March 10, 2017

Your (Fun) Spring Break Checklist

Jump start your relaxation with these easy ideas.

You have a whole week off. What should you do?  First things first: You are going to relax, and you are not going to think about work. (Or at least you should try.) Sure, you probably have grading to do and lessons to plan as you head into the fourth quarter, but take some time for yourself. Your mind and body will thank you. Here are a few things you should do during spring break.

1. Sleep in! Nothing’s more relaxing and rewarding than sleeping past what your alarm would be for Monday morning.

2. Check off your (fun) to-do list. If you have a stack of great books or a mental list of restaurants you’ve been meaning to check out, now is the time to do it.

3. Scope out future field trip locations. You’ll often find Groupon deals for Wildlife World Zoo, the Phoenix Zoo, or even the Arizona Science Center. Score!

4. Start your own (or a classroom!) garden. Need some outdoors inspiration? Learn about two Phoenix Elementary School District superstars who planted a garden for their kiddos.

5. Go back in time … and put your phone away. Take your significant other or a pal on a daytrip where no phones are allowed (unless you desperately need directions), and enjoy the company.

6. Nothing. When was the last time you stayed on the couch in your comfy clothes … preferably with a book in hand or your Netflix queue ready to go? That’s what we thought…

Still worried about getting school stuff done this week? Our advice: Pick one day to conquer lesson plans and test prep. Then, commit to take the rest of the week for yourself. Enjoy!

Arizona K12 Center


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