September 3, 2015

Breaking Down the Arizona Education Budget

Gov. Doug Ducey rocked the education world in March with further cuts to schools, whether K-12, community colleges or universities. Included in these reductions is a slash of $113 million in district additional assistance funds. Combining 2015 and 2016 cuts amounts to $352.5 million total — an 83 percent reduction compared to the district additional assistance formula, according to the Arizona Education Association. The district additional assistance formula accounts for capital funding and soft capital costs such as classroom materials and supplies.

The budget wasn’t a total loss for Arizona’s educators and students. K-12 education will receive $74 million for inflation funds schools did not receive during the recession.  In August 2014, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Katherine Cooper ruled the state owes public and charter K-12 schools $1.6 million over five years; this is the state’s second payment.

Want lawmakers to care about education? Learn more about Take Your Legislator to Work Day here.

Arizona K12 Center


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