November 10, 2016

5 Tips for a Safe Learning Community

Learn how to give your students an open learning environment.

A safe classroom is a successful one. Here are five intuitive ways you can cultivate a safe learning community for learners of all ages.

1. Build a community.

The beginning of the semester is the perfect time to get the ball rolling, but it’s crucial to build community throughout the year — especially as stress mounts for both students and teachers.

2. Always model kindness.

Could your classroom use a kindness jar? A kind classroom is one that promotes all learners’ achievements, whether on the playground, field, or desk. Remember, too: A smile goes a long way.

3. Laugh with your students.

We know our students academically inside and out … but that is such a small part of them. What’s one way to get to know them and have fun in the process? Have lunch with them. We promise there will be lots of laughs and new knowledge.

4. Enforce expectations.

It’s your job to create rules. It’s their job to follow them. But now it’s back to you for enforcement —protect everyone’s right to learn.

5. Students take ownership.

Whether you’re fostering student reflection or encouraging students to think independently, it’s a win-win situation when students own their education.

Arizona K12 Center


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