February 27, 2020

S7 Episode 7: Teacher Leadership as Inquiry with Kass Minor

Meet one of our three keynotes who will be speaking at the Fifteenth Annual Teacher Leadership Institute: Elevating Student Voice through Teacher Leadership. Kass Minor shares about her unexpected journey into education and how her early experiences working in education led her to exploring the concept of inquiry.

Today, Minor partners with schools and uses inquiry to develop school communities and address problems of practice.  A crucial part of her work is helping school communities understand teachers as researchers and curriculum builders. She and her husband and life partner, Cornelius Minor, also run The Minor Collective, which specializes “in helping schools reach their most complex learners by changing the practices that marginalize them.” 

Minor talks about how she expects teachers will leave this summer’s Teacher Leadership Institute feeling “charged and not alone” in this work.

Near the end of the episode, you’ll hear Minor talk a bit about sand cats with Angelia and Mary. Find photos of this adorable creature here.

Use the supplemental linked here to guide reflection on this episode individually or with your PLC!

To learn more and purchase the Professional Learning Plan Angelia mentioned, go to this link on azk12.org. You can also learn more and register for the Fifteenth Annual Teacher Leadership Institute at azk12.org or bit.ly/20TLI.

Arizona K12 Center


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