August 20, 2015

Fact: Teachers are (Far) More Educated Than the Average American

Public school teachers are continuing on to higher education — find out how many.

In the United States, a master’s degree is the exception, not the norm. In fact, only 8 percent of Americans have completed a master’s degree or higher. Teachers, on the other hand, are seven times (!!!) more likely to have a master’s degree. High five!

And consider this: A master’s degree in education from an Arizona university can cost upward of $36,000. The 30-credit degree can be completed in five to six semesters (see: about two years). That’s a tall order, considering the average Arizona teacher makes $46,358 annually, according to the National Education Association (Note that this factors in many teachers with master’s degrees and the consequent pay bump. Beginning teacher salaries average at $31,689.)

It’s clear Arizona teachers are committed to furthering their own education. Still don’t believe us? Learn more about the huge number of Arizona Master Teachers here.

Arizona K12 Center


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