S11 Episode 6: Cultivating Curiosity with Trevor MacKenzie
Trevor MacKenzie is back on 3Ps on a Pod to talk with hosts Kathleen and Marlys about inquiry-based learning and what that truly looks like in the classroom.
MacKenzie is a teacher, author, and speaker focused on the power of inquiry in learning. He will also be leading this summer’s 2nd Annual ATA Beginning Teacher Institute.
MacKenzie talks with Kathleen and Marlys about what inquiry-based learning is and how it looks different than classes that aren’t inquiry-based. He speaks to the values that are a part of inquiry, including building a culture of relationships based in “psychological safety and vulnerability and openness.” He also shares how inquiry is like the trunk of a tree with branches that include project-based learning, problem-based learning, and some other frameworks and describes the sketchnote ‘The Tree of Inquiry,’ which demonstrates those relationships.
While some teachers may be intimidated to move into inquiry-based learning, MacKenzie explains that they may be thinking of ‘free inquiry,” which is the “deep end” of the inquiry pool. He references the sketchnote ‘Types of Student Inquiry’ that shows the other levels of inquiry-based learning students and teachers can explore.
This summer, MacKenzie will guide new teachers in how to integrate more inquiry into their teaching. If you’re a teacher who will be in your first three years of teaching this fall, join MacKenzie and other new teachers June 22 through 24 for the 2nd Annual ATA Beginning Teacher Institute. Google’s former Education Evangelist Jaime Casap and 2021 National Teacher of the Year Juliana Urtubey will also be leading sessions. Learn more and register at azk12.org/BTI22.
Find more of Trevor MacKenzie’s resources at trevormackenzie.com. Learn more about the Arizona K12 Center at azk12.org.