January 16, 2020

S7 Episode 1: The Year Past and the Year Ahead with State Superintendent Kathy Hoffman

Hosts Mary and Angelia start off this new season of 3Ps in a Pod by catching up with Arizona State Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman. Superintendent Hoffman shares about her first year in office, her highlights and challenges, and what keeps her smiling and optimistic about education in Arizona. Hoffman also talks about what’s coming up this year.

Beyond 2020, Hoffman discusses how her team is overseeing the development of a new state assessment to replace what’s been known as “AzMERIT” in the 2021-2022 school year and a new science assessment aligned to Arizona’s new science standards. The Arizona Department of Education will be gathering feedback about the new assessments this year.

Hosts Mary and Angelia also mention that Superintendent Hoffman will be speaking and congratulating Arizona’s newest and newly renewed National Board Certified Teachers at the Eleventh Annual Celebration of Accomplished Teaching on February 8. You can RSVP to attend the Celebration at bit.ly/11thAnnualCoAT.

Arizona K12 Center


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