February 4, 2016

Believing in Our Students: Arizona Kids Deserve a World-Class Education

We want students to get a great education, but how do we achieve that goal?

This probably won’t shock you, but the vast majority of Arizonans believe all children deserve a world-class education.

But how can we make that a reality?

Expect More Arizona, a partner of Arizona K12 Center, has the following set as 2016 priorities to try and achieve such a goal:

  • A long-term solution to increase education funding that focuses on equity and excellence in results and allows schools to attract and keep great teachers and principals.

  • The passage of Proposition 123, as one important step toward a sustainable and dependable funding plan for K-12 education.

  • Restoration of the $30 million FY17 cut to Joint Technical Education Districts/Career and Technical Education, which is a proven strategy for increasing high school graduation rates and engaging disconnected youth.

Despite the obstacles teachers face every day, week, month and year, you are at the frontline of having an impact on students. Even if you may not have all the best equipment or resources, just your involvement and high expectations for your students can help them succeed in school and life.

Don’t believe us? Learn more about how your expectations affect students.

Arizona K12 Center


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