uses current events as topics for their daily news articles that vary in the complexity of nvar ...

New Teacher Nerves? 7 Daily Reminders for First-Year Educators

Stick these to your computer, set them as reminders in your phone, tattoo them on your arm, or share them with a friend! It’s not easy being a first-year teacher. In fact, it’s not easy being a teacher at any stage of your career. Teaching is one of the most difficult, demanding jobs there is. Howe ...

New Year, New Students

Build classroom rapport with these five steps. When it comes to top-notch classroom management, there may not be a single tool or strategy more important than your own rapport as a teacher. The heavy truth is that the way students view you affects classroom culture, work habits, behavior — the list ...

New Year, Who Dis? 10 Links for the 2017 School Year

Discover our favorite teacher hacks, what NOT to do on the first day of school, and some A+ hashtagged posters. Yes, it’s really true. It’s officially August and here comes the first day of the first week of the new school year. Here are 10 quick links perfect for getting your back-to-school wheels ...

9 Tips for Starting the New School Year Strong

Lindsay Bitterman is gearing up for another year. Although she’s been told of the many challenges ahead, the Lake Havasu Unified School District employee gives us nine tips for making this year a success story. Over the past decade, I’ve learned that when you work in a rural district with a base sa ...

Noteworthy Wishes: Teacher Hopes for the Year

There’s so much to learn through personal and group reflection. Document your goals for the 2018–19 school year on this professional (and pretty) printable. To-do lists, inspiring quotes, and memes … They all make for great classroom decor, but why not add goals to the mix? Whether you print one fo ...

Now and Then: Class Sizes in Arizona

Learn how class sizes today compare to the national average and sizes in past years. Calling all high school teachers: Have you wondered if classes these days are more crowded than they were when you sat in senior English class? Or even compared to your first year teaching? You’re not imagining it ...

Nutrition Education in the Classroom

What teachers can do to help our nation’s obesity epidemic. “One out of every three children today is overweight or obese.”My jaw dropped when reading that one short sentence. This was not the lighthearted response I expected when I emailed our family pediatrician about K-12 nutrition education.  H ...

Once Upon a Time… Storytelling with Your Students

Learn the art of storytelling (and guess the literature references) to infuse in your classroom. If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is this: Why is this an entire post about storytelling? What’s the point in spinning tales and yarns when our students a ...

One Month Down, 10 Links to Go

Learn how to build strong relationships in the classroom, our favorite Ted Talks, and what to do with early finishers. Well hi there, September. We’re a few weeks into the new school year, and we’re on the move and in our groove. Whether we have a second between meetings or need to kick back and re ...

One Month Down, Eight To Go

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. When I was a kid, I crafted my letter to Santa from the Sears catalog. The arrival of that catalog signified Christmas was around the corner.Similarly, as a teacher, the sa ...

One More Reason to Push Continuing Ed

In just a few short years, post-secondary education will be needed for many Arizona jobs. We already know the importance of continuing education. But now we know just how important it may be in the (not-too-distant) future. According to a report from the Georgetown University Center on Education an ...

One of the Great Ones

Heather Sparks remembers a teaching legend for Teacher Appreciation Week. In an old, musty portable on my high school campus, magic happened.I’m talking about the newspaper lab, a place where computers buzzed, erasers scrubbed ink-battered first drafts, and next year’s recruits digested Citizen Kan ...

One Year Later: Where Are We Now?

A year ago, Arizona teachers went on a six-day strike for higher pay and additional funding for their students and communities. As the headlines slow down, we take a look at where things stand. Are protests still happening?Things haven’t stopped since #RedForEd began. Since February 2018, there hav ...

Our Favorite Arizona Earth Day Events

Discover how you (and your students) can celebrate our planet. Lesson plans abound for Earth Day, whether you’re a science teacher or National Honor Society advisor. (See some of our favorites here from Education World, the National Education Association, and Edutopia.)There are plenty of additiona ...

Our Favorite Podcasts…for Students

Podcasts aren’t just for adults, they’re also a great way for students to learn outside of the classroom. Serial, Freakonomics, This American Life … Most of us have our favorite podcast or, at the least, can name a few. But, podcasts aren’t just for adults anymore. There’s a burgeoning collection f ...

Our Opportunity to TELL Arizona

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Arizona educators will soon have a unique opportunity to express their feelings about education in our state. Continually, we hear stories about teachers leaving the profession and cripp ...

Oust the Fear of Getting Outside

There’s no better time to bust outside the four walls of the classroom to instigate student learning. Think outside the box — literally! It’s time to get outside the four walls you call your classroom and add vitamin D to student learning. With winter weather long gone and Arizona sunshine on-tap, ...

Partnerships Push Students Toward Literacy Success

Read On Arizona is helping ensure Arizona kids will read proficiently by the third grade. In an attempt to strengthen student literacy in Arizona, Valley of the Sun United Way and the Arizona K12 Center joined forces to aid local teachers. The thriving partnership, which began in 2013, remains stro ...

Personal Promises for the School Year

I’m pledging to a year of selfishness. Teacher friends, will you? For as long as I can remember, I’ve clung to selflessness. Maybe that’s why I chose a career in education. A single day in the profession means putting yourself last to serve your students, families, and a greater community of learne ...

Planning for Parental Leave: A How to

A little careful planning will go a long way — and provide you with peace of mind when you hand your class over to a long-term substitute. Preparing your classroom for a long-term substitute can easily create stress — one thing parents-to-be definitely don’t need. On the flip side of planning for y ...

Plot Twist: Long’s Classroom Takeover

After two years of serving as a preschool teacher aide, April Long accepted a fulltime position at Madison Traditional Academy in the Madison School District. The Arizona native, who attended school in the same district as a child, says although she couldn’t have predicted her current role as a tea ...

Amber Parker on Arizona K12 Center Podcast

Spoiler alert: Find out what you will hear this week on the newest episode of “3Ps in a Pod.” This week, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards honors 5,470 new and 3,957 renewed National Board Certified Teachers. There are now more than 118,000 Board-certified teachers in the Unite ...

Poetry Printable: Why I Teach

Are you up for a challenge? Use just six words to encapsulate why you do what you do. So you’re not a poet and you definitely know it. Don’t let the title of our latest printable keep you from refreshing your passion for the profession.Before we know it, 2018 will soon come to an end. With months o ...

Pop Quiz: Do Teachers Need a Master’s Degree?

You're in front of the classroom all day. Should you also be behind a desk? I think some parts of a Master's are useful, but many parts are not used. I have my Master's in educational technology, got it back in 2006. Technology has changed so much; I don't really use any of my Master's now. Progra ...

Pop Quiz: Do You Have Summer Professional Development Plans?

Arizona teachers share their PD schedule for summer break. Learning Leaders for Learning School Principal training, Arizona K12 Center's Teacher Leadership Institute, Improvement Science, AZNBCT Network Convening, and hopefully a few more. Jennifer Robinson, NBCTPrincipal, Maricopa Unified School D ...

Pop Quiz: Do You Need a Mentor?

 Yes, yes, yes! At least, that's what local teachers say... Leah Jaynes, NBCTSeventh/Eighth Grade Computers, Cartwright School DistrictYes, teachers need a mentor. New teachers need an experienced teacher to calm the troubled waters. Often, new teachers have so many mandates and requirements heaped ...

Pop Quiz: How Can I Help My Students Succeed in the Workplace?

We share the skills your students need to have.Cherie StaffordTIPS (Technology In Practice Specialist)Fostering a climate of lifelong learning and an acceptance of failure and change, along with the highly sought-after skills of collaboration, communication, innovation, and problem solving are the ...

Pop Quiz: How Can Teachers Fit in Exercise?

Make this your fittest year yet with these five easy tips. Fitness may be the last thing on your mind, but it shouldn’t be. Exercise’s benefits run far and wide — you’ll sleep better, move more easily, be in a better mood, etc. (But you probably already knew that.)So what’s keeping you from hitting ...

Pop Quiz: How Do Teachers Survive End-of-Year Madness?

One teacher shares her school’s fourth-quarter survival guide.Whether you’re a student or a teacher, the end of the year means both stress and excitement. That’s why Humboldt Unified School District teachers came together to create a survival guide this year.“Teachers brainstormed all the fourth-qu ...

Pop Quiz: How Do You Keep Parents Engaged?

They're your main stakeholders. Help them help you. Weekly class newsletters (hardcopy and via email), invite to stay for daily 15 minutes of morning reading, develop students' interviewing skills by inviting parents to share their jobs throughout the year to highlight how they use STEAM in real wo ...

Pop Quiz: How Do You Show Your Personality in the Classroom?

One teacher shares an easy tip for getting kids to open up. I show my personality through goofy items on my desk! I have a Magic 8 Ball, a small plasma ball (it's a middle school kid magnet), a toy dinosaur, a bendable, poseable 12-inch wooden mannequin, a talking Minion, and a few wind-up dinosaur ...

Pop Quiz: How Many Students Are Eligible for State Universities?

You may know the requirements, now take a guess at how many high schoolers met the mark. The percent of Arizona high school graduates eligible for state universities remained essentially unchanged from the last study conducted in 2009, reports the Arizona Board of Regents.Currently, resident freshm ...

Pop Quiz: Should I Switch Grades or Subjects?

One teacher warns: The grass isn't always greener (but it could be!). Teachers should consider switching grades or subjects when they begin to rely on what they did last year, when they are no longer reflecting on how to make the lesson better, or how to increase student engagement. Jennifer Robins ...

Pop Quiz: Should Teachers Check Email Outside of School?

Can't stop hitting refresh? Learn why you should put down the phone for the night.Carola MontanaEighth Grade Science, High School Spanish, Paradise Valley Unified School DistrictNo, we all need to learn how to disconnect to have a balanced life.Joel WisserK-12 Technology Integration, Saddle Mountai ...

Pop Quiz: Should You Assign Homework Over Spring Break?

We can hardly believe it: Spring break's almost here! Now about that assigned reading... Sara WyffelsHigh School Spanish, Chandler Unified School DistrictI don’t, but then, I am not a big believer in homework at all. For some intercessions I will assign optional practice. Ashley Curtis, NBCTFifth G ...

Pop Quiz: What Are You Most Looking Forward to This School Year?

The bell's about to ring; here's what some teachers are anxiously awaiting. Love meeting all the new kindergarteners and love seeing all returning students! So much stretching (getting taller) over the summer!Molly Reed, NBCTOutdoor Learning Teacher K-5, Tucson Unified School District I am looking ...

Pop Quiz: What Do You Wish You Knew as a New Teacher?

Teachers help beginning teachers with their best tips. Beth Maloney, NBCTFifth Grade English/Language Arts and Social Studies, Dysart Unified School District Just keep doing your best each day. Yes, the learning curve is steep, but the truth is, 16 years later, you're still learning! To teach is t ...

Pop Quiz: What Should Educators Get Out of the Way Before the New School Year?

Here's how you can use this summer to your advantage. I am not sure get out of the way is the best way to put it - they should stop and reflect on barriers that keep them stuck or from moving forward and how to flip those barriers to bridges of new learning and new passion.Jennifer Robinson, NBCTPr ...

Pop Quiz: What's the Best Book You've Ever Taught?

We celebrate Drop Everything and Read Month with a list of teachers' top books. Choosing the right books in the classroom can have a magical effect: helping your students develop a life-long love of reading.The National Education Administration compiled a list of teachers' 100 best books for childr ...

Pop Quiz: What's the most important item in your school desk?

There's always one item a teacher can't live without... It’s the personal items, such as cards from students and gifts from colleagues, they remind me that I am appreciated and what I do is important!Elizabeth Rushton, Master TeacherInstructional Specialist, Humboldt Unified School District Belvita ...

Pop Quiz: What’s Your Best Classroom Management Tip?

Three teachers dish on their No. 1 rule for keeping their classrooms under control. As teachers we are all about being flexible, but the one thing I do not adjust is: Stick to your classroom guidelines from Day One. If they see you waiver on anything, it opens up to always testing boundaries. Molly ...

Pop Quiz: What's Your Best Dollar Store Find for the Classroom?

The teacher aisle's great, but don't miss these other A+ buys. Baskets, baskets, baskets! Teachers need cute ways of keeping things together!Elizabeth Rushton, Master TeacherInstructional Specialist, Humboldt Unified School District Colored bins with handles to use as table baskets in the classroo ...

Watch and Learn: Documentaries for Educators

These insightful films will reignite your curiosity and inspire new learning.For biology teachers: Chasing Coral (Netflix)A team of marine biologists, divers, and photographers document the rapid rate at which coral reefs are disappearing from our oceans. The film is a powerful and detailed account ...

Pop Quiz: What's Your Goal for This School Year?

Making connections and implementing new programs top the list. Make more connections to real world problems, experiences, and life in general to show students how what they are learning now connects to their futures.Molly Reed, NBCTOutdoor Learning Teacher K-5, Tucson Unified School District My goa ...

Pop Quiz: What's Your Go-to Lunch at School?

A packed lunch a day keeps the hangry teacher away... A good lunch will make or break your work day. We all know the horror of forgetting to grab our Tupperware out of the refrigerator in the morning rush, or even just underestimating our mid-day hunger and not packing enough food. Is there anythin ...

Pop Quiz: Which Podcast Should Every Teacher Listen to?

Tune in on your morning commute or while you're cleaning up. If you're not listening to podcasts, you should be. These bite-sized professional development soundtracks are growing bigger and better; in the past year, listenership grew 23 percent!So next time you're walking the dog before you head in ...

Pop Quiz: Who's the Most Underrated Staff Member at Your School?

Some top-notch educators say "thanks." The person who I call when I am having computer issues! Her name is Robyn and she is our district IT person and she ALWAYS answers the phone and is ALWAYS polite. She never makes me feel bad when she has to help me with the same issue over and over!Elizabeth R ...

How to Contribute to a Positive School Culture in 7 Steps

Hint: It starts with you. School should be a joyful, safe place where curiosity runs rampant and motivation thrives. But creating that climate can feel downright daunting. How does one teacher go about transforming a single spark into a community bonfire?Building and maintaining a positive school c ...

Power Up Reading with a Printable

Let’s make reading as easy (and fun) as 1, 2, 3! We hope free, fun printables are the way to your (teacher) heart. Finish off your summer reading list, and print a class set to cultivate learners’ literary goals. Use the pretty printable as bell work, a goal-setting activity, or an at-home, family ...

Practical Prompts for Special Education Teams

Use our new printable to personally reflect and/or begin a conversation with colleagues that will strengthen environments that serve learners with special needs. Special education is a pivotal arm of our learning communities. As educators, are we truly aware of all that goes into individualized edu ...

Practical Resources for Women’s History Month

This March, use these resources to integrate women’s history into your 6-12 classroom. How can you help your students recognize the contributions women have made to the country and the world during this year’s Women’s History Month? These resources are your answer. They will allow you to integrate ...

Practice What You Preach

Tips, tricks, time well-spent … You’re ready to dole it out, but are you listening to your own advice? Let’s face it, #teacherlife is a busy one. Every day, we muster up the energy to instruct, guide, and support a room full of moldable children — if you’re a specialized teacher, multiply that by t ...

Praise A Principal

Pull your administrator aside or drop them a line to let them know how much you appreciate their leadership. We couldn't have said it better if we tried, so we're leaving it up to John Quincy Adams: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader ...

Professional Capital Drives Educational Promise

Teachers often put personal development and learning aside to meet requirements — learn why. When the two words “professional capital” are strung together, one might assume it’s in relation to business or economics. In the case of education, the concept of investing to yield a high return begins wi ...

Professional Development Made Easy: 11 Out-of-the-Box (and Budget-Friendly) Opportunities

Brush up on old skills or learn new ones with these affordable (and, in some cases, free) professional development opportunities. Looking to increase your skills and knowledge? Here are 11 educator opportunities to check out this summer and throughout the year. The Arizona K12 Center offers year-r ...

Professional Development that Sparks Change

How often do you walk out of professional learning a transformed educator? One teacher tells us how a recent experience with the Arizona K12 Center awakened her practice. Sydney Sutton-Liswith is the K-6 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) specialist at Fireside Elementary Scho ...

Professional Learning Plan: Your Questions Answered

Ready, set, goal. Explore how you can help your students learn best with this Arizona K12 Center resource. The Professional Learning Plan can help you support your students’ needs and learning, build a community of teacher leaders, and connect your professional learning with student achievement. Le ...

Put Me In Coach

Teaching is more than a Monday through Friday job, and often the hours are longer than expected. So why would educators contemplate adding more to their plate? Read to learn about the benefits coaches reap. Some might wonder how teachers do it. It’s enough to teach all day, grade papers at night, l ...

Q&A with a 2016 AEF Ambassador, Beth Synder

Candid and honest responses to questions everyone wants answered by a 2016 Arizona Educational Foundation Ambassador for Excellence. Beth Snyder is a sixth grade science teacher at Akimel A-al Middle School in the Kyrene School District. In November, the Arizona Educational Foundation named Snyder ...

Q&A with a 2016 AEF Ambassador for Excellence, Michael Vargas

Fun responses to questions everyone wants answered by a 2016 Arizona Educational Foundation Ambassador for Excellence. Michael Vargas is a freshman physics teacher at Pinnacle High School. In November, the Arizona Educational Foundation named Vargas a 2016 Ambassador of Excellence. The Paradise Val ...

Q&A with a 2016 AEF Ambassador for Excellence, Angelia Ebner

Real responses to questions everyone wants answered by a 2016 Arizona Educational Foundation Ambassador for Excellence. Angelia Ebner is a fifth grade teacher at Maricopa Elementary School in the Maricopa Unified School District. In November, the Arizona Educational Foundation named Ebner a 2016 Am ...

Q&A with a 2016 AEF Ambassador for Excellence, Jennifer Anglin

Genuine responses to questions everyone wants answered by a 2016 Arizona Educational Foundation Ambassador of Excellence. Jennifer Anglin is an eighth grade English teacher at Flowing Wells Junior High in the Flowing Wells Unified School District. In November, the Arizona Educational Foundation nam ...

Q&A with an Arizona Native and Elementary School Teacher

The Washington Elementary School District employee answers 10 questions before she closes her classroom for winter break. Bethany Dean is a first grade teacher at Acacia Elementary School in the Washington Elementary School District. With five-years’ teaching experience, the Arizona native uses tec ...

Q&A with a Reflective First-Year Teacher

A teacher’s first year in the classroom can be tumultuous and overwhelming. First-year teacher Ashley Bloomer reflects on her experiences flying solo in the classroom. Ashley Bloomer is a kindergarten teacher at Westar Elementary School. The Western Michigan University alumna is completing her inau ...

Q&A with a Renewed National Board Certified Teacher, Greg Stafford

Responses to questions everyone wants to ask a renewed National Board Certified Teacher with 21 years of experience in the classroom. Greg Stafford is a physics teacher at Desert Ridge High School of Gilbert Public Schools. Recently, the Arizona Education Association member and father of two achiev ...

Q&A with a Second Grade Teacher in Cave Creek Unified School District

The Horseshoe Trails Elementary School Teacher responds to our questions before adjourning class for winter break. Grace McCourt is a second grade teacher at Horseshoe Trails Elementary School in the Cave Creek Unified School District. In her fourth year teaching, the University of Arizona graduate ...

Q&A with Christine Marsh

The 2016 Arizona Teacher of the Year and former candidate for Arizona State Senate, Christine Porter Marsh, reflects on her historic political campaign. Last year, Christine Porter Marsh decided that it wasn’t enough to give students a voice within the walls of her classroom. As an English teacher ...

Q&A with National Board Certified Teacher, Mary Wimmer

The Phoenix Union High School District employee answers questions about the engaging learners, pie and more. Mary Wimmer is a National Board Certified Teacher at Alhambra High School. She teaches yoga, physical education and health, and is a coach for the cross country and track teams.What is your ...

Q&A with New National Board Certified Teacher, Tara Smith

Authentic responses to questions everyone wants answered by a new National Board Certified Teacher. National Board Certified Teacher Tara Smith is a K-3 teacher at Oro Grande Elementary School in the Lake Havasu Unified School District.What is your go-to idea for engaging reluctant learners?TS: Fir ...

QR Codes in the Classroom

These tips and tricks will get you started. Are you late to the QR code party? Do you have classroom internet and access to tech tools like smart phones or iPads? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with this guide to creating and employing this convenient and engaging strategy with your learner ...

Questions Seeking Answers

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. By all accounts, August 2017 will be one of those marked by tragedy and violence where we saw the best and worst in humanity. Like many people, I struggled to come to grip ...

Quick Q&A with the 2016 Teacher of the Year

Ten responses to questions you’ll want to read answered by Arizona’s newest Teacher of the Year. What’s better than the 12 days of Christmas? —The 12 days of talented teachers! Join us as we get to know a dozen of Arizona’s educators throughout the course of the holiday season. We asked each of the ...

Raise Your Teacher Voice: Gain the Courage and Learn from Those Who Do

Are you looking to develop your educator voice? Discover how Arizona teachers speak up to showcase what happens at the crossroads of policy and education. Whether you’re aware or not, there’s a blog called Stories From School Arizona where 27 educators exercise their voices and defend the teaching ...

Rally Student Interest in Math with March Madness

We encourage current events to collide with classroom curriculum. Here are tips for integrating the NCAA tournament with your lesson plans. Whether you’re a sports fan or not, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) March Madness basketball tournament runs March 14 through April 3. Alth ...

Ramp Up Student Reading

Tomorrow is children's book day! Here are a handful of our favorite books broken up by age group. Elementary students come into our classrooms with diverse reading levels. Whether you read aloud as a class or silently, it’s a great idea to keep these five books on your shelf.Charlotte’s Web by E.B. ...

Recipe for Student Success: Parent Communication

We outline the best ways to connect with parents this school year. Decades of research demonstrates positive teacher-student communication is a key to student success in school.Studies show that students — regardless of family income or educational level — do best when parents feel like they know ...

Relationship Status: Engaged

What would happen if we put relationships at the heart of education, before we ever even considered academics? Radical and inspiring change, that’s for sure. We chatted with two dynamic teachers who are doing just that, Tom Loud and Katie McGhee. Both are first-grade teachers in Tennessee — the fas ...

Resource Roundup

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. The students are settling in, we’re getting into the swing of a new year, and there’s a rumor that fall is around the corner. All is right with the world. Get comfortable, take a load off, and join ...

Resource Round-up: 7 Brain Break Activities that Your Students Will Love

Teach your students the all-important skill of taking short breaks to recharge and refocus with these activities. Yes, AND...: is a fun activity to do as a pair or with the entire class. A favorite practice of improv groups, this activity encourages students to be creative, optimistic, and think ...

Resource Round-up: Our Favorite Student Incentive Programs

From customized certificates to simple gestures of appreciation, check out our favorite ways to reward and encourage your students. 1. Create a tinkering center.Students love to learn how things fit together and come apart. Gather some age-appropriate craft supplies, unused objects, and/or old tool ...

Send the School Year Off Right with These 9 Activities

Standardized testing is over — whew! Help your classroom decompress with these nine ideas. Reduce the testing pressure, promote reflection, and remind your students of how exciting learning can be with these nine activities.1. Use this time as an opportunity to help students practice their soft ski ...

Restorative Practice: What It Is and Why You Need It

10 things you’ll learn from Restorative Practice with Doctors Dominique Smith and Doug Fisher. When it comes to the tricky topic of discipline, so many of us are missing a single vital component: relationships. Without building a meaningful connection between students and teachers, classroom manage ...

Rethinking the Common Pretest

How to use pre-assessments to differentiate and foster student growth. As teachers, being rushed and pressured to teach all standards and goals is the accepted norm. We’re used to having our plates full; we’re well versed in weighing the ever-changing factors and deciding what gets prioritized in ...

Safeguarding Our School Sanctuaries

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. I am numb. I am scared. I am angry.Another school shooting. 17 casualties. I am numb. As I looked at my Twitter feed there was a video posted from a classroom. The teacher ...

Save Time for Civics

Need a reason to buckle down and discuss civic engagement in your classroom? Let the latest #3PsinaPod guests plead the case for doing so. Elections are around the corner and it’s our duty, as role models and educators, to encourage students to get civically engaged. Be sure to listen to the episod ...

School Leadership: Forging Relationships in Schools

Eve Rifkin: “We cannot have systems, large or small, that treat kids as if they’re simply in a pipeline moving along.” Imagine a high school where teachers truly know their students. Administrators and staff, alike, identify learners as more than first and last names on a roster. Instead, the young ...

School Libraries vs. National Parks: Who Gets More Visits?

You might be surprised to know school libraries win — by a long shot. Libraries play an integral role in student education. Even as an educator, you might be surprised to hear just how often libraries are used. The American Library Association (ALA) has collected a breadth of data on this topic and ...

Score Prizes: 3Ps Scavenger Hunt

Listen, learn, and win big! Get spooled up on the Arizona K12 Center podcast in time for the next episode. Follow the directions on the scavenger hunt card and enter to win an Amazon Echo Dot (and more). Listen to “3Ps in a Pod” on your preferred podcast platform, including iTunes, Stitcher, Radio ...

Season’s Greetings: 10 Links to Welcome Winter

Keep your students engaged through the holidays, vanquish clutter in your classroom, and more with these 10 useful resources. ...

Seize the Energy: Transformation Is in the Air

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. I have a confession to make. I have not seen Hamilton, nor do I know the songs or the storyline. The small bit I do know is intriguing, but not enough to get me to pony up ...

Self-Efficacy + Collective Efficacy: Yes, We Can!

Put the power in students’ hands to solve every type of problem. When facing a challenge in the classroom, how do the students respond? Do they feel confident tackling the task? Do they feel overwhelmed and unsure? Self-efficacy determines student motivation, learning, and academic achievement. It ...

Setting Up Successful Student-Led Conferences

Let your students take the front seat and showcase what they’ve learned. A hint at cooler weather, talk of Halloween costumes, and countdowns to fall breaks all remind us that our first round of conferences is upon us. While you may want to stash this trick up your sleeve for spring — especially if ...

Should We be Teaching Kids to Code?

Here’s how our students can learn literacy, logic, and problem solving. Teaching kids to code isn’t necessarily about shaping them into mini computer engineers. It’s about literacy, logic, and problem solving. Trends in education come and go, and while we won’t be trading in recess for more screen ...

Should You Become a Traveling Teacher?

Take these five tips for success if you join the rolling suitcase brigade. For me, the decision was easy.Even my traditionalist mentor teacher told me not to hesitate to leave one big Spanish classroom for a traveling job. A job that allows me to move among three rooms in two schools and share my t ...

Should You Let Kids Redo Tests?

Here’s how to strengthen learners with flexible grading practices. Maybe you’ve got an educational history like mine: when I was in school, retakes weren’t allowed. Bad testing day, careless mistakes or tried-my-best-but-didn’t-cut-it, the reason didn’t matter: Redos were off limits. And there were ...

Should You Turn to Social Media for School Supplies?

No, teachers, you should not have to panhandle for pencils and paper. Back in July, an Oklahoma teacher made headlines after she stood on a highway overpass with a sign: “Teacher needs school supplies! Anything helps.”Initially, the third-grade teacher raised $32 and a lot of awareness. She later a ...

Show, Don't Tell

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Simple Tactics for Captivating Students’ Attention

A Saguaro High School teacher shares how she keeps kids engaged — no Pokémon GO required. Brittany Williams teaches biology, oceanography, and astronomy at Saguaro High School in the Scottsdale Unified School District. As she starts her fifth year in the classroom, she’s extra prepared — she knows ...

Slow Down with Our Fave Resources This Month

We share our favorite teacher-friendly links from the past week. The end of the year bustle can really bring more stress than joy, at least when it comes to my world. With Arizona’s streets crowded with holiday shoppers and our calendars at their fullest, here’s to slowing down and finding happines ...

Social and Emotional Learning: More Than Just ABCs

Here’s why teaching social skills is just as important as academics. We know teachers need mentors. (Just ask this handful of successful educators!) But mentoring isn’t just about suggesting classroom management strategies, offering up helpful lesson plans, or even helping navigate testing standard ...

Speak Up! 5 Ways to Develop Students’ Public Speaking Skills

…Without scarring them for life. Sweaty palms, cracking voices, going blank: Just the thought of speaking in front of an audience can give many kids a nasty case of nerves. But the reality is that no matter what grade level or subjects we teach, the need for our kids to feel comfortable talking in ...

Spread Love Through Literacy

Valentines don’t need to be perfectly crafted by Hallmark or Papyrus. Refine your students’ literacy skills this Feb. 14. Paper, scissors, glue, and markers — that’s about all you need to get your students writing this holiday. Pre-made valentines are great and easy (did we mention we love the ones ...

Spring Has Sprung! 10 Links to Get You Through April

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables.Hello, sunshine! Temperatures are rising fast. Step into the shade and check out this roundup of click-worthy reads. What core skills do teachers need to be effective? Join the conversation. Talki ...

Statewide Leadership: A Bill Becomes a Law

“I realized if I didn’t do something, nobody would.” According to Mike Vargas, teacher leadership isn’t a sprint, but a marathon. The Pinnacle High School teacher and track coach has dedicated the last 18 months to cultivating awareness about a dire reality in our state: There are only 159 physics ...

Stop Asking Me About Your Grade!

Get your learners to invest in their success — and to make an appointment to talk about their grades. Bet I can make you cringe in an instant. Ready?“Mrs. Sparks, what’s my grade?”Ugh. Don’t pretend like you don’t have at least one of these kiddos in your current classroom. Maybe every day for the ...

Stopping the Summer Slide

What’s the perfect summer break length?This summer, many Arizona students will reap 10 weeks off of school. While some may go to educational camps or take classes to get ahead, many will lose (at least a little of) their learning gains.The “summer slide” is nothing new. It’s been shown time and tim ...

Streamline Your Summer in 10 Clicks

Arizona K12 Center curates the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. There may not be anything so savory as waking up without an alarm clock’s buzz. Summer is stretched out before us, and we’re in full-fledged flip-flop mode. Feeling clicky? Enjoy t ...

Stressed? You’re Not Alone

Identify the major sources of teacher stress and how you can handle it. If you’re already missing spring break and the memories of relaxation, you’re not the only one.Nearly half of teachers — 46 percent — report high daily stress during the school year, according to Gallup’s State of America Schoo ...

Striving for Technological Progress — Not Perfection

We preach to our students that while they aim to be their best, they should appreciate the journey. But, are we this gentle with ourselves? One fifth-grade teacher reflects on her goal to better integrate technology in the classroom, while navigating the challenges along the way. Technology can be ...

Structured Writing Inspires Student Creativity

Writing in Design helps students unlock their creativity by giving them structure and confidence in the classroom. Although giving students detailed instruction for writing may sound like it zaps the creative process, Amber Parks from Writing with Design believes otherwise. The Mississippian turned ...

Student Reflection Strategies to Implement Now

Your students need to reflect on the past and the future; switch it up with these ways to incorporate reflection into the classroom. Research shows us over and over that reflection is a critical part of learning. And while “student reflection” is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot, are we all o ...

Students and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

How can we reach these goals by 2030 with our students? In 2015, the United Nations came together to create 17 goals to tackle some of the wicked problems across the planet. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be used as a lens to look at these challenges affecting the globe. Some of the i ...

Students Nodding Off in Class? They Probably Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep

We share no-nonsense tips to help students and teachers sleep better. If a student falls asleep in the middle of a lesson, do you need to reevaluate your teaching style?Probably not.Research from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention suggests that most high school students don’t get enough ...

Students Speak

The first half of the year is nearly complete, but have you checked in with your students through any other means than a test? Here’s why you should use surveys to empower students and enhance their success. Fall is here and the holidays are quickly approaching. It’s likely you (and your students) ...

Summer Plans? You Need This Printable!

Summer will be here before you know it. Download this printable to help your students plan out their vacations (and map out your own!). Are you ready to kick off the vacation countdown? Help your students celebrate summer with this fun 3, 2, 1 Summer! worksheet. Print one for every student to help ...

Summer Prep: Best Practices for Special Education Success

Full-time special needs and general education teachers, listen up! We have tips to prepare for a fruitful school year with your learners. Novice or veteran, preparing for students with special needs can be a challenge. And often, as much as you prepare, you might not fully understand your learners ...

Summer School for Teachers: 3 Skills to Learn

Ace these assignments before heading back to class. School may be out for summer, but we’d be lying if we said we’re not already thinking of the upcoming schoolyear. We’re in prime mode to reflect on the past four quarter’s glories and blunders, and our thoughts are turning to how we can better our ...

Summer Staycation: 5 Ways to Travel the World Without Leaving Home

Teachers and students alike can expand their horizons this summer with these ideas for armchair travelers, city explorers, and more. You don’t need to take an international trip this summer to develop an appreciation for other cultures, countries, and languages. These ideas will help you think glob ...

Surveying the Arizona Teaching Landscape

Just how expansive is the Grand Canyon State’s education system? With one of the fastest-growing populations in the country, it’s no shock Arizona’s education system is massive. In fact, the state has more schools and students than the national average!According to the National Center for Education ...

Sustained Mentor Training Advances Teacher Support

Mentors enhance their abilities by engaging in professional development. The phrase "hard work pays off" may seem cliché, until it’s your reality. According to participating master teachers, the support they receive from the Arizona K12 Center and the New Teacher Center surrounding mentoring is inv ...

Swap Comfort for Culture: Reflections from a First-Year Teacher

With nearly one year of teaching in the books, a Roosevelt School District employee talks about a shift that made a major impact on her teaching practice. About a year ago, Denisse and her classmates were wrapping up student teaching, prepping for final exams, and ordering graduation announcements. ...

Switching Grade Levels: A How To

Leveling up or down could be a revitalizing adventure — or a complicated obstacle course. Navigate your decision with these tips. Moving grade levels can be tricky territory. How do you know if changing grade levels is the right choice for you? Would you be a bitter fit with older or younger studen ...

Switching Grade Levels Doesn’t Have to be Daunting

Two elementary teachers give four tips for making a grade-change swap easier, manageable, and maybe even fun. During the 2016–17 school year, Bethany Dean and Sidney Guarine were first-grade teachers at Acacia Elementary in the Washington Elementary School District. While the former third-grade tea ...

Taking Positive Action in Schools

How promoting optimistic thinking can truly pay off. For our students, social growth is just as important as academic progress. New research shows that social and emotional learning (SEL) is worth the investment: Every dollar invested in SEL programs returns $11 in long-term benefits.The research f ...

Talking to Your Students About School Safety Following Tragedy

Tragedy strikes; it is inevitable. But how we, as teachers, respond can make all the difference in the world. There are some conversations teachers never want to have with their students, and many of these occur after a tragedy in the country, such as an act of terrorism or a school shooting. These ...

Tame the Teacher Shortage: Career Changes

The teacher shortage is an appalling reality that’s far from new. While thousands are leaving the profession every year, there is hope in those who make the leap from another career to serve students in the classroom. Houston (insert any city in the United States), we have a problem. Search the wor ...

Tap a Teacher

Join us as we consistently celebrate greatness in Arizona’s schools. Do you have a colleague who is an absolute rock star teacher? Maybe you’re a student, parent, administrator, or community member looking for a unique way to spotlight one of the greats in your school or district.In an effort to ho ...

Taxes: Investing Today for the Future of Tomorrow

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Every year, I look at my calendar and see where April 15 falls relative to my payday. The reason: I know I will owe money to the state come tax time. As much as I dislike t ...

Teacher Appreciation Week 2018

This year, staff from the Arizona K12 Center share memories and give shout outs to teachers who have impacted them over the years. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all of Arizona's outstanding educators. The Arizona K12 Center staff shares their most memorable moments and favorite teachers.Michel ...

Teacher Leadership in Action: Audra Damron

Parents want to be involved. But oftentimes, they don’t know how. Desert Oasis Elementary School teacher Audra Damron is changing that through Family Learning Nights. This series of eight engaging workshops helps sets parents up with simple, take-home activities following power standards for presch ...

Teacher Leadership in Action: Christie Olsen

Discover what prompted this educator to tackle drastic turnover rates in her district. When the Lake Havasu Unified School District faced 23 percent teacher turnover, Christie Olsen knew she had to do something.“Budget cuts are common across the United States, but it’s deeply personal when it’s yo ...

Teacher Leadership in Action: Eve Rifkin

Discover what drove this educator to create a different model of high school. More than 20 years ago, a student at Dr. Eve Rifkin’s school committed suicide.“What everybody said the next day was, ‘I didn’t really know him,’” she explains. “No one had anything to say about this human being. The sch ...

Teacher Leadership in Action: Julie Kasper

Discover how community inclusion benefits true leadership. Two years ago, Collaborative Engagement to Nurture Talent and Educate Responsively (CENTER) opened its doors. And at the center of its success in the international community is educator Julie Kasper. (Read more about Kasper’s involvement in ...

Teacher Leadership in Action: Mike Vargas

The Pinnacle High School teacher has dedicated the last 18 months to cultivating awareness about a dire reality in our state: There are only 159 physics teachers in Arizona. Mike Vargas has no problem speaking his mind and articulating the problem at hand. But the 2016 Arizona Teacher of the Year ...

Teacher Leadership Initiative Boosts Personal Growth and Empowerment

One national program is revolutionizing teacher leaders in Arizona. In its second year, the Teacher Leadership Initiative (TLI) is moving participants through its curriculum, based on the Teacher Leadership Competencies, in hopes of strengthening the definition of “teacher leader.”Supported by the ...

Teacher Leaders: Molly Reed

Learn how one Tucson teacher turned carrots into a lifelong lesson. Arizona is home to incredible teacher leaders — teacher leaders who dare to innovate and dream of what is possible.When Borton School teacher Molly Reed brought carrots to school one day, they were covered in dirt with the stems an ...

Teachers: Feel Like You’re Not Making a Difference? Think Again

Expecting more from your students can make a big impact. The Pygmalion Effect … have you heard of it? Study after study has shown that people do better when more is expected and in education circles, this concept is called the Pygmalion Effect.The Center for American Progress reports that expectati ...

Teachers + Parents = Student Success

Learn why parents and teachers may be the perfect partnership. We all know: Teachers can’t do it all. A student’s success depends on the student, the teacher and the support at home — whether parents, grandparents or an older sibling. In fact, Harvard Professor Robert Putnam said he would rather se ...

Teachers Say “Making a Difference” is One of the Most Rewarding Parts of Teaching

Altruism is a primary source of motivation for most teachers. Teaching has long been considered an altruistic career — and for good reason! It’s a profession where you can directly impact the lives of students in your everyday work, all the while working through difficult challenges to make that im ...

Teachers Spend Hundreds Each Year on Students — Here Are 7 Ways to Save

From hitting the library to employee discounts, we outline steps to save money on classroom supplies. Every year, teachers spend their own money to provide a better education for their students. The average teacher spends $500, but often the cost can stretch into the thousands.To help with this exp ...

Teacher Tribute: Mrs. Betts’ Impact Endures

As a former educator, Teacher Appreciation Week is nostalgic for Mary Field. The Arizona K12 Center staff member takes a moment to honor one of her favorite childhood teachers. Last year, as I was cleaning out my student library, I came across a book, Gregory, the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat ...

Teacher Week Calls for a Quick Q&A

This year, we’re celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week by spotlighting talented individuals in the field of education. Read this short Q&A to learn more about a third-grade educator from Maricopa Unified School District. Staci Oliver is a third-grade teacher at Pima Butte Elementary School. The ...

Teacher Week Spotlight: Anthony Perez

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and we’re honoring educators from around the state. Read this brief Q&A to learn more about a standout teacher leader. Anthony Perez is a second grade teacher at Sunset Elementary School in the Cartwright School District. Perez is finishing up his fifth year of te ...

Teacher Week Spotlight: Joshua Meibos

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week, and we’re honoring educators from around the state. Read this brief Q&A to learn more about a standout teacher leader. Joshua Miebos is a K-6 physical education teacher at Crockett Elementary School in the Balsz Elementary School District. The Utah native is fini ...

Teaching Digital Citizenship: A How-To

Here’s what your students need to know to navigate the electronic world. It isn’t news that our students’ worlds are flooded with technology. Whether you work at a school where 99 percent of students have access to a home computer (and their own smartphone to boot) or you teach children whose only ...

Teaching Self-Advocacy for Our Children

What to say to parents and students when they don’t see the value. One of the most crucial lessons a teacher can help parents learn and adapt to (in all grade levels and in all discipline contents) is self-advocacy. This skill helps the individual take control of all aspects of their own lives. The ...

Teamwork, Solutions, and the Seemingly Insurmountable

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Like many, I was shocked to learn about the discovery of 12 boys and their soccer coach stuck in a cave. My initial reaction was something to the effect of, “Who in their r ...

Technology Breaks Barriers for ELL Students

English Language Development Technology Specialists support teachers in the Cartwright School District as they utilize technology in the classroom. Technology integration doesn’t have to be a cumbersome item tagged onto teachers’ to-do lists. According to the Cartwright School District’s English La ...

Technology: Everywhere, All at Once

Bringing innovation into the classroom can help teachers tackle different levels of instruction. Teachers across the state are turning to tech to help their students learn more and better. Public schools spend more than $3 billion on digital content annually, and there’s one computer per every five ...

TELL Arizona Survey Extended

To ensure all school-based licensed educators in public K-12 schools have a choice to speak up, the online survey deadline is now May 12. We are in the fourth week of the TELL Arizona survey. As a partner of the project, the Arizona K12 Center encourages every school-based licensed educator in publ ...

Tell < Teach < Involve

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

The 3 Teacher Friends You Need

Team up with teachers who are saying yes to joy, growth, and positive campus climate. There’s a trap waiting for every teacher, and it’s easy to fall into. Here’s how:First, find a coworker. Together, talk down about students. Speak negatively about other teachers. Fear change. Complain, blame, and ...

The 4 Areas Every Great Classroom Needs

Make your walls and whiteboards work for you by incorporating these four areas into your classroom design. August is a great time to redecorate. Incorporate these four elements into your classroom design to create a supportive, interactive student environment.A classroom that isn’t purposefully des ...

The Age of Dinosaurs: Infusing Tech in the Classroom

One fifth-grade teacher explains why she believes technology is critical for her students. It wasn’t that long ago that I knew little to nothing about how amazing Google could actually be. I had no idea what it offered in relation to school and education, how it could apply to my teaching and learn ...

The Answer to Being a Better Teacher is Often Better Questions

Stuck in a questioning rut? Effective questioning strategies can significantly deepen student understanding, without significantly increasing planning time. When we truly boil it down, questions are at the root of all learning. How does that work? Why did that happen? Why didn’t my students underst ...

The Arizona K12 Center Holiday Gift Guide

You can Google “gift guides” or take advice from your friends at the Arizona K12 Center. Here’s our 2018 wish list. The holiday season is here! Regardless of what you and your loved ones celebrate, we’re guessing some shopping is on your December to-do list. Check out the Arizona K12 Center holiday ...

The Beginner’s Guide to Planning the First Week of School

First-time teacher? These 10 tips will make your first week smooth sailing. As a first-year teacher, to say I was intimidated planning my first week of school is a serious understatement.I was terrified.I nodded along in teacher training and staff summer development, taking pristine notes, and atte ...

The Best Part of Teaching: A Self Reflection

One teacher answers why she chose to become a teacher. Throughout the course of your teaching career, you will be asked why you chose to become a teacher. After 10 years in the classroom, this is my favorite question to answer. Far too often, the news portrays education as a bleak landscape. What o ...

The Best Tech Tools You’re Not Using (yet)

We list our favorite apps, software and programs that can revolutionize your teaching! There is a definite benefit to technology in the classroom. As our students become more digitally literate, their teachers must be, as well. It is important for educators to stay up-to-date with the many apps, so ...

The Blurter, the Test Challenger, and Kids Who Won’t Work

Understanding and redirecting students who misbehave. The classroom discussion is rolling along well, and you call on a student who rarely participates. But before that student can answer, a voice calls out from the other side of the room. Momentum is lost and the moment is ruined.You are passing o ...

The Case for Music: Why Every Classroom Needs It

Music motivates us in a unique way, and every teacher should tap into the power it has over students. No one can deny that our brain treats music differently. One of my favorite parts of the movie Inside Out was the TripleDent Gum jingle. It emerges from the subconscious again and again, and there’ ...

The Class of 2032

The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. With the recent spree of gun violence, I’ve found it hard to be optimistic about anything lately. Then, I open my Facebook feed and I see these faces.[gallery ids="3961,3962,3964"] M ...

The Countdown Is On: 10 Links to Help You Prep

We curate the week's best teacher resources, whether lesson plans, book lists, or perfect printables. Summer lovin’ had us a blast, but we are brimming with excitement for the fresh start of a new school year! Here are our picks for this week’s crop of Internet gems for teachers. How do you teach ...

The Dos and Don’ts of Post-Test Learning

After the intensity of statewide testing, how do you create meaningful learning opportunities while avoiding burnout for both you and your students? You’re in the home stretch now — testing is over and summer break is around the corner. But as students get antsy for the end of the school year, it c ...

The Jobs Are Increasing … but Where Are the Girls?

Women are outnumbered by men in STEM jobs and programs. With companies like Intel and Lockheed Martin, STEM careers are aplenty in our state. In 2010, Arizona had 112,730 jobs in STEM fields, and Phoenix ranked fourth as fastest-growing city in the nation for tech job postings in 2013. The Georgeto ...

The Power of Two Avails the Masses

Puente de Hozhó Bilingual Magnet School students learn in a unique environment that stresses the power of two languages. For students and staff at Puente de Hozhó Bilingual Magnet School, each day is as simple as ABC—Academics, Bilingualism, and Culture.Puente de Hozhó is a K-5 Title I School in th ...

There’s Power in Numbers

Professional networks are vital for educators. Here’s why.  Building a professional network with teachers across your district — and the state — can improve your practice in ways that might surprise you. Here’s how. You’ll add to your “toolbox.”Professional organizations offer access to resources t ...

The Secret Power of Doodling in Class

How students can process new ideas through impromptu art. There isn’t a teacher out there who hasn’t caught students drawing on their desks, their books, or even on themselves. It comes with the territory. I used to get incredibly frustrated when I had to remind my freshmen to refrain from drawing ...

The Slippery Salary Slope

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. In 1981, my brother-in-law graduated from law school and I received my undergraduate degree in elementary education. We both went to Arizona State University and participat ...

The Summer’s Best Entertainment for Teachers

17 books, movies, and podcasts for you to soak up this summer. Truth: When it comes to pop culture and entertainment, we teachers like to try to stay in the know. It’s not so much that we’re worried about staying hip — it’s just that we know when we’re working with a younger crowd, keeping relevant ...

The Ultimate Back to School Night Checklist

Lights, camera, classroom! Are you ready for your big premiere? Back to school is quickly becoming a season of its own, thanks to commercials of dancing notebooks on constant replay starting in mid-June. It’s the magical time between summer and fall that has kids anxiously making sure they have per ...

The Warm Glow Effect: 3 Reasons to Be Kind

We share the beneficial effects kids (and adults) get from helping one another. For elementary school educators, the week of Thanksgiving means construction paper hands, roasted turkey cafeteria lunches, and reflecting on what we’re thankful for.But why should we wait until the end of November to c ...

The Warm Glow Effect: 5 Reasons to Be Kind

Kids (and teachers) can reap the positive health benefits of a simple action: being nice to one another. Building a kinder classroom yields all sorts of benefits for teachers and students, from enhancing listening skills to allowing for greater cooperation and sharing opportunities. But did you kno ...

Third Time’s A Charm

As with any dynamic duo, there’s beauty in the balance. This year, two previous technology facilitators are prepping to prove the third summer’s a charm. It will be lights, camera, action from June 10-14, when Joel Wisser and Michael Bailey co-star as facilitators for the Making Media strand at Cam ...

Those Who Can, Teach

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Since second grade I wanted to be a teacher. I remember thinking that is all I wanted to do. Even in college, while people were discouraging me from such a career — “You’re ...

Thoughts on Freedom, Rights, and a Commitment to the Future

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. As I sit in my air-conditioned home getting ready for my annual viewing of PBS’ A Capitol Fourth, I cannot help but conjure up iconic images of this holiday. For me, it is ...

Three Things

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. I remember registering to vote when I turned 18. Like getting my driver’s license, it was another rite of passage, and an indicator I was growing up. Since then, I have vot ...

Spreading Kindness in the Class

Let’s make a statement by creating better student environments. There’s a sound argument for comparing campus hallways to fashion runways. It’s no doubt that our trends get a youthful leg up from our K-12 youngsters. And while I’ll admit to occasionally side-eying my students’ style choices, this y ...

Tips for Learning with the Arizona K12 Center

Wondering how you can make the most out of your upcoming professional learning opportunities? The Arizona K12 Center’s event coordinators organize a list to prompt your personal success. Whether you’re new to the Arizona K12 Center or a veteran friend of the Center, our event coordinators want to e ...

Tips for Staying Positive During Negative Times

Here’s how to survive the break room when conversations turn sour. It’s been a great morning. Lessons have gone as planned, you got some grading done, and you even received a complimentary email from a parent of a struggling student.But now it’s break time, perhaps the most challenging part the day ...

Today’s ELD Classroom

One misunderstanding of those outside of education is that ELL students need to focus on learning language, in a way that is almost removed from content in order to be successful learning English. There are many professional terms used to categorize students who are learning English as a second lan ...

Tolleson Credits Master Teacher Program for Teacher Retention

One district looks to combat teachers leaving profession.Though some cringe at the thought of gathering and analyzing data, educational professionals focused on teacher retention in the Tolleson Elementary School District (TESD) thrive on their numbers. The small district in Phoenix is comprised of ...

Top 10: Wrapping up the Old and Ringing in the New

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Hello, 2019! It is hard to believe we are into a new year, let alone one that is 19 years into the millennium. I feel the older I get, the faster time goes by.As I reflect ...

Top Takeaways: Visible Learning for Literacy

Couldn’t make it to this year’s training with Dr. Doug Fisher? We showcase the top takeaways here. On Feb. 16, roughly 200 educators gathered in Phoenix to learn from the nationally renowned education researcher and author, Dr. Doug Fisher. While it’s impossible to sum up an entire day’s worth of c ...

To Work or Not to Work?

You’re probably wondering if you should be logging hours during your school break. Three educators weigh in. You’ve put in unpaid overtime during evenings, lunchtimes, and even on weekends. A teaching career means there is always one more lesson to plan, one more topic to research, and one more ne ...

Transform Your Passion Into Action

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. Over the years, I’ve met some incredible teachers. As I got to know them, I often realized they are no different from me or friends who have the same job. Ultimately, they ...

Tell Your Teacher Leadership Story

The time is now to nominate an Arizona teacher leader. It’s no secret Arizona’s teachers have a story to share. Whether the area of impact is community, school, district, state, national, or international, the Arizona K12 Center is prompting all leaders in education to speak up and be heard.Because ...

Tricks for Time Management

National Board Certified Teacher LeAnna Wolkis provides us tips for impeccable time management. If you allow it, teaching can consume you. It’s imperative to maximize your TIME — yes, we’re going to use an acronym — so you can feel you are teaching at your peak, while having freedom to enjoy your l ...

Turning an Adversary into an Ally

These three tips can help you handle the class clown. Almost every teacher knows what it’s like to be the victim of a heckler. The lesson is going well. Students are giving thumbs up to show they understand the material. Independent work is about to start. And then … chaos.Whether the disruption is ...

Two Tech Tools You’ll Jump to Use

A teaching veteran reveals two tech secrets that keep her organized in the classroom. SeeSawSnapshot: Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that allows primary students to document, reflect and share their learning with teachers, peers and parents.Are you looking for student-driven, parent-t ...

Using Summertime to Boost Your Creativity

Here’s how to infuse your time off with art. Summer is here, and we know that your to-do list is long. You’ve got friends to see, places to go, and things to do. But we also know that the last weeks of the school year can leave you feeling frazzled and anything but creative.Your brain needs a littl ...

Using Technology to Support Diverse Learners

Discover how you can personalize learning for every student. Here are two truths: No matter the makeup of your classroom’s population, you’ll be challenged with diversifying for skill levels and abilities. When it comes to education, perhaps the most awesome component of technology is its ability ...

Valley Teacher Perfects Balancing Act

A Mesa education vet is changing the state as its only teacher on the Arizona State Board of Education. While some say it’s best to quietly lead by example, others believe it’s important to make one’s voice heard. Amy Hamilton, National Board Certified Teacher, thrives in the threshold between tea ...

Varied Pasts Collide in Educational Careers

No matter teachers’ past, they positively impact students every day.Whatever their history, teachers are responsible for students’ futures. Although one may have planned to become a famous actor or a physician, when found in front of a class, it’s the educator’s duty to directly guide effective lea ...

Video: Learn the Story Behind the Mitchell 20

Meet NBCT Daniela Robles as she helps Balsz Elementary School District colleagues on their path to success.Teacher leadership matters as we work to improve student learning opportunities. In this video you'll meet National Board Certified Teacher, Daniela Robles, as she shares her story and path to ...

Video: NBCTs Share Their Best Strategies

Wondering how to navigate candidacy? Current Arizona NBCTs give you their best tips. You’re balancing a full work day. Revamping lesson plans. Fitting in exercise. Remembering to turn on the slow cooker. And your family, of course.We know you know continuing education is important. We also know it’ ...

Video: Teachers, Why Did You Get National Board Certified?

Thinking of becoming a National Board Certified Teacher? This video might help you decide to take the jump. One day a coworker approached Misha Freeman and suggested that she check out the National Board Certification process. The Arizona educator did just that.“It’s one thing to have someone else ...

Video: The Reasons I Teach

When you’re caught between Netflix binging, lounging, and the need to plan for the upcoming school year, teachers should turn to one another for professional rejuvenation. As if you needed more heat this summer, allow us to introduce you to Northern Arizona University education students and alumni who will reignite your teaching fire within a matter of minutes. ...

Video: Why Mentors Matter to Teachers

Mentors aren't just for your students. See how area teachers found help through the Arizona Master Teacher Program.College can only prepare you for so much. Once you find yourself in a classroom surrounded by 20-plus children or teens, you may (read: will) need more support. The Arizona Master Teac ...

Visible Learning for Mathematics: What Works Best to Optimize Student Learning

Do you find math a struggle? Could your students benefit from more effective strategies to learn math? Are you a teacher who finds math a struggle? Could your students benefit from more effective strategies to learn math? Visible Learning for Mathematics: What Works Best to Optimize Student Learnin ...

Voting Then and Now

Centered: The Arizona K12 Center’s Executive Director, Dr. Kathy Wiebke, offers her education insights in this monthly column. The first time I was old enough to vote was a presidential election year. I remember the excitement that came with this rite of passage. While I took the physical act of vo ...

Walk the Red Carpet at the Celebration of Accomplished Teaching

The Arizona K12 Center always seeks to honor teachers, but they pull out all the stops for this elegant, annual event. Call it what you want — teacher prom or the Grammy Awards of education — but you won’t want to miss the 2017 Celebration of Accomplished Teaching. According to Arizona K12 Center s ...

Ways to Minimize Stress at the End of the Year

These four, easy-to-implement ideas will make your life easier. As summer approaches, every teacher is filled with equal parts excitement and anxiety. Before the reprieve hits, it is a whirlwind of grading, double-checking the standards, and cleaning up your classroom. Here are some suggestions to ...

What Arizona Teachers Really Want This Year

What’s topping your 2016 holiday wish list? Snow on the ground. Political posts banned from Facebook. A one-way ticket to the Super Bowl for Larry Fitzgerald. These may be what we’d really like wrapped up in a sparkly bow this season, but there’s only so much our friends, students, and parents can ...

What Does $47,000 Mean to You?

Discover how many Arizona students live under the federal poverty line. More than half of Arizona students — 800,212 — live in low-income households.In 2013, a family of four with an annual income below $47,248 qualified as low income. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, famil ...

What Does ‘Grit’ Really Mean?

Learn how you can prepare students to overcome real-world adversity with nurture. Giving your all. Not being afraid to try again. Persevering over obstacles and through setbacks. These are all traits we want to impart to our learners to equip them for a rough and tumble world.What is Grit?Grit. It’ ...

What Does Student Engagement Look Like?

Which would you prefer: A silent room or a bustling one? It’s easy to fall prey to thinking that your quiet, working classroom is an engaged one. And it very well could be — but how can you be sure? Student engagement comes in many shapes and forms; one size can hardly fit all.The key to spotting i ...

What Every First-Year Teacher Should Know

So you got the job, and you’re entering your first year as an educator. Having a few tips before the start of the school year can make all the difference. Graduation is behind you, you passed all of the certification exams, and you finally got the call you have been waiting for; you got the job! We ...

What I Miss Most About Teaching

Read this letter from a teacher on hiatus (and try not to cry). ...

What is the Primacy/Recency Effect, and Why Should I Care?

So, you’re a pro at presenting new content, but you may still be sabotaging your efforts by ignoring what research says about your timing. ...

What Is Project-Based Learning?

This teaching strategy helps students strengthen vital creative and problem-solving muscles. In a career where “new” is ubiquitous, it’s easy to feel jaded about the latest and greatest. Each year brings new requirements, new curriculum, new teaching strategies, and new headaches.But what if there ...

What Is the Internet of Things, and Does it Belong in Your Classroom?

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is becoming ubiquitous. How can we prepare our students (and our classrooms) to adapt to this technology? Alexa, tell me a joke. Siri, how many hours of sleep did I get last night? Google, where are my keys?The Internet of Things is just about everywhere — you probab ...

What Makes a Makerspace?

The scope of the maker movement is broad. While some products of the mindset are complex, don’t let fear hinder your ability to kindle students’ creativity. When you think of a “makerspace,” what comes to mind? Across the nation, the “Maker Movement” phenomenon is making its way into science center ...

What Makes a Teacher Leader?

The teacher leadership framework gives actionable insights for educators who want to be teacher leaders. ...

What’s it Mean to be a Teacher Leader?

Maricopa Elementary School Principal Dr. Jennifer Robinson shares her definition of a teacher leader. Undeniably, one of the best things when it comes to being an educator is that the possibilities for personal growth are endless. On our career paths, our work is so dynamic that goals can be set in ...

What Sticks with Students

Understanding the social brain of adolescents can improve your teaching style — here’s how. Every teacher I know has struggled with how to teach so students remember. I personally read as many books as I could find when I first started teaching seventh graders because I was so interested in how lon ...

What’s your best tip for bonding with your level/team?

Laughter + lunch is a surefire bet.Karl OchsnerSeventh and Eighth Grade STEM/1:1 Learning Coordinator, Diocese of PhoenixI have been so lucky to have had wonderful teaching partners. Move your class meeting off-site to bond over eating.  Getting out of routine, and eating in a relaxed atmosphere wi ...

What's Your Favorite Low-Cost Field Trip?

Transport your students with these A+ field trip ideas. Beth Maloney, NBCTFifth Grade English/Language Arts and Social Studies, Dysart Unified School DistrictBooks! The right book can take us anywhere, anytime, to learn about anything. Greg BrobergSixth Grade Humanities, Kyrene School DistrictI lo ...

What’s Your Teacher Leader Manifesto?

Learn what drives one teacher, and help outline your own manifesto. In his column for the Center for Teaching Quality (CTQ), Sandy Merz shares his teacher leader manifesto. The science and technology educator in the Tucson Unified School District certainly is a teacher leader. In addition to being ...

What to Really Think About When Signing Your Contract

Thinking about leaving? Think again. Schools are finalizing their master schedule and planning their following school year, and soon the contracts will be sent out to teachers (if they haven’t already). Who is going to come back, who will retire, and who will leave the profession?For those wonderin ...

What We Learned at Teacher Leader Institute

Three educators share their major takeaways from this year’s event. What transforms an educator into a teacher leader? Tough question. Teacher leadership is just as unique as a student’s learning style — it is complex, personalized, and authentic. Teacher leaders grow and evolve over time, gaining ...

What We’re Learning

We interview Arizona universities about what they're teaching teachers — and how it's changed in the past decade. Arizona is undergoing a critical teacher shortage, and it isn’t exactly hard to see why.A PK-12 educator in Arizona isn’t expected simply to be an excellent instructor, but to be it all ...

What Would Dewey Do?

When was the last time one of your students checked out a book from the library? It’s probably been a while. Here are three ways to make the library a collaborative space. The library has always been a common space for students to gather, collaborate, and work together. This is one of the reasons w ...

What Your Principal Really Thinks of You

Arizona administrators share their thoughts about evaluations. In Arizona’s current educational climate, students aren’t the only one facing higher expectations and rigorous formal evaluations. Over the last decade, educator evaluations have become more systemized, and the heat is on for teachers t ...

When Your Students Won't Work for You, Help Them Work for Each Other

Every teacher, veteran or otherwise, requires specific classroom management techniques to keep the classroom safe and running smoothly. But what do you do when the traditional methods don’t work? Clear expectations, consistency, and routine are three of the major components of effective classroom m ...

Who Can Be a Master Teacher?

We outline the minimum qualifications to apply for the designation. Teachers need leaders. And some teachers need to be leaders. The Arizona K12 Center’s Master Teacher Program helps educators support their peers in non-evaluative leadership roles, acting as mentors and coaches.Interested in taking ...

Why Classroom Design Matters

Learn how wall color and lighting can have a huge impact on your students’ success. You don’t have to be a feng shui expert to know the effects your environment can have on your state of mind. A messy, cluttered house can cause stress and anxiety. Why would it be any different for your class space? ...

Why I’m a National Board Certified Teacher

This is how you can see possibilities instead of barriers. Arizona ranks 19th in the nation for total National Board Certified Teachers. Have you been considering joining the 1,219 educators committed to teaching’s highest standards?The reasons for becoming Board Certified are endless. But consider ...

Why I’m Pursuing National Board Certification

Kareem Neal, 2019 Arizona Teacher of the Year, shares why it’s so important to him. Kareem Neal’s 20-year career in education is nothing short of impressive. With a B.S. in chemical engineering and an M.A. in special education, the special education teacher at Maryvale High School developed the cur ...

Why Renew Your National Board Certificate?

Read why it is important to maintain your certificate and how it may even renew your passion for the profession. National Board Certification is a rewarding process where educators allow their practice to be critically analyzed against a set of rigorous standards. Current National Board candidates ...

Why the Internet is a Teacher’s BFF

See how your web habits match up to other teachers. The internet can be great for sharing memes, life updates, and pinning classroom activities til the wee hours (you know who you are). But sometimes in the classroom it can be a distraction for students, or leave them with quick, easy answers.Acros ...

Why They NBCTed

The National Board Certification process attracts teachers at all levels of experience and causes many different personal responses in candidates. National Board Certification is a process identifying accomplished teaching as measured by Five Core Propositions and the National Board Professional Te ...

Why We Love Teaching

We have nothing but heart-eyes for our job. Here they come: the red balloons, the paper hearts, the candy grams, the oversized teddy bears. School campuses tend to get a little pink, red, and white all over this time of year.This Valentine’s Day, we’re headed in a different direction. We want to pa ...

Why We Must Make Math Relevant

Remember when mathematics seemed relevant? Today’s technological society makes the days of mental math seem archaic. Carol Nowakowski, from the Lake Havasu Unified School District, tells us why we should continue to make math meaningful. ...

Why You Need to Challenge Gifted Students

The cold, hard facts on engaging our brightest students. My coworker and I have a running joke. Every time we’re called into a redundant staff meeting, one of us, without fail, sends the other this nvarchar(max) message from under the table: “We’re about to survive another meeting that could’ve bee ...

Why You Need to Reach Out to New Teachers…

…and how to do it. Remember your first year? Here’s how you can mentor a new teacher to help them succeed. My first year of teaching, the veterans warned me. They said it would be hard. They told me I’d get overwhelmed. They said I’d cry in my car.It was. I did. I bawled.No matter how prepared we a ...

Why You Need to Take a Different Approach

Ready for another school week? We’re here to help! Every Monday, we post one of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you make the grade. Spread the #motivationalMonday and share this with your friends and colleagues! ...

Why You Should Start Your Board Cert Process Today

The deadline is near for this beneficial program. Thinking of obtaining your board certification? The deadline is nearing. Still debating whether it’s the right step for you? Becoming board certified has many benefits for teachers. It represents the highest mark of professional accomplishment, show ...

Wiggle Worms: 4 Ways to Help Fidgeters Focus

Are your classroom fidgeters struggling to pay attention? These tried-and-true tactics are designed to help lessen their need for stimulation. While some students thrive in a “traditional” classroom, others need movement or something more hands-on to keep them engaged. Keep your entire classroom ca ...

Working With Gifted Students During AP Season

AP season can be taxing on your gifted students. Here’s how you can help them prepare for AP testing. ...

You'd Be Surprised About the Benefits of Certification

Doing the research will help ensure your next school year is a great one.You knew you weren’t alone … but did you know there were so many NBCTs in Arizona? You’re still an impressive bunch — after all, there are 50,800 public school teachers in the state and more than 1,100 NBCTs. Compare that to C ...

Young Teacher Makes Campus-Wide Impact

Wisdom and expertise are two benefits of being a veteran teacher, but there’s no discrediting the fresh outlook and potential of a young educator. Read how one recent college graduate is making her mark. Eriann Roberts’ goals have always been clear: become a teacher, serve others, and make an impac ...

You’re Not the Only One Counting Down the School Days …

Some states require 160 days of school, some 190. Pop quiz: Where does Arizona fall? Break out the paper chain! The school year’s just started, true, but it never hurts to look forward. Whether you’re on a traditional or Arizona’s common year-round schedule, the number of school days is the same: 1 ...

Your (Fun) Spring Break Checklist

Jump start your relaxation with these easy ideas. You have a whole week off. What should you do?  First things first: You are going to relax, and you are not going to think about work. (Or at least you should try.) Sure, you probably have grading to do and lessons to plan as you head into the fourt ...

Your Gameplan to Balancing Coaching + Teaching

We set out six rules of the game. Chat up just about any educator about a 40-hour workweek, and they’ll likely laugh in your face. But what about the huge group of teachers that doubles as coaches, going straight from classroom to playing field every day for at least one season a year?While coachin ...

Your Guide to Effective Feedback

How to be timely, specific, and kind (and why it matters). Let’s pretend it’s an afternoon on a day a big assignment is due. What does your desk look like?Oh, the horror. Already, you’re cringing at visions of Everest-esque stacks of papers and projects. Let’s do the math: five classes of, say, 30 ...

Your #PitchPerfect Students

Discover why you should teach your students how to pitch like a pro. We always want our students to have great real-world experiences in front of an audience. Often, though, they don’t get the chance until they’re much older and must unlearn not-so-best practices. They’ve done more presenting and l ...

Your Students Need to Blog: Here’s Why

Discover how students of all ages can cultivate creativity across subjects with online writing. Blogging is a not-so-sneaky way of enticing our students (of all ages and abilities) to get down to writing. At its simplest definition, blog means “web log” and comes off a bit like an online journal or ...

More with "Learning and Growing through Work with Refugee Students and Families with Kathleen Paulsen"

In this week’s episode of 3Ps in a Pod, you heard from Kathleen Paulsen, New Teacher Mentor in Balsz School District, about her journey from being an anxious first-year teacher in a classroom with many refugee students to a mentor to first and second-year teachers working in their own diverse class ...

Breaking News: How to Discuss Current Events in the Classroom

When it comes to discussing current events in your classroom, don’t be scared — be prepared. Students today are inundated with current events thanks to a 24-hour news cycle and constant media alerts delivered to their phones. The complex issues and emotions surrounding these events can be difficult ...

Introvert Alert: How to Support Your Shyer students

Are there students in your class you wish you’d hear more from? Consider these strategies to ensure your quietest kids are getting everything they need. Introverted students, like any student, have unique needs. Understanding how to meet those needs in the classroom is key to hearing more from your ...

Clarity Is Key: A Conversation With Olivia Amador-Valerio

When it comes to the classroom, every second needs to count. Enter The Teacher Clarity Playbook. Dr. Olivia Amador-Valerio, an award-winning elementary school principal, former bilingual teacher, and reading and language arts specialist, co-wrote The Teacher Clarity Playbook with Douglas Fisher, Ph ...

Black Friday Alternatives: 8 Positive Ways to Spend the Day

Ditch the mall this Black Friday and spend the day doing something you’ll feel good about. ...

A Time for Gratitude: Reflecting on Thanksgiving in the Classroom

Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to help your students reflect — on gratitude, thankfulness, and even history. Gratitude is more than just the occasional “thank you” — it’s a special way of looking at the world and appreciating the people, experiences, and challenges we encounter. Expressing gra ...

More with "Digital Leadership to Future-Proof Your Classroom with Eric Sheninger"

In this week's episode of 3Ps in a Pod, hosts Donnie and Angelia introduced you to Eric Sheninger, an award-winning principal and digital leadership pioneer. If you are hungry for more of Eric's insight, check out his blog, YouTube channel, or follow him on several social media channels.During the ...

More from "Impacting Change through New Teacher Support with Dr. Emily Davis"

3Ps in a Pod hosts Danielle and Mary have learned a lot about induction and mentoring from this week’s podcast guest, Dr. Emily Davis.Dr. Davis is a mentoring, coaching, and professional learning expert who founded the Teacher Development Network. She spoke in this episode about the profound shock ...

Closing Achievement Gaps: A Lesson From Dr. Donyall Dickey

An upcoming training explores ways you can shift your school’s or district’s instructional program to make sustainable improvements that can help close achievement gaps. ...

7 Ways to Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the Classroom

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with the help of these meaningful resources. ...

9 Tips for Building an Inclusive Classroom

Make your teaching practice more accessible to all students with these simple strategies. ...

How to Use Data to Support New Ideas in the Classroom

These questions can help drive your classroom’s data-driven decision-making process. ...

More Than Words on a Page: Help Students Benefit From Active Reading Skills

By teaching students how to attack text, teachers can equip learners with something much more valuable than simply being able to “read.” ...

7 Practices to Prevent Teacher Burnout

Teaching is hard at any level, no matter how long you’ve been doing it. Take these steps to help maintain the love you have for the classroom. ...

Teach Students the Value of Knowledge in the Age of Information

Access to information is only one small step on the road to empowerment through knowledge. Teach students how to mine information to gain knowledge. ...

Teacher and student reunite as two teachers seeking National Board Certification

Last fall, two teachers ran into each at the National Board New Candidate Kickoff who hadn't seen each other since 18 years earlier when one taught the other in fourth grade. ...

8 Ideas to Get Your Students Leaping Into Leap Year

Leap year is here, meaning leap day is right around the corner. These eight links will help inspire your leap year curriculum. ...

Campus Culture Matters: 6 Easy Ways You Can Impact Your School

Here’s how you can create positive change at your school. ...

Super Bowl Monday: How to Merge Football and Learning

The Super Bowl is a time for football, snacks and … math? Discover fun ways to incorporate the big game into content like math, history, science, and more. ...

Teaching Students the Power of Poetry

Introduce students to the power of poetry by making it real, relevant, and personal to them. We show you how. ...

15 Heartwarming Tweets About Teacher Appreciation

These 15 tweets tout the awesomeness of teachers. ...

Teaching Your Students About Digital Citizenship

Here’s how you can help your students become responsible and safe digital citizens. ...

7 Ways to Relax Once You Put Your Laptop Away

Sitting at a laptop or a computer all day is a unique form of draining. We offer seven ideas to help you relax and shake off a day spent in front of a screen. ...

The Lessons We Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Arizona teachers share their experiences adapting classroom learning to online instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

On the Journey: An Introduction

We want to document the journey of a new teacher and are partnering with Brianna Winiesdorffer to share her experiences as a brand new college graduate planning on a lifelong career in education. ...

On the Journey: Graduating in the Midst of COVID-19

In our first update with Brianna Winiesdorffer, she shares about how surreal it was to graduate and begin a job search during the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Six Activities to Help Your Middle School Students De-stress

When the going gets tough, you can help your middle schoolers breathe easier with these six simple activities. ...

Why This May Be the Year to Pursue National Board Certification

If you’ve been considering National Board Certification, there’s extra incentive to pursue this distinction now. ...

On the Journey: Winiesdorffer's Why

First-year teacher Brianna Winiesdorffer shares what drew her to teaching and specifically to special education. ...

Book Club Preview: Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

Hear from Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, about why she is looking forward to discussing Bryan Stevenson's "Just Mercy" with Arizona educators. ...

Sheri Ramirez: Teaching with Care and Grace

Meet Sheri Ramirez, a third-grade teacher and NBCT, currently teaching at Linden Elementary in Show Low. ...

Applauding Arizona Teachers in the Midst of Challenge

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on seeing teachers take on the challenges and finding opportunities while teaching online. ...

Treva Jenkins: From Army Officer to Classroom Teacher

Being a part of the military led Treva Jenkins to realize both her love of teaching and of Arizona. ...

More with 2021 Arizona Teacher of the Year Sara Wyffels

We chatted with newly named Arizona Teacher of the Year Sara Wyffels about her practice and also what’s bringing her joy and entertainment these days. ...

Phoenix Union ESPs Transform Systems to Support Students in COVID-19

Education support professionals (ESPs) are an essential part of a school community and preparing students for learning. ...

The Teachers Who Shaped Us

During National Education Association's American Education Week, Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on the teachers who shaped who she has become. ...

Recognizing the Importance of Substitute Teachers

What does it mean for a school district to recognize the crucial role of substitute teachers? ...

Book Club Preview: Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell

Hear from Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, about why she is looking forward to discussing Malcolm Gladwell's "Talking to Strangers" with Arizona educators. ...

Bringing the Newest Distance Learning Support to You

We’re continuing to provide the distance learning support you want. ...

Arizona K12 Center’s Tips for How to Spend Your Winter Break

We know you’re ready for some time away from work and to focus on your relaxation. Here are some ideas for creative ways to care for yourself and others. ...

Hope for 2021

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on the challenges of 2020 and looks ahead to 2021. ...

Introducing the 2021 TLI General Session Facilitators

These three incredible educators will be leading our general session discussions. ...

Strengthen Your Voice with the Engagement Toolkit

The Arizona K12 Center and the Maricopa County School Superintendent’s Office introduce the Engagement Toolkit. ...

On the Journey: Welcome to the New Year

First-year teacher Brianna Winiesdorffer shares about her experiences leading up to winter break. ...

Earth Day Activities for Your Classroom, Regardless of Subject

Celebrating the planet on Earth Day isn't just for the science classroom. We offer thoughtful Earth Day activities and curriculum ideas for every subject. ...

5 Ways to Keep Your Students Engaged Near the End of the School Year

Keep your students engaged and excited — whether they’re learning online or in the classroom — with these five ideas. ...

You’ve Got This! Affirming Teacher Desktop Backgrounds

Make these the background on your computer to remind you throughout the day how great you are. ...

Connecting the Dots: Help Students Spot Interdisciplinary Connections

Instead of telling students what the intersections are, help them develop their own interdisciplinary connections based on the content you teach. ...

Don’t Take It Personally: 360-Degree Feedback

With one semester down, your classroom culture established, and a new semester on the horizon, use December as an opportunity to conduct a 360-degree feedback cycle with your students. ...

Maintaining Momentum: 4 Ways to Ensure Students Stay Sharp Over Holiday Break

Without proper planning, holiday break can slam the breaks on the learning momentum you’ve built with your students. Here’s how you can avoid the post-break classroom lull. ...

De-stress: 6 Relaxing Activities for Your Holiday Break

This holiday break, set aside time for some stress-relieving activities — you deserve it! ...

Professionalizing the profession

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke offers her education insights in this monthly column. ...

Lessons from my Mother

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on the lessons she learned from her mother and how they shaped her work in education. ...

Reflections on a Decade

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on the Arizona K12 Center's work and growth through the past decade. ...

Encouraging young readers: Principal turned teacher inspires with current events

Tim Ramsey retired as a principal, then returned to education as a classroom teacher, where he thrives on helping students love reading and writing. ...

Book Club Preview: Same As It Never Was

Discuss Same As It Never Was by Gregory Michie with other Arizona educators at Postino Central in March. ...

Inspiring the Extraordinary within Teacher Leaders

Join us at this summer's Teacher Leadership Institute to meet and hear about some remarkable Arizona teachers. ...

What to Read and Watch While Social Distancing

Here are some of our suggestions for what to read and watch while you’re practicing social distancing. ...

Making It Count

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on teachers' work during this time of social distancing. ...

Thank You to Our Superheroes, Arizona’s Teachers

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on how technology's role in teaching has changed and her appreciation for Arizona's educators as we enter Teacher Appreciation Week. ...

A Legacy in Arizona Education

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on the late Governor Jane Dee Hull's vision for education in Arizona. ...

Congratulations Class of 2020: A Promise of Tomorrow

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke congratulates 2020 graduates and reflects on the role of graduation. ...

2020: New Challenges and New Possibilities

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on the end of the 2019-2020 school year and looks to the future. ...

Stepping Out from the Middle Ground

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on racism in the U.S. and raising her voice in action as an anti-racist. ...

On the Journey: Before Beginning a New Teaching Job

We're following the journey of brand-new NAU graduate Brianna Winiesdorffer, who now has a teaching position for the fall. Even after accepting the district's offer, there are still several more steps to complete. ...

Introducing “Case Studies in Mentoring”

We wanted to highlight the ways mentors in Arizona schools do their work and partnered with 12 Arizona teacher leaders to share the variety of ways both the work of mentorship and the successes from mentorship can look. ...

7 Time Management Resources for High School Teachers

You may not be able to add more time to your day, but these seven time management resources will make you feel like you did. ...

“It is what it is.”

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on the continued reality of the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Caring for Yourself While Teaching in a Pandemic

Laura Anderson, a school psychologist in Paradise Valley Unified School District, and Allison Carmichael, a mindfulness advocate and a principal in Queen Creek Unified District, share their thoughts as teachers navigate this new school year. ...

On the Journey: Her Own Classroom

In this third update with new teacher Brianna Winiesdorffer, she shares about preparing her classroom and readying herself for the start of the school year. ...

8 Anti-Racism Resources Specifically for Teachers

Educators need to be intentional about addressing racism in their work and life. These anti-racism resources are crafted specifically for teachers. ...

Executive Director’s Book Club: Reading for Equity

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke shares about the creation of her Executive Director's Book Club and announces the four books the group will be reading and discussing this year. ...

Sarah Garcia: Inspiring Students in Ganado

Sarah Garcia shares about how her upbringing and time as a student impacts her teaching today and how National Board Certification and her connections with students keep her inspired. ...

An Inspiration to Vote

Arizona K12 Center Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke reflects on the importance of voting. ...

What We’re Reading with the Arizona TeacherSolutions® Team

Looking for a new book to inspire and elevate your practice? We have a few suggestions. ...

Sleep: An Important Part of Quality Teaching

There's always so much to do, and sleep often gets pushed until later. Here are three apps that might help your sleep cycles. ...

On the Journey: Beginning the School Year

First-year teacher Brianna Winiesdorffer shares with us how she's adjusted to her first few weeks of teaching in this ongoing series, "On the Journey." ...

Mentoring in a Pandemic: What’s Different, What’s the Same

So much has changed this year, including how we teach and mentor. We spoke to new teacher mentor Ginny Sautner about what has changed but also the important pieces of mentoring that will always remain the same. ...

Recognizing the Village

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on American Education Week and the variety of people that make a school successful. ...

49 New NBCTs for State 48

See who the newest National Board Certified Teachers in Arizona are. ...

On the Journey: A Teacher 'Among Us'

We checked in with first-year teacher Brianna Winiesdorffer about the stretch of weeks between fall break in October and winter break in December and how she's tied the popular game 'Among Us' into her classes. ...

Building Up Teacher Leaders Through 'TST'

If you’ve been looking for a way to take your practice deeper and in community with other teacher leaders, the Arizona TeacherSolutions Team may be the opportunity for you. ...

How to Build a Foundation of Induction and Mentoring

How does your school or district support beginning teachers? We can help. ...

Does It Feel Like a New Year Yet?

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on how 2021 is going so far and shares some updates about upcoming Arizona K12 Center events. ...

Building a Robust Support System for Beginning Teachers

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, shares about the induction she experienced as a new teacher, her role later as a teacher mentor, and the Center's vision for mentoring new teachers. ...

Book Club Preview: The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

Hear from Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, about why she is looking forward to discussing Colson Whitehead's "The Nickel Boys" with Arizona educators. ...

On the Journey: Same Class, New Students

We're following the journey of first-year teacher Brianna Winiesdorffer, who is now nearing the end of her first year of teaching. ...

Expanding Our Support of Arizona’s Newest Teachers

Thanks to $2.5 million from the Arizona Department of Education, the Arizona K12 Center is set to expand its reach and support new teachers at 23 sites across the state with comprehensive induction and mentoring. ...

Looking Ahead After 16 Months of Pandemic Teaching

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on the closing of the school year and 16 months of pandemic teaching and shares her ideas for what to do next. ...

Four Reasons to Be at Teacher Leadership Institute this Summer

Here are a just a few reasons you'll want to be at the 16th Annual Teacher Leadership Institute! ...

How to Pay It Forward to Your Teacher Coworkers

Show your fellow teachers you appreciate them with these small — but mighty — gestures. ...

The Power of Parent Feedback

Harness the insights that only parents can provide with these simple tips. ...

On the Journey: Finding Guidance Through Mentorship

We're following the journey of first-year teacher Brianna Winiesdorffer, who is now nearing the end of her first year of teaching. ...

Understanding the Past and the Present for a Better Future

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on the need for a fuller understanding of our country's past and present in order to build a better future. ...

The Importance of Play for Educators During Summer Break

Don’t just rest this summer break — recharge! ...

An Introduction to Place-based Learning

Connect your students to their communities with place-based learning. ...

9 Myths about National Board Certification

You've probably heard some of these misconceptions about the National Board process. But what's the truth? ...

5 Questions That Help You Get to Know Your High School Students

Get acquainted with your high school students with these prompts that will help you break the ice. ...

3 Back-to-School Tips for the 2021-2022 School Year

Returning to school on the heels of a pandemic is uncharted territory — for teachers and students alike. We offer three tips to help you prepare for the school year. ...

Supporting You as You Support Students

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, shares memories of preparing her classroom for the school year and introduces a new way the Arizona K12 Center is supporting Arizona teachers. ...

On the Journey: Growing Through the Year

In our final update of the school year with Brianna Winiesdorffer, she reflects on how she's grown through the past year and her excitement for continuing her teaching career. ...

Technology Trends That Are Sticking After Remote Learning

Remote learning brought challenges, as well as innovation. We review the tech tools that teachers are bringing to the classroom after remote learning. ...

Bring the Constitution to Your Classroom

This Constitution Day, explore the Constitution with your students — no matter the grade level or subject. Here’s how. ...

On the Journey: Meet Katee Hurst

We are again following a new teacher through the first year of teaching. This year, we'll be sharing about Katee Hurst, a second-grade teacher in Queen Creek. ...

3 Simple Ways to Collaborate with Your Fellow Teachers

When teachers share their ideas and skills, everyone wins. Here’s how to make that happen. ...

How You Can Raise Student Achievement in the Classroom

A look at how National Board Certification can help you improve student learning outcomes. ...

Coming Together for Beginning Teachers

What can help raise schools' teacher retention rates? Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, explains how quality new teacher induction and mentoring can transform Arizona schools. ...

Affirming Students Through Art in Candace Greene’s Alhambra Classroom

Candace Greene, NBCT, is a champion for her students and their identities both inside and outside the classroom. ...

Data, Equity, and Emotions: What We’re Reading with the Arizona TeacherSolutions Team

The Arizona TeacherSolutions Team is again exploring three fantastic and powerful books this year. We invite you to check them out too! ...

The Choices We Make

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on the power of a quote from popular Apple TV show Ted Lasso. ...

A New Pathway for Arizona Teachers

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on her start as a teacher and the dream of creating a teacher residency program in Arizona. ...

Addressing Thanksgiving in the Classroom

Apply these strategies for a meaningful and respectful Thanksgiving discussion in your classroom. ...

How to Prepare for an Evaluation Without the Stress

Here’s our advice for a stress-free evaluation preparation plan. ...

What Happens When the Honeymoon Phase Ends? 5 Tips for New Teachers

New to the classroom? These five tips will help you gain the confidence and support you need for long-term success. ...

What If You Have to Retake a National Board Component?

National Board Certified Teachers who had to retake components along their journey share advice for how to persevere through a retake year and continue pursuing your goals. ...

On the Journey: Facing Disappointment in the First Year of Teaching

In our series following first-year teacher Katee Hurst, she shares about the challenges she is facing as she nears the midpoint of the school year. ...

How to Shift Away From the Mindset of ‘We’ve Always Done It This Way’

Retrain your brain and welcome opportunities to do things a new — and perhaps more effective — way. Here’s how. ...

Reminders on How to Be a Highly Effective Teacher and Have Work-Life Balance

It’s not impossible to be a top-notch teacher without sacrificing valuable time with your family. Here are reminders on how. ...

On the Journey: Beginning Again After Winter Break

First-year teacher Katee Hurst reflects on completing her first half of a year as a teacher. ...

How To Accelerate Learning While Acknowledging Academic Gaps

COVID has drastically increased the academic gaps teachers have to overcome with their students. It’s a difficult task, but not impossible — here’s how to find success doing it. ...

5 Ways To Get Parents Involved in Your Classroom in the Age of COVID

With classrooms mostly closed to visitors, teachers are shouldering the classroom responsibilities parents used to help with. But even with mitigation plans in place, it’s possible for parents to get involved in your classroom. ...

Gotcha! 5 Ways To Make Students Laugh on April Fools’ Day

Your classroom is a sanctuary for students to learn, grow and mature—and should also feel like a fun place to be. With April Fools’ Day coming up, it’s the perfect time to show your students a good time and get a chuckle or two in return. ...

Testing Outcomes Matter, but Students Are No. 1 Priority

Statewide testing happens every spring, but teachers and students often dread it. And although the stakes are so high and test results matter, our students should always come first. Here are our top tips for how to show your students you care about and value them, even when testing days are so regimented and difficult — from both a mental and emotional standpoint. ...

Arizona Celebrates 68 New, 101 Renewed or Maintained NBCTs in 2021

Join us in celebrating the NBCTs who achieved, renewed, and maintained in 2021! ...

Your Complete End-of-School-Year Checklist

With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, use our comprehensive checklist to finish out the last few weeks strong. Plus, we offer ideas on how to prep now for the fall semester to make your life easier during summer break. ...

Enough Is Enough

Executive Director Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, reflects on the continued tragedy of shootings in our schools. ...

Tips for Growing National Board at Your School

Steven Humble, NBCT, a science teacher at Desert Meadows School in Laveen, has become a leader for National Board Certification in his district and the state. Here, he shares some of what he's learned about building a program. ...

Restorative Practices 101: An Intro to the Approach, Its Origin, and Benefits

What is the restorative practices approach to discipline in education, where does it come from and why is it so important in today’s world? We break down the basics you need to know about restorative practices and offer ways to learn more about this approach. ...

Summer Break Brain Benders: 6 Ways to Stay Sharp During Summer

As teachers, we spend the last few weeks of the school year harping on the importance of our students using their brains over summer break and offer ways to do so. But how can we keep our brains sharp during the summer lull before the fall semester begins? Here are ways to keep your mind engaged during summer break. ...

Your Complete Back-to-School Checklist

Before we know it, summer break will be over, and the fall semester will be in full swing. Don’t get caught off guard and leave yourself scrambling around to prepare. Use our back-to-school checklist to start preparing now. ...

Beginning Teacher Toolbox: Your Guide to First-Year Classroom Management

Kicking off your first year as a teacher comes with many nerves and challenges that can feel overwhelming. The last thing you need is to feel stressed out by navigating how to manage your classroom. To help, we put together this handy guide to get you — and your classroom — started out on the right foot. ...

Back-to-School Hacks: 8 Ideas for Setting Up Your Classroom

It’s time to start thinking about setting up your classroom. Here are eight ways to make your classroom environment highly conducive to learning — and success. ...

Best Practices for Dealing With Late Homework

While there are different views on the use of homework, late homework may be an inevitable part of your teaching experience. If you choose to use homework, you also have to decide how you will address tardy assignments. Here, we offer ways to handle late homework. ...

How to Handle Teacher-Student Interactions Outside of School

Here’s how to handle unexpected encounters with your students outside of the classroom with finesse. ...

How to Ensure Parent-Teacher Conferences Are Meaningful and Valuable

Turn parent-teacher conferences from chaotic to constructive with these suggestions. ...

The 6 Best Ways to Incorporate Movement Into Your Lessons

Here are six simple and effective ways to get students moving in the classroom. ...

4 Ways to Work Through Your Mid-Semester Lack of Motivation

Here are the best ways to reignite your motivation so you can finish the second half of the fall semester with a bang. ...

How to Manage — and Overcome — First-Year Teacher Doubt

Defeat first-year teacher doubt with these six simple strategies. ...

How to Discuss Politics and Election Results in the Classroom

In a country divided with so many strong opinions swirling around, it’s increasingly difficult to create a safe space in the classroom to discuss politics and election results. Here we offer tips on how to handle this subject matter in a respectful way. ...

Your Complete End-of-Fall-Semester Checklist

The fall semester will soon be over and winter break will be here before you know it. Don’t let the second semester catch you off guard — use this guide to head into break on a strong note and get a jumpstart on the second half of the year. ...

‘Tis the Holiday Season: How to Explore Different Traditions in a Respectful Way

The holidays are a time for excitement, joy, and wonder. But it’s important to remember that not all students have the same backgrounds and celebrate with the same traditions. Here’s how to navigate the holidays while ensuring everyone is respected. ...

4 Winter Activities for Early Childhood Education Classrooms

Winter is upon us, which means increased excitement about cooler temperatures and more time outside — especially in Arizona. Here are funs activities you can do with your early childhood students to get in the winter spirit. ...

Arizona welcomes 74 new NBCTs; 178 maintain certification

These teachers have earned or maintained the highest certificate an educator can achieve in the United States through a process that enhances their teaching practice, ultimately better supporting Arizona’s students. ...

Reflecting on 17+ years at the Arizona K12 Center

As Dr. Kathy Wiebke, NBCT, prepares to retire, she reflects on her time leading the Arizona K12 Center. ...

Arizona Science Center Teams Up with Arizona Teacher Residency Program to Offer Hands-On, Dynamic Training in Science Teaching

The Arizona Science Center and the Arizona Teacher Residency are partnering together to provide residents with hands-on, dynamic training in science teaching. ...

Embracing Math as an Elementary Generalist

Here are five considerations for setting yourself and your students up for mathematical success. ...

Three Themes of Support for New Teachers

Christie Olsen realized she was sharing the same advice with her daughters when they encountered challenges as the new teachers she supported in her school district. Here, she shares those three themes of support. ...

Arizona Teacher Residency: A Year in Review

As the Arizona Teacher Residency prepares for its second year, Academic Program Coordinator Stephanie Edgerton reflects on the past year and the one ahead! ...

Celebrate Pi Day with These 3 Ideas

Larry Olsen, a math coach in Lake Havasu Unified School District, shares three ideas for celebrating Pi Day in your classroom. ...

Arizona K12 Center announces Daniela Robles, NBCT, as new executive director

Robles has long been passionate about supporting Arizona’s educators and the work of the Arizona K12 Center. ...

Three Shifts to Inquiry

Deepen students' learning with these ideas, from Mark Paulsen, NBCT, to add more inquiry to your classroom. ...

Three activities to get your students engaged in their learning

Add variety to your classroom activities with these ideas from Mark Paulsen, NBCT. ...

The Power of Math Instructional Routines

Spur math class conversation and learning with instructional routines! ...

Four Needs of Foster Children in Your Classroom

Educator and former foster parent Angela Buzan shares what educators need to keep in mind to support the foster children in their schools. ...

Four Tips for Keeping Students Engaged in Math Class

Larry Olsen, a math coach in Lake Havasu Unified School District, addresses strategies for keeping students attention. ...

Graham and Portillo join Center Board of Directors

Kim Graham and Dr. Dani Portillo are joining the Arizona K12 Center Board of Directors. ...

Announcing a National Board STEM Cohort

Any educators teaching or interested in STEM-related subjects can pursue National Board Certification alongside others teaching and working in STEM. ...

Governor’s Grant Expands Induction and Mentoring Support in Arizona

The Office of Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has awarded the Arizona K12 Center more than $2 million to expand it's induction and mentoring work in Arizona schools. ...

Recognizing Systems Prioritizing a Financial Commitment to National Board

More than 50 Arizona school districts provide a stipend or some sort of financial incentive to NBCTS. ...

Four Tips for Teaching English Learner Students

Inez Ramirez shares her top strategies for teaching English learners. ...

Getting to Know Your English Learner Students

Inez Ramirez shares three recommendations for connecting with English learners. ...

Celebrating 84 new, 124 maintained NBCTs in Arizona

These teachers have earned or maintained the highest certificate an educator can achieve in the United States through a process that enhances their teaching practice, ultimately better supporting Arizona’s students. ...

The Tulip Effect: A Reflection on Teacher Leadership

Christie Olsen reflects on the lessons tulips hold for teacher leadership. ...

How Whiteboards Can Transform Science Learning

Mark Paulsen, NBCT, suggests three steps to grow engagement and learning in your science classroom. ...

Announcing Our 2024-2025 Events Calendar

Check out our events for the next year! ...

Bring the Arizona K12 Center to Your District with Customized Support

The Arizona K12 Center can partner with you to bring research-based customized training and support to your school or district. ...

Our Approach to "Robust Mentoring" in Induction

The ADE Teacher Recruitment and Retention Task Force has recommended schools host an induction program with robust mentoring, an approach that mirrors the Arizona K12 Center's Arizona New Teacher Support Program. ...

Ten Districts Top List of Arizona Public Systems Most Financially Invested in National Board Certification

More than 50 Arizona school districts provide a stipend or other financial incentive to NBCTs, but here are the Arizona public school districts offering the most significant financial incentives in the state this school year. ...

Celebrating 84 New, 109 Maintained Arizona NBCTs in 2024

We are proud to announce that Arizona has 84 new and 109 maintained National Board Certified Teachers! ...

Arizona K12 Center


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