July 18, 2016

Pop Quiz: What's Your Go-to Lunch at School?

A packed lunch a day keeps the hangry teacher away...

A good lunch will make or break your work day. We all know the horror of forgetting to grab our Tupperware out of the refrigerator in the morning rush, or even just underestimating our mid-day hunger and not packing enough food. Is there anything worse than teaching on wobbly legs and a hunger headache?

Don't let that hungry teacher be you! We're rounded up some of our favorite lunch ideas, below. (And, if all else fails, there's always the cafeteria.)

If you love the slow cooker...
39 Crock-Pot Recipes That’ll Last You All Week from Greatist

If you're packing a protein punch...
18 Easy High-Protein Recipes from Real Simple

If you're short on time...
Fast & Fresh Brown-Bag Lunches from Sunset


Arizona K12 Center


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