March 20, 2025

Mentoring for Different Learning Needs (More Than Mentoring, Part 3)

Dr. Andy Kahn of returns to 3Ps in a Pod to talk about what to know about students with learning and thinking differences and also how mentors can help teachers in supporting these students, all on this third episode of our series on More Than Mentoring.

Dr. Kahn asks both teachers and mentors to have a working knowledge of our classroom and students in a holistic and meaningful way. Mentoring cannot only help teachers prepare for the content and logistical elements of what needs to be delivered in the classroom but also for the emotional aspect as well. Mentoring is a way to support a growth mindset, set teachers on a path for success, and set students on a successful path of learning and growing as well, he shares.

3Ps Host Juliana Urtubey, NBCT, and Dr. Kahn also explore Universal Design of Learning and how this approach can support early career teachers as well. Dr. Kahn provides realistic examples of how UDL can be applied to our practice to support learners and mentees and create environments that help to remove the stigma some students experience and lower demands teachers may experience.

Dr. Kahn reinforces the idea of modeling what we expect from our learners. He asks us to stay mindful of modeling how we navigate through moments of need or dysregulation and navigate executive functions; we are establishing the environment that we hope our learners and mentees will feel comfortable demonstrating back. Dr. Kahn asks us to evaluate our practice: if we are asking mentees or learners to do more than we are willing to do ourselves, then we need to reassess and determine what we are asking and why.

Dr. Kahn leaves us with thoughts around flexibility that unlock learning opportunities that will serve our students in ways that help them feel safe, engaged and support lifelong learning. 

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Being an educator in the 21st century is indescribably complex. There’s a constant pressure to meet standards and help students achieve, but there’s also a need to allow learners to color outside the lines in an effort to prompt creativity. To support educators along the continuum, the Center developed “3Ps in a Pod” to further dissect practice, policy, and passion in the field of education.

Arizona K12 Center


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