Going Deeper into the Distance Learning Playbook Virtual Workshop with Doug Fisher

Prerequisite: Participants must have previously attended a Distance Learning Playbook Virtual Workshop through the Arizona K12 Center or a Virtual Distance Learning Playbook Institute through Corwin.

We are excited to offer this unique training for $99 to educators working in Arizona. If you are registering for this event from outside of Arizona, please call 1.602.443.6444 to register at the price of $199.

The crisis teaching of spring 2020 is behind us and now we are utilizing distance learning, whether fully or in hybrid models, to get on with schooling. The field is learning about what works and what doesn’t at breakneck speed. The purpose of this workshop is to bring forward the latest in effective practice in virtual spaces by extending the foundational work established in the Distance Learning Playbook. Each segment of this institute is driven by a major question:

  • What is the status of emerging best practices for learners at different ages?
  • What considerations need to be taken into account for young learners?
  • What does college- and career-readiness look like for high school students?
  • In what ways are vulnerable students, including those with disabilities, English learners, and homeless youth, being supported?
  • How have synchronous and asynchronous lessons ensured clarity?
  • How are the needs of families being addressed to deepen partnerships between home and school?
  • How are school leaders and instructional coaches supporting educators?
  • How are we assessing and reporting student progress? How do we determine our impact?

Each of these questions is addressed through the use of new videos, templates, and planning tools gathered from practitioners throughout the world. This workshop will take a deep dive onto the Distance Learning Playbook, so make sure to have your copy on hand.

The Going Deeper into the Distance Learning Playbook Virtual Workshop includes:

  • An interactive virtual workshop that more deeply explores the nine modules of the Distance Learning framework and provides space for inquiry and collaboration.
  • An opportunity to focus on creating meaningful distance learning experiences and utilize feedback. 

Additional Information

Prerequisite: Participants must have previously attended a Distance Learning Playbook Virtual Workshop through the Arizona K12 Center or a Virtual Distance Learning Playbook Institute through Corwin.

Please contact Kristin Moon at kmoon@azk12.org prior to November 25, 2020 if you require accommodations (such as closed captioning) for this virtual event.

Dates & Locations

Event Time

Dec 05, 2020, 09:00 am - 03:00 pm

Check-in Time

Dec 05, 2020 at 08:45 am



Registration Fee

$ 99.00

Registration Deadline

Nov 27, 2020

Add to Calendar

Arizona K12 Center


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