S9 Episode 7: Social-Emotional Learning from a Distance and in Person with John and Jessica Hannigan
We hear time and time again how important relationships are and how social-emotional learning needs to be a constant part of teaching. While we know their importance, it can be challenging to actually put into practice how we envision, especially as we navigate virtual and hybrid teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
3Ps in a Pod hosts Angelia and Kathleen talk with Dr. John Hannigan and Jessica Hannigan about their understanding and approach to social-emotional learning. As the authors of “SEL From a Distance: Tools and Processes for Anytime, Anywhere,” the Hannigans have explored why social-emotional learning is so important and how it can be integrated into teaching across the country, no matter the teaching situation.
The Hannigans share with Angelia and Kathleen about that broader view of social-emotional learning and how to humanize virtual or hybrid teaching along with specific tips and strategies.
The Hannigans base their work on the social-emotional learning core competence areas from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). You can read more about those at this link.
You can find the full list of John and Jessican Hannigan’s books by visiting their Amazon authors pages linked here: books by Dr. John Hannigan and books by Jessica Hannigan. You can also check out the Facebook group mentioned in the episode, Equity in School Discipline, at this link.
Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.