April 12, 2016

6 Reasons to Sign Up for Lesson2Life

Jump on your chance to participate in a unique learning opportunity called Lesson2Life with the Arizona K12 Center.

Whether we realize it or not, summer is just around the corner. No need to fret over the 100-plus temperatures yet, but you will want to reserve your spot for the Arizona K12 Center’s Lesson2Life happening May 31-June 2.

Lesson2Life, formerly known as PASS, is a professional development opportunity designed to bridge the gap between classroom and business through the integration of the Arizona State Academic Workplace Skills Standards. The Lesson2Life program brings education and business together to better prepare students to be career and college ready with the skills necessary to be successful citizens in a rapidly changing world. It allows teachers to see firsthand the skills needed in today's workplace while educating businesses about the current reality of today's education system.

While the list could extend further, we’ve compiled our top six reasons you need to grab a friend and register for Lesson2Life today! Don’t miss the chance to:

  1. Meet likeminded educators.

  2. Network with valley businesses.

  3. Understand the college- and career-ready skills needed to prepare students for their future.

  4. Tour and become more knowledgeable about local businesses, such as the Amazon Distribution Center, American Furniture Warehouse, Chase Field, the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, and many more!

  5. Get a jump-start on next year’s lesson plans.

  6. Earn professional learning hours at an affordable cost. (Only $50 for a three-day event is unheard-of!)

Still not convinced? Watch a brief video about Lesson2Life. Then, head over to the event page to learn more and register.

Arizona K12 Center


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