November 28, 2016

8 Things You Should Know About the Noticing Tools Apps

The Arizona K12 Center Brings the New York Hall of Science to Phoenix on Dec. 8-9.

Whether you are signed up for the training or are interested in Teaching STEM Through Art and Design on Dec. 8-9, here are eight things you should know about the free Noticing Tools apps.

  1. The five, free apps were developed by experts at the New York Hall of of Science
  2. The app suite includes a collection of lesson plans and curricular resources to be used in tandem with the technology
  3. The apps are supported by Google Drive
  4. Serves a broad range of learners, both in age and ability
  5. Adds variety to teaching methods in non-traditional ways
  6. Both students and teachers are makers
  7. All five apps can be used in conjunction with one another
  8. A great outlet for project-based learning

Participants will receive high-quality instruction on the apps, while also familiarizing themselves with the 50-plus lesson plans available for classroom integration. The two days of hands-on learning will enable teachers to bring the technology into the classroom, feeling well prepared to engage students in meaningful learning.

Arizona K12 Center


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