National Board Certification
Advance your practice, improve student learning
Beyond gaining the title National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT), this certification process provides you the opportunity to deeply reflect on your practice. Created by teachers and for teachers, National Board Certification is tailored to your teaching, your content, and your specific students. Learn more about National Board Certification core propositions.
5 Core Propositions
Through National Board Certification, you will demonstrate how your teaching addresses both content-area-specific standards and the Five Core Propositions:

The Process
Within one to three years, you will complete four components.
Component 1
Is a computer-based exam to assess your knowledge of your chosen content area.
Component 2
Will have you will prepare a portfolio showing how you differentiate your teaching for students.
Component 3
Often called the video component, includes footage of you teaching along with a written analysis of your choices about your learning environment and student engagement.
Component 4
Requires you to share how you gather your knowledge of students, how you use assessments to inform your teaching decisions, and how you grow your own professional learning.