March 24, 2016

CTE in Today’s America

Ever wondered how career and technical ed compares today to past decades?

The education system is evolving, and so is career and technical education (CTE). Gone are the days of vocational education hidden in the furthest reaches of a school, for the kids who decidedly weren’t going to college. CTE in the 21st century gives students high-tech and career-relevant education they can use, whether in coding or aviation.

And while it’s true U.S. public high school CTE enrollment has dropped slightly — from 88 percent in 1990 to 85 percent in 2009 — CTE trends are changing with today’s students in mind.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, enrollment rates decreased in business, manufacturing, computer and information sciences, engineering technologies, and repair and transportation.

What’s on the upswing? Communications and design, health care, public services, and consumer and culinary services. Students, on average, earn 3.6 credits of CTE credits.

Want to learn more about CTE in our state? Read Igniting Arizona’s Economy to discover why career and technical ed are crucial in today’s world. 

Bridge the gap between classroom and business at this year’s Lesson2Life program.

Arizona K12 Center


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